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Well I was semi right plus some extra.

MissK03's picture

So as expected BM took SS21 out Friday to drink with him for his 21st. She didn't pick him up though had him drive... naturally. He met her at her dive social club she is a part of... called that... then to another bar... He was home at 9:45.

He comes in, comes right up to our room to show SO the glass mug BM got him... it's like he's 5... It's a $25 Amazon mug that you can have to customized... nothing special... 

So!! Yesterday morning I was getting ready for the party we were having for him and I saw the card BM got him laying out.. so I read it... I literally get sick to my stomach .. this is what it says...


"I am so very proud of the young man you have become keep staying true to who you are and dont waiver! iknow that I have not been the best mother that I know I could have and Should have been. Please Know I wish I could go back in time and make much differnt decisions to be all I should have been for you.  I love you more then you will ever know and can not wait for what the future holds.i will always be there for you and support you for anything you need!!"

She can NOT even write her kid a happy birthday card without talking about herself and her decisions BLAH BLAH FN BLAH!!

This has been going on for about two years now.... while STILL not doing ANYTHING for your kids. She has contributed ZERO to their well being. NOTHING!! 

Now... she KNEW we were having a party because SS21 told SO he told her that's why they went on Friday... 

Around 3pm she started blowing up SD17s phone... "where are you?" "What are you doing?" "Are you around?" SD shares her location so she knows exactly that's she's home and we are having a party...

Another thing she does... blows up their phones when she knows we are doing anything for them... Her way of inserting herself like she always does.. 

SO thinks she was drunk and he also thinks she's heading for a break down... 

I am so over her. 

Just a reminder.... these kids haven't even been invited to her house for dinner in almost 7 years... she lives 4 miles away. 


Winterglow's picture

"More than anything, I hope you have a better grasp of the English language than I do. That would make me so proud!'

MissK03's picture

Unfortunately he does not!! SO and I were like cliche after cliche... ***massive eye roll***

Rumplestiltskin's picture

She sounds like an aging "party girl" like my SO's BM2, whose only interest in her kids is to show them off at parties, dinners, weddings, etc. 

thinkthrice's picture

Did you say BM attended?  Wow talk about the utmost of no class!  I would be mortified inviting Awesomeson to go boozing when he turned 21 which was 15 years ago.  Call me old fashioned.  And I think that's something the dad is supposed to do, not the mom.

For the reverse, we live no more than 25 minutes away tops from all three ferals and they know where we live.  They've never once made an attempt to contact us in 15 yrs but then again that's a blessing for me.

MissK03's picture

SO and I were saying how she's been waiting for this moment... for him to turn 21. When SD turns 18 I'm sure she will try and get her to go immediately for a tattoo. I'm calling it now. 

SO says I'm giving her "too much credit" because I don't understand what this end game with this "turn back time" BS. I think it's more calculated then he thinks... I think it's fuel for her own guilty conscious (to make herself feel better) and ego. She always wanted the kids and SO to worship her while she was able to do whatever she wanted.. aka not raising her kids and keeping SO her forever backburner. She wanted forever control over them. She KEEPS saying these things while doing nothing...

I could be wrong (and I told SO this )I think SS21 sees me as a roadblock of potentially SO and BM getting back together TBH. Shes been telling SD for at least 7 years now that I ruined everything between SO and her. So if she is STILL trying to manipulate SD she's doing the same to SS21 and he isn't smart enough to see through it. Even after all these years ..she keeps telling them she would never have left SO.. to me the fact that she KEEPS saying these things that their is a plan... I think she is still tring create havoc in our house via cell phone and ultimately to get me out. 

EDIT: when I say BM blames me for ruining things between her and SO I mean their "friendship" aka her control over SO. SO was her "best friend" I came along 4 years after their separation. 

MorningMia's picture

She sounds a lot like the BM on this end (also took SS out drinking), only this one is a Bible thumper vs party cougar who had full control of the skids, successfully brainwashing them. Reading about the blowing up of the phones gave me flashbacks *shudder*. What a loser. "Like me best" without putting in the effort. "Pay attention to me!" Threatened by the "new" wife. Ugh. 

MissK03's picture

She would blow up their phones every single time we took them anywhere. Especially on our yearly vacations we took with them. 2018 we took them to Fort Lauderdale. It was our 1st day there and we were about to walk to the beach... 9am there is BM blowing up all their phones and yelling at SO via Tex "thought we talked about this?!!??" All because my name still came up on PowerSchool as an contact (beginning of 2018 after the fallout she called the schools like a lunatic and had me removed from everything)  ya know the kids I would make sure went to school on time more then BOTH their parents..BM wasn't taken them at this point anymore and she was EOWE prior and SO would leave early 3 days a week at that time...the HORROR!!! 

MorningMia's picture

The vacations--it was DH's phone she'd be blowing up then, always with fake drama. Before our wedding, I had to tell DH to tell the skids to turn off their effing phones, as I could see BM calling them in middle of the ceremony. She was calling about every half hour in the two days leading up to our wedding, often with fake "urgent" messages, including "I have a flat tire!" while then 15 yo SD and I were getting manis. I know the pain! 

MissK03's picture

She got married in 2019. She sent pics the next day to 11 year old SD and said want to see mom and husband dressed up? SD is still hurt that she did this. 

SO and I have been together almost 9 years... if/when we get married skids will not be allowed to give her details.. I'll make that clear otherwise she will definitely be doing what BM in your case did... she doesn't really bother SO anymore...she does however send him phishing text messages every so often trying to engaged him... he ignores.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

What is it with these boys that want to party with Mommy? My DH's son did the same thing with BM when he turned 21. I thought it was the wierdest thing. I remember when I turned 21 that last thing that would have occured to me was to go out with my parents - I went out with my friends.

MissK03's picture

I went out with my friends. The party we had for him wasn't like this rager either. SOs family, some of SOs friends and two of SS21s friends. 

BM hasn't had birthday parties for her kids since her separation from SO. 

And in SS21 fashion he barley talked to anyone just hung with his two friends. He did this at his graduation/18th party too. 

Lillywy00's picture

My breeder did the same shenanigans 

Fake "oh I should have been there but this fake sympathy letter should erase your memories of all my trifling behaviors..." 

Its all utter bullsh*t unless they're actually backing up those claims with tangible corrections on their end 

MissK03's picture

The best... she has not been there for them if the actually needed something... I have so many examples of that... She's full of hot air.

advice.only2's picture

This sounds like Meth Mouth; her children are an extension of her and not their own person.  The first time Meth Mouth went to prison she sent a card to Spawn with a recorded message.  It was all about how Spawn needed to be strong for her while she faced this “journey” in life and that Meth Mouth needed Spawn to pray for her nightly so that she would wake up to see another day because she was afraid for her life.  I told DH to throw it away and not give it to Spawn (who was 10 at the time).  Of course that is something that got thrown back in DH’s face years later when Spawn was an adult, how he withheld vital communication from her mother from her.  Yeah, being a made to carry the weight of her mother’s addiction and consequences was so “vital” for her.

MissK03's picture

Yep mini extensions with doing zero work.. hence the worship plan that didn't work for her. It's too bad spawn went the way she did... 

That story reminds me of the time she told 10 year old SD she couldn't make it to her basketball playoff game because she was in the hospital with an anxiety attack... she missed 50 % of them on the regular. 

Here we are today...past two years she's only attended 1 game per season for SDs lacrosse that's 2 games out of 32. What's the excuse now? 

CLove's picture

And side camp Yucky Ducky.

I feel bad for your bio and also bad for your sd. Emotional Incest is damaging.

Im sorry you are yours are going through this.

Alimony and child support - get these things straightened out.

Get those photos!

Take care.