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I Did It and I'm Proud - It is now on the record

frustrated78's picture

Had my annual physical today.  While there I started telling the Doc about the SD, the wills, and even how she has stolen from me.   He asked questions and, unfortunately, I started to cry as it is emotional and difficult to talk about.

How she was going after H when he was in the ER for his heart about his will and later how H woke up from a dream that the door bell rang and it was the Grim Reaper who said he was here for H.  I know that shook him up.

He didn't say much about her but when I said that she scared, and stopped, he encouraged me to go on on and I finished with saying the begesus out of me.

Anyway, after the exam, as he left the room, he gave me a very strong handshake and told me that if the situation continues to let him know.

I just hope he does not think I'm the nut.  I asked him if he heard this stuff before and he just nodded yes.

frustrated78's picture

Oh, when I was telling him all that I also pointed out that she has never taken us out for a burger, ice cream, shopping, or anything just to help us out.  That she has stolen from me, I know she has it, she knows I know, and when I told her how much I wanted it back as it has such sentimental value to me.  That fell on deaf ears with her.

I don't know what the doc could do if it continued, but at least her behavior is on record.

CajunMom's picture

he's a mandated reporter. That's not just for kids. It's for the elderly, also. Your SD's behaviors should be considered abusive because they ARE. I can imagine he's seen a lot in his practice. Consider him "in your corner." Definitely keep him abreast of what's going on with that evil woman. SMH

So sorry you are dealing with this.

frustrated78's picture

Thank you.  I was starting to feel like it was just me, that perhaps I was being too critical etc. because H blows this off outwardly, but like later with the nightmare shows it bothers him.

It was difficult to get it out and I hope I made sense as I was crying.  I did point out that she doesn't help us out - she's too busy.  WAy back when there were a few times she offered but would call at last minute and cancel.  Usual excuse was that she had a cold and (get this) she was concerned because she didn't want to give it to us.  It is always look what I am doing for you, aren't I great.  Of course she never rescheduled.

The incident in the ER with H's heart was June 4th, that was when she was pestering him about his will.  Not trying to comfort him with the problem, but what was in it for her.  I mean, who the h*ll talks to someone in the ER about their will?  That comes up AFTER one dies.

She started with me about the will on June14.  I didn't like it as it made me feel uncomfortable, but she talked about how she was really looking after me, that we really need three wills, H's, Mine and one in case we both die at the same time.  I stopped her, but I could tell by the look she gave me she wasn't happy.

H and I are a second marriage, she is his daughter from his first marraige.  She is terrified that she isn't going to get anything!  He didn't have much when we married, I owned a house (our starter, so to speak) had all the furniture which we still have, etc.  So pretty much all of what we own was from me.  

frustrated78's picture

And I now see something for what it is that I didn't pick up before.  The cutting off contact with H, not answering the few calls he made to her, etc.  is a way of trying to manipulate him.  I looked up a few articles on elder abuse.  Yep, right on.

Not that she has ever been real close with him before unless she was looking for something or wanted to cry to him about how she was the victim.  And we have probably been invited to her house about 15 times since we have been here (13 years).

notarelative's picture

we really need three wills, H's, Mine and one in case we both die at the same time. 

Three wills. SD obviously failed her law school class on wills and inheritance. 

Trudie's picture

...'dependent' is the key word regarding elder abuse. Sadly, if one is of sound mind that changes everything.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

I agree. Airtight wills while both are of sound mind. OP gets power of attorney if he becomes incapacitated. This may be how it is anyway for a spouse depending on wjere you live but better to have it stated. Idk if what was reported meets criteria for a mandated reporter as far as the doctor calling. If SD does anything shady as far as try to get him to sign papers for something, OP should report to adult protective services herself. 

frustrated78's picture

Wills have that poison pill line in them that if anyone should contest it, they would get nothing.

frustrated78's picture

FWIW, one of the things she was on me about when she started talking to me about wills was whether we, H and I, had combined our finances.  You see, this is a second marrige for both of us abiet we have been married 30 years!  IMHO it was a way to try to get insight into how to work things.  Believe me, she is not asking out of concern.

I told her, quite firmly, it was none of her business, period.

She is very manipulative, usually with the boo hoo hoo's and H, he is so easy going.  He always feels bad about the divorce, though it was his ex that left.

H is a good man, he pays his bills, paid his child support, doesn't drink, etc.   When I met him he had just finished paying off child support and had bought his first new car in years.  He was so proud of it. 

Rags's picture

Docs are mandatory reporters and if he determins that there is elder abuse from SD towards you and her father he will report. 

Hopefully that hurdle has been met and this toxic Skidult spawn will get a visit from the authorities.

Take care of each other.