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Opinions on SS getting ALL the child support money

NakedBee00's picture

DH informed me when SS17 turns 18 DH plans on signing over the monthly child support ($700) check he get from BM to SS17. Child support goes to 21 here.  DH "reason" is he wants to teach SS17 responsibilities in handling money( not sure if that's the real reason as DH has been known to lie regarding SS) DH then went on to say SS17 will have to use that money to pay his car insurance and monthly car loan and other things he may want. 

Personally I think it's BS and just another long line of DH coddling/spoilling Step brat. I told DH if he gives SS the full child support check then SS should move out and pay his own way. DH did not agreeing and this is one fight I WILL not win. 

So I'm looking for two things. 1. Honestly am I overreacting or has others done similar to what DH is going to do?

2. Regardless DH has made up his mind. I have 6 months before this "deal" kicks in. Advise on how I can handle this without losing my mind thinking lazy spoiled SS is getting yet another free hand out and both DH and I will be working till we die


Rumplestiltskin's picture

Oh. In that case, i still think it's a bad idea. It's that much less money that will go toward your household budget. Plus SS will become dependent on that money just like a BM, and will suffer when he turns 21 and it (supposedly) dries up, much like a BM whose kids are aging out. 

CLove's picture

DELETED<If your husband wants to hand over cash to SS...> 

Hmmm. So he wants to just shunt the cash to SS? And you have no say so?

Id be upset.


advice.only2's picture

Are your and DH’s finances separated?  If they aren’t I would start working on getting that done.  This way if in fact SS17 does not end up paying his bills and DH continues to cover him it is coming straight out of his pocket and not your shared money.  It would appear your DH has done nothing too little to prepare SS17 for what reality is and paying bills, handing him an extra 700 on top of whatever DH continues to cover for him is not going to make SS17 suddenly realize how to budget and manage money.

NakedBee00's picture

DH has always been a Disney dad so even before we got married I knew there was no way in hell we would share a bank account. Totally agree DH is as much to blame as BM as far as what a total failure SS is. 

ESMOD's picture

If his son will still be living in your home.. then the CS is meant to defray and compensate your SO for his Ex'es portion of the cost of that support.

I don't have a problem, in theory with your husband using the money to pay for your SS's insurance and vehicle costs. .(assuming the kid has a reason like school or work to need to drive).

I think it's a mistake to hand over that full 700 though.. without stipulating.. oh.. and your "rent" is also 200/month.. and your car payment is 250 and your insurance is 100.. so you have "net  150 to spend on incidentals and fuel.

Sure.. helping his kid learn to handle money isn't a bad thing.. but just handing over the cash without monitoring and ensuring the money isn't used on useless crap is not going to teach the kid anything.

I would also factor into things how your finances are generally in the household. . can your SO pay for 2/3 of the costs of the home without needing this money?

CLove's picture

Teaching a person about the value of money is also teaching them the expense part of things. Like what it costs to actually just LIVE.

I would also think about the portion of expenses that you cover vs DH covers. Husband and I pay 50/50 on mortgage, taxes, bills. When SD18 Powersulk is with us I dont buy food or sundries. I let him take that on.

notarelative's picture

I missed how handing $700 a month teaches responsibility. If it takes care of his needs (insurance, car repairs, etc) and DH provides room and board, than everything SS earns goes for fun. At 21 he has a kid who has no idea of managing money.

Plus what are the odds that at 21 when child support ends is DH going to cut him off? My guess is no and DH'll continue to pay him out of his funds.

I doubt you can stop DH from this path. But, you can make it uncomfortable for him. Add up your house bills - mortgage, taxes, utilities, etc. Figure out the cost locally to rent a room and deduct it from that amount. The remainder you divide in two. SS pays the room cost. DH and you each pay the half amount. If SS does not pay, DH pays his share. If you don't have a joint house account to utilize for this, get one. 

Food is another issue. At a very minimum I would not buy anything special for SS. If he wants X for his snack, he needs to buy it himself. If DH does the food shopping, go over the bill and itemize any just for SS. DH either pays that himself or asks SS for it.

A much better plan, in my mind, is for DH to put some of that money aside. Either for some future schooling for SS or, if SS becomes responsible, toward a house down payment or wedding gift.


NakedBee00's picture

DH is digging his heals in on this one BUT I want to make it as uncomfortable for BOTH DH and SS. Half the problem is DH has/has crappy parents so DH is trying to Overcompensate with SS. I think this is the REAL reason DH is doing this. Sure I get it you always want your kid to have better BUT DH takes it over the top. DH has a good middle job BUT due to his Inability to say no to SS has put him in Financial trouble living pay check to pay check. THANK GOD we have separate back accounts and DH has NO clue how much money I have in the bank and I plan to keep it that way. 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

SS should pay rent and part of the grocery bill and utilities if DH gives him the child support money as it is suppose to help with living expenses. This is one of the dumbest ideas I have ever heard. If DH wants SS to have the money, he should put it away in a college fund.

Winterglow's picture

If BM gets wind of this, could she take him to court to stop paying as he clearly does not need nor want it if he's giving it all to a kid who stays at home and has no bills? I'm pretty sure she'd love to not have to shell out 700 a month.

Giving his son this money would make a mockery of the whole CS system. If he wants his kid to learn about money, he should be helping him find a job. You learn a helluva lot faster when you earn it yourself. 

Harry's picture

To make up the money the household looses.  And DS must start paying for things.  Room and board. Total cost of running your home divided by the number of rooms. Each room pays X amount each month.  FOOD  total food bill of household divided by 3 he pays 1.3 of food.  He pays his medical insurance, his dental bills and any  other thing he wants . Car,car insurance, cell phone 1/3. Ect, ect. Make a spreadsheet and list all money going out each month  and to who.   Internet. Cable tv. 

Rags's picture

CS is paid by the NCP to the CP for the support of the kids.  It is not paid to the kids. 

Responsibility would be SS having a job to earn the money to pay his insurance.   A 17yo has no business getting  nearly $800/mo  in allowance.

That is a recipe for disaster.

Daddy is naive.

dragonfly878's picture

Well, as a legal adult he can pay 1/3 of the household bills. Hill to die on. If he's living with you- you only contribute 1/3 to the house. DH can do what he wants- but so can you.

Winterglow's picture

And, as an added bonus, you get to tell DH that getting his son to  pay his share of the bills (which is what CS is for) is the best possible way to teach him how to be responsible with money.

dragonfly878's picture

Exactly. And I'm not just talking groceries... mortgage... heat, electric, car insurance, cell phone, groceries, cable/internet... EVERYTHING get split 3 ways. Only contribute 1/3 until he moves out for good. Unless your husband pays 100% of the bills- divert your finances into your own account and then transfer funds into the account where you pay your bills... 

Beachbumbabe's picture

The purpose of child SUPPORT is to assist the parent finacially who is SUPPORTING the child. The way the son learns financial responsibility is if he gets a job and budgets the money. Is he still living in your home? Eating your food? Taking showers? Using the internet? Is he still in school or going to college? If my mom handed me $700 a month at that age, I doubt I'd be saving it and balancing my check book. I don't know how well I could tolerate DH making up his mind and having the final decision about a situation he lies about in the first place. Don't forget that you can make final decisions too!