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Help please - inappropriate touching allegations

YorkshireMum's picture

Hi everyone 

I am new here and honestly have joined in crisis. Yesterday I found out that my stepdaughter (8) has disclosed to her birth Mum and adult half brother that I have touched her genitals inappropriately. She has then said the same thing at school. 

I have not heard anything from any agency or authorities as yet. Apparently she is being interviewed on Thursday. I am in the process of seeking legal advice - someone is going to ring me this afternoon to explain the process and advise me on what action they believe I should take. 

Now for a little background. Birth mother has previously called social services on me for allowing my stepdaughter to go with my son (10 at the time) to walk approximately 60 seconds away to the shop, crossing no major roads etc. Social Services did contact me but were very much of the opinion that this was 'parental differences' and nothing that they would see as a risk of harm to the children.

Birth mother is extremely manipulative, attempting to cause as much chaos and drama in her ex-husband's (my partner's) life. There have been several other 'dramas' about various things including us getting my stepdaughter's hair trimmed when it had not been cut for years and was in a terrible condition. Birth mother as far as we know has no social services intervention but honestly there are so many reasons why she should but my partner does not want to sink to her level and believes that nothing good would come of it. She in the past has allowed my stepdaughter (6 at the time) to self-medicate with cough medicine, she often doesn't provide dinner til extremely late at night, teases stepdaughter etc, I could go on. No physical abuse, just elements of neglect. 

So now birth mother will not allow stepdaughter to come to our house. My partner has to visit her at birth mother's house but birth mother allows him to take her out. 

My partner believes me that nothing inappropriate has occurred. We believe that it is more likely that birth mother has coached her to say these things. There is also the possibility that stepdaughter has become fed up with me holding her to account for her actions and establishing/maintaining boundaries for her, which it seems doesn't really happen when she is with her birth mother. Stepdaughter definitely does have an incredibly manipulative streak, unfortunately I feel that she is her mother's daughter and seeing how her mother navigates the world has enabled this to become a learned behaviour. My partner does not believe that stepdaughter is 'smart enough ' to do this to try to get rid of me/cause trouble. And obviously he wants to believe the best of his daughter. 

My partner has spoken to his daughter privately about the allegations and she has held her story. When he explained what I have said (the truth!) she hesitated, looked a bit sheepish but repeated the same story about me touching her even after she told me to stop. 

I have reached out to friends and family for support who have been amazing. I have recorded the full details thread to needle about exactly what happened and in what order so I don't forget anything before I am interviewed which I expect I will be. 

My partner and I have reflected that we have allowed me to be put in a dangerous position as I am the default parent for all the kids (I have 3 who live with me and my partner). My partner accepts that if there is to be any relationship where she visits our house in the future that I cannot be left alone with her or do any parenting relating to her. However, we were a family when she stayed with us and things were fine. Stepdaughter gets on very well with my kids who don't understand why she isn't visiting. They see her like a sister. I don't want to have to live like that seeing her as a constant threat to mine and my family's safety. 

Any help or advice would be much appreciated. 

ESMOD's picture

You absolutely need a lawyer.. and this is a very serious allegation.. and this does put your ability to be with your children at risk.  

Ultimately, the end result may not be what you want which is that you and your SO may need to take extreme measures to protect you.. like him living separately from you when he has his daughter for visitation.  Cameras in your home if she comes etc..

I pray that they are able to come to the truth.. I hope there were, in fact, no situations where you were alone with her in situations where the contact could have been misconstrued (dressing her for example... bathing her).   A step parent needs to be very careful.. especially in drama situations that they aren't in a compromising position.

CajunMom's picture

Get yourself an attorney. And this will certainly change the dynamics of your "family." No way would I EVER be around that child alone again. Nor would my bio children be around her. What if she falsly accuses them?  Your SO should be concerned, also...he could be her next victim.

I don't play with these kinds of lies. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, it infuriates me when "false allegations" are used to hurt another person. You have way too much to loose here. I'd also ask my attorney to look into any protections you can put into place considering the BM has made her own false allegations against you. 

I'm sorry you are in this position. Take care of you and your kids.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Damn. Echo what has already been said: this is bad. Very bad. I'm so sorry. My SO's brother has a daughter who was coached by BM to do similar. I feel sorry for the kid but BM has effectively ruined her as a member of your family. Your SO bred with crazy and this is the result. There are no awards for parenting a stepkid whose BM is alive and vindictive, only punishments. 

Kes's picture

I am so sorry to hear what has happened to you, and I agree with other posters, you need legal help, which it seems you are getting, and to put up VERY strong boundaries in future.  Like Rumplestiltskin says, BM has effectively ruined SD as a member of your family.   I encountered something not all that different when my stepdaughters were young.  BM accused my DH of abusing them and told him she had reported him to social services.  As, at the time, I worked in a public facing role not dissimilar to social services, I could not afford to be tainted with such allegations.  So I suggested he phone them immediately and when he did, they had never heard of BM or her daughters! It was all made up. 

From that point on, I made it a firm rule that I was NEVER alone with either of his daughters, not even for a minute.  It would just have been not worth it.  Then, in 2019, my older stepdaughter made up an allegation about her stepfather touching her bum inappropriately, (she was 24 at the time), almost leading to a divorce.  I believe this to have been a complete fabrication, but once these things have been said, you have to go through with the consequences.  I suggest you take all steps possible to protect yourself, no matter the consequences to your SD and her father. 

CajunMom's picture

DHs youngest daughter accused both of us of "mental" abuse. Never mind she considered our "rules and expectations" as abuse from her childhood (made this allegation in an email as an adult). Regardless, she could have caused me a lot of trouble as I have clearance to work in schools and  my volunteer work with abuse survivors. DH sent my more false allegation and you will prove them in court as I WILL sue you. Not sure if he delivered it but she went silent. That was near 10 years ago. I have not been around her since. 

Harry's picture

DH is allowing BM to cause these problems.   He must pick a side. He can not play middle man trying to please everyone and actually pleasing no one.  You must protect yout kids. Even if it meabs the end of this relationship. 

CLove's picture

Because this can possibly cause your children to be taken away from you.

Because this will not ever end.

Because your SO will be forced to choose who to believe and who to support.

Because this might also happen to YOUR kids.

My story - I was accused of "harrassing" SD18 Princess Powersulk Do Nada, and then her mother rounded in on me, and now husband has taken "her side", and did a shout down at me somewhat recently that caused a major league tension headache that put me out for a few days time. Husband knows in his heart of hearts that I did nothing wrong, but because Feral Forger SD25 has been on a litany of "you chose your whore of a wife over your own chiiiiiiiiillllllddddd" because he did not give her money for a late phone bill she was unable to pay by herself because no job...

Thats just ONE experience.

Im so sorry you are going through this!

In the meantime, nanny cams and zero contact with her. Shes not to visit your home at all.

Thumper's picture


Better lawyer up and demand a forensic exam and interview of the child. Hopefully CPS/social services is already on this.   Your "partner" can put the money out for your attorney too. I would make HIM pay every freak'n penny. 

In the mean time, I would plan my exit and  drop this dude like a hot potato. None of this is worth loosing your job, your parents/siblings/friends/community and  the threat of jail etc.

Keep us updated, ok? 





MorningMia's picture

I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I could never imagine being around that child again. Ever. She is dangerous. I don't know if you and your partner can navigate things in that way; if not, I'd exit the entire situation. These kinds of allegations, as others have mentioned, can put your custody of your own children in jeopardy and can certainly impact your livelihood. 
I wonder if a psychiatrist can evaluate the child and provide a report? 

Merrigan's picture

I would be 100% out in this situation, lawyered up and ready to divorce. Nothing is worth losing my job and financial independence. Nothing is worth going to jail for. And if I had kids, NOTHING would be worth losing them. 

YorkshireMum's picture

Hi to everyone who has commented so far. I am aware of extremity if the situation hence wanting some wisdom from people who have been through similar situations or at least well aware of the nightmare that is blended families/stepchildren. 

I have spoken to the legal adviser this afternoon so I feel as prepared as I can be for the process I am about to go through. Before reading these replies I had already made the decision that myself and my kids will not have any contact with the SD in the future, she is not welcome in our home. The relationship is done, she is no longer part of my family. I have to protect myself and my children. 

I don't know where this leaves my relationship but right now that is a significantly lower priority than defending myself against this fabricated filth. I have spoken to my ex-husband at length about the situation so he is aware. He fully supports me, obviously as he is a good man and a good father. 

Apparently she is being interviewed tomorrow so I am prepared for some contact tomorrow or the day after. I will ensure that I have the legal representation and that my partner pays for that. He has put me at risk. 

Rags's picture

I would go scorched earth on BM. Get a lawyer, counterfile with CPS listing the facts of neglect in BM's home, file a defamation lawsuit against BM. Put an RO/PO on the SD keeping her out of your home and away from you and your kids. She is dangerous. Though she is definately the BM's pawn, this could cost you your own kids.

Zero tolerance for either BM or SD until SD ages out from under the CO when she reaches the are of majority. Even then, be very wary of this shit failed family spawn.

I am happy to hear that your family and DH are being supportive.

Dollbabies's picture

this would be very satisfying but I would be concerned that this would be viewed negatively as retaliation and thus curry favor for the SD with the court system.

An accusation of a minor of sexual abuse whose story remains the same under different avenues of questioning is going to be very difficult to beat. Unless she is obviously coached or describes incidents that could not have taken place the court believes the minor which is good - except when it's not true, as in this case. 

Rags's picture

How about fighting it reasonably then going scorched earth after winning?  IMHO this kid has zero place in the home or family of the falsely accused SP.  The lying BP should be living in a refrigerator box under the local overpass.

Be reasonable then destroy.

I probably would if I was the targeted SP.

I have visions of serving BM with a stack of lawsuits right after the Judge gavels the ruling on the SA case.  Of better yet, have a PI serve her when she is at a kid event with all of her friends and neighbors present. "Lying POS, you have been served.... 6 times!" Or whatever number fits.


MorningMia's picture

I'm all about scorched earth after the accusations are deemed unfounded/false. What a nightmare. 

BethAnne's picture

It seems like you are well prepared and have a strong support system around you.

We were interviewed once by CPS over allegations of neglect (which were untrue and just hyperbole of a young teen speaking to a mandated reporter). If I were to go through it again, next time I would ask to read any statement that the social worker read to me about the allegations before I responded to them. I feel that the last time I miss-heard what was said and miss-understood what we were being accused of. Thiis led me to probably over explain when trying to defend myself. 

I assume that your legal advice will cover this, but remember that the social worker is doing their job and they have to follow up on any allegations if there is reason to think a child might be at risk. So trying to be friendly and cooperative with them will make the process smoother. 

Kes's picture

Agree with above - and Yorkshiremum, please come back and let us know on your progress in this.  

Harry's picture

is a legal adviser someone who would have in a  criminal court case. represent . You need someone. a real attorney/ someone who goes to court to defend people.. To let you know your rights.  To advise you what to do.  To go to any legal interview with you,  to get any information the other side has.  ect.  This is not a joke. You can do jail time over this.. don't take it lightly please protect yourself. 
Unfortunately this is going to be a major set back in your marriage.  DH is Force to take a side , he can't play middle man trying yo keep everyone happy.  Is he going or side with you? Or his Ex.    
'Once BM Pulls this crap, it's no stopping her.  You must file a law suit against BM. For her doing this to your  character 


YorkshireMum's picture

Hi everyone. You are all so helpful. I am so glad I posted here. The advisor I spoke to is just a lawyer who works for an employee assistance programme I have through work so it was very general. Unfortunately I have spent most of the day in A and E with my partner today due to immense pain with what turns out to be a kidney stone so I haven't been able to ring a few family law solicitors who sound promising to sound them out. Apparently the interview was meant to be happening today but I am yet to hear anything official. Tomorrow's mission is to speak to a few and understand whether they deal with this kind of case, make an assessment of them etc. 

I have no desire to go after BM. My ex-husband (mainly jokingly) offered to get her 'taken out' and I said to him a few months ago I would have said yes (all in jest but y'know what a scornful BM is like I am guessing) but now it's a firm no as I don't want SD anywhere near my family. 

My partner believes me and will stand by me, but he doesn't want to abandon his daughter to be purely at the mercy of the BM. How things will work moving forward is still to be navigated but that will take time and there is so much for us to go through first. 

I have a strong desire to purge the house of any trace of SD so I am going to pack up anything that she has left here for my partner to return to her when he sees her next week. 

Winterglow's picture

I hope he understands that she is not to set foot in your home ever again so either he sees her elsewhere or he moves out so he can have his overnights.

I understand why you don't want to go after BM but I would absolutely seek a restraining order against SD just in case your husband has a brain fart and imagines that enough water has gone under the bridge...


YorkshireMum's picture

Oh he understands very clearly. He doesn't want to get his own place and will see her without any overnights. Tbh I have suggested to him that overnights even if our home wasn't involved I believe would put him at risk of allegations. He understands but not sure whether he agrees or not. Ultimately I can only control my house and my boundaries. And yes I think I will seek advice on a restraining order for both BM and SD. 

YorkshireMum's picture

I have spent the morning ringing around solicitors and now have two that I would be more than happy with whether this goes down a criminal route or a safeguarding/council route. 

I am still yet to hear anything officially which I am not sure what to make of tbh. When BM called social services on me before (so not in this league) it took nearly a week but I would have expected this to be faster. *unknw*

YorkshireMum's picture

I guess time will tell. SD has spoken to her Dad about it so I do think the report has happened.

Harry's picture

It's just a crummy thing being done to you .  No one need this crap.    BM  is a major contributor to this problem. She wants SD to stop all visitations with you and DH.  She is trying to split you two up.  You have to come back at BM.  You can not have her do this and suffer no consequences fir her actions..  This will mean or give BM open hunting season on you.   
'Something to think about in the future.  
'Is DH ready to give up contact with his DD.  Do day visitations away from home is going to get old really fast.  Also DD will get upset when you go on great vacation with out her.   Life is gone to change. 

YorkshireMum's picture

I am well aware that BM and possibly SD wants to split us up. He isn't ready to give up contact with his daughter. He is well aware of the toxic environment she is in and doesn't want to abandon her in that. Plus she is his daughter. 

I know day visits away from home are going to get old quickly. He already knows it is going to mean he will see her less but the reality is going to be a big adaptation. 

I am well aware that this has changed things forever. 

BanksiaRose's picture

Yes, I agree with everyone, that it's a serious allegation and that you should get legal advice, but having crossed paths with protection system many times over the years professionally, I expect that nothing will come out of it... I saw far too many cases that had far more evidence than someone's word, and the perps should have been locked up, but it never even got to being charged phase. 
You'll be just fine. Have a backup plan like everyone else suggested and never allow her back or near your children again, but I can't see this case going anywhere. Social services will see exactly what's going on here.

YorkshireMum's picture

Thank you for your comment. I suspect that you may be right but I have prepared myself nonetheless. 

YorkshireMum's picture

I wanted to check in and say that absolutely nothing official happened in regards to these allegations. We are 6 weeks on and my partner has been seeing his daughter out of the house over this period. 

We were discussing summer plans and I began to talk about swapping the kids rooms around, which if I did as planned would mean that SD would no longer have a space to stay in the future. My partner asked if that meant I couldn't envisage SD returning. We had a talk about it but I am really unsure what to do 'for the best'. Apparently birth mother has said she can come back as long as she can bathe independently when here. SD has said to her Dad that she would like to stay here 5 days and be with her Mum for 2 (which is a previous theme over time). That is definitely not happening and my partner understands that can't happen due to so many reasons. 

I will take time to consider how and if I can allow her back into my home and mine and my kids lives. But I wondered on people's perspectives and thoughts for me to consider. You were all so supportive when I was in a spiral. 

My partner and I are getting married in a few months (which his daughter doesn't know about as currently she isn't invited) and I know how hard not having her fully in his life is for him, but I also know that I cannot make the decision solely based on his perspective, me, my children and SD must also be considered. 

Thanks in anticipation while I mull all this over. 

MorningMia's picture

I'd put the wedding on hold until this is all straightened out, as this child is a danger. She accused you of molestation at her school! I would not allow her in my house for at least a few years, and only then after a psychiatric evaluation, an admission from her that she lied, and an apology--and I'd have all of that in writing or on video. . . again, in a few years. I am shocked that she wants to spend more time at your home after making these allegations. And that you would even consider having her in your home and putting yourself at risk again.
If you all cave, she is rewarded. No big deal to her, so she can do it again.  

Dollbabies's picture

This time it appears your life wasn't destroyed, which is wonderful. But next time? My fear is for your own children. What if she accuses them next time?

It's one thing for an adult to deal with the stress of a horrific accusation, but a child? How could they handle being questioned by authorities while you stand by helplessly? If an accusation against your child became public knowledge it would destroy their childhood - what parent would allow their child to come to your house or allow them to go to theirs? And all of this would spill over to your other children. 

None of you should have contact with SD. Ever. If your husband can't fully accept that she is no longer a member of your family, that she can no longer come to your house, be part of holidays, family outings, family vacations, etc. then you have a choice to make.

Rags's picture

Nothing happened ... this time.

She is going to represent a risk of  you losing your own children until she is no longer a minor and ... any statute of limitations expire.

She is a liar. A liar that took a shot at destroying you and your family. Never forget that and IMHO it is never forgivable. Not even considering she is a kid.  Never trust her, never let her into your home and your family again. Ever.

I wouldn't.  

She has ended any significant place in your lives and family. Daddy has to see her without you or your kids away from your home and lives.

IMHO of course.

Winterglow's picture

I agree with the the others. She doesn't get back ...EVER. What she wants is entirely irrelevant.  (She wants to spend more time in your home than with BM? Sounds like BM wants more free time. )  She gave up her chances of sharing your home when she made those awful allegations. By the way, the fact that it's been 6 weeks and nothing official has happened does not mean it's over.

It might be worthwhile for your SO to let BM know about your upcoming wedding. If there's going to be drama, better to deal with it and get it over and done with as soon as possible, well before the event.

YorkshireMum's picture

I really appreciate your comments. I am really unsure of the right way forward. I am going to speak to my children's father and see what his take is as we have a good relationship and he is fully aware of the craziness of BM. 

Winterglow's picture

Do you really think it's worth lthe risk of losing your kids so he can have overnights with his?

Dollbabies's picture

you're in love with the father of this child and denying him the ability to see his child freely might end your relationship. 

But this isn't over even if you aren't facing charges. BM is still putting restrictions on your interactions with her daughter which means she is still saying you are guilty of touching her daughter's genitals!

 If your SO ends the relationship because he wants a full relationship with his daughter, so be it. You have minor children who have to come first in this god awful situation.



Rags's picture

Stop trying to think with your fee fees. Use your mom brain/intellect.

No lying spawn of a failed marriage is worth risking the wellbeing and home life of your own children for.  If DH wants overnights, he can check into a Candlewood Suites with his failed family lying BM polluted progeny and they both can call that home during any overnights that he chooses to take. He can even set up his reservation for the same room for his overngihts so it feels like home for the Skid on overnights.  Keeping this high risk liar at a distance and out of your home and family life has to be a non-negotiable IMHO.

Supressed memory as a concept is something I highly doubt is legimate. More like false memory.  With this 8yo already playing these lies and with the countless number of pseudo science practitioners who will be ready and far more than willing to foster some syndrome of the moment to foster and help build the bullshit victim status of this liar failed family spawn,  I would make this a hill to die on if I were you. DH either needs to be all in defending that hill with you, or he needs to be gone.

There is no middle ground or grey in this situation. It is purely a binary thing. It is black, or it is white.  She is a liar. Period. Dot. End of discussion. Do not pass go do not collect anything but a stay the hell away from me, my home, and my family card.

The risk is just too high.


Regardless of where DH chooses to excercise his visitations, he has to have every second recorded and if possible even better, videos on a body cam, to make sure BM cannot shift her focus on SD accusing daddy of mollesting her.  Past behavior being the best predictor of future performance, BM will manipulate and SD will try it when BM and SD no longer have access to accusing you and or your children.  Make sure that they do not get that opportunity. Your DH needs to do the same. I get that he loves his DD, but she is even a risk to him, his profession, and his freedom.

Harry's picture

But if you allow SD in your home. And every 4 time BM starts something. They are going to think she is right.  SD can not be in your presence, never in your home. It's up to DH to back you up and basically stop contact with his DD or leave you and join the circus..  Because BM will have him jumping through hoops    Nothing you can do. It's up to your SO, there no compromise on this.   He can see his DD at McDonald for two hours a week. 

Harry's picture

 You can not allow SD in your home any more for any time. She can not enter your home . BM starts something SD went to the bathroom and you Xxx.  They are going to think she is right eventually because you are not stopping it. SD can not be in your presence, never in your home. It's up to DH to back you up and basically stop contact with his DD or leave you and join the circus..  Because BM will have him jumping through hoops    Nothing you can do. It's up to your SO, there no compromise on this.   He can see his DD at McDonald for two hours a week. 

Survivingstephell's picture

Bm will escalate this when you marry.  If she can't get to you she will direct her efforts towards DH.  He will be accused next.   You will have nothing but drama for the rest of your life.  Do you want your kids to live thru this ?  Sometimes love isn't enough.   You said DH takes the high road and doesn't want to fight back.  You can't be the only one to put up boundaries. He has to also.  

Look up the website and get some real advice for dealing with high conflict ex wives.  You need more knowledge about them.  

StepUltimate's picture

Look up the website and get some real advice for dealing with high conflict ex wives.  You need more knowledge about them."

Exactly this, 100%

Kes's picture

Well done for handling it all so far, but I was dismayed to hear you are considering letting SD back in your home - please don't!  At least not for a few years.  As others suggested, it will push BM's buttons when you wed her ex, and she will redouble her efforts to cause you both pain, probably by inciting her daughter to make fresh allegations.  Something similar happened when I married DH - NPD BM manufactured a crisis with her then boyfriend and tried to disrupt our wedding.  

AgedOut's picture

Please consider my words. 


Your SD and her BM deliberately filed a false report that could've lost you your children, your home and your way of life. Repeat that ever time you waver. Because it will happen again and now there is a 'case' w/ your name on it. Which means if/when they lie again it will be a pattern, a pattern w/ you as the abusing party.

SD deliberately lied. 

BM deliberately lied. 


and now they want you to have her in your home, ready to lie about you or your kids again? she gets grounded - she will lie about you. She gets jealous - she will lie about you. Daddy doesn't buy/give/do what they want - THEY WILL LIE AGAIN. 



clean out her room, ship back her crap, all of it. Daddy can figure this out but you need to be clear, that little liar who willingly might've caused you to lose everything, cannot be trusted to be in your home. 


BethAnne's picture

The first step is therapy. Ideally your sd should have some individual therapy. Then some family therapy perhaps initially just with her dad and then you brought in. 

This way it enables you to see if you can rebuild a relationship with her where you can trust her word. It will hopefully help her to reframe things in her mind if she has been manipulated into misremembering or misunderstanding the situation that led to her allegations. 

If therapy goes well then maybe you can consider more supervised contact with her and eventually an overnight visit with cameras in your home. 

I would not leave it years to try to rebuild this relationship, I think that is a recipie for resentments and misunderstandings to build substantially.

At the end of the day she is 8. I would give your relationship with her the opportunity to become positive again. Cautiously, slowly, with advice from professionals, but still starting that process sooner rather than later.