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Happy July 4th STalkers.

Rags's picture

May your holiday be safe, enjoyable, and blessed.

For those not USA folks, thanks for the joint histories we have and for your fellow country folks who have joined the USA melting pot.



AgedOut's picture

I hope everyone had a great 4th. I spent mine adjusting to being the proud owner of a new hip. Wooot wooooot!! I'm in pain, my nurse isn't too sure he's up for the job but we made it through night one at home so bring on day two!!


Cover1W's picture

So exited for you!  I'm sure you'll do better and better quickly!  Get moving is the best thing for it.

CLove's picture

Glad you got er done, so hopefully the healing part isnt too bad. Sending you good & healing vibes from California 


CLove's picture

It was safe sane and fun 


Thanks for asking Biggrin

I got up late, after ugly cry session the night before. Husband had left for fishing. Showered, threw on some clothes, and arrived downtown JUST in the nick of time to catch the parade. Shouted out to the folks I knew, took loads of pictures and videos, and just grinned.

THEN, right after that I went to get some lunch, then dancing in front of City Hall, with my friends. Got lots of hugs and empathy. THEN a house party bbq up the road, with a singing doggy Biggrin

THEN, Husbands back from fishing and announced his sister (see the in law comment) wanted to have a dinner party with her chef friend. A sweet lady I had met 4 years ago who gave me my recipe for Curry Fish in Coconut Milk. His sister bought a house on a ridge overlooking the vallye below, so after dinner we were treated to the nighttime display of fireworks happening all over the entire city. The city looked like it was bursting with sparks.

Tired and full we arrived home to the neighbors firing off. It was a GREAT day to be alive. His sister has 2 puppies that are 2 months old so I got a dose of puppy breath, which was a little bittersweet. SD18PPSDN came with us, and she was on her best behavior. Peace Love and Harmony.

Rags's picture

We had a calm day. Started the day by watching all of the celebrations on TV.

Went to Brunch.  We were late enough that there were only 3 tables seated when we arrived.  Then dropped the leftovers off back in our fridge and headed out for some shopping for DW. She needs stuff for our upcoming 30th anniversary trip.   Dresses, tops, etc....   I found the man chair and provided invaluable fashion consulting services.


There are no malls in proximity to our home and the prime shopping is a sidwalk trendy place.   111*F was more than either of us wanted to spend hours walking around doing the usual meander "oooooh pretty" shopping model my bride tends to enjoy so after one store and $$$ later we headed home to rejoin the TV celebrations around the country.  

Then we decided hotdogs were in order for a late pre fireworks dinner. Headed to CrunCheese Korean Hotdogs. Nope, they closed an hour early so we went for Gyros instead.  How much more American can you get than a Korean hotdog run and Gyros from the local Greek immagrant owned greek place?

After Gyros and other tasty treats, we drove about 10mins to a no one else seems  to know about it vantage point overlooking the Las Vegas valley listening to the fireworks display radio show while the entire valley sparkled and lit up with countless fireworks.   After nearly an hour the valley was full of smoke and the major towns around the valley had finished their big displays so we headed home for more celebration TV stuff.  Fireworks flashed and crackled around us all night.

I am glad everyone enjoyed their holiday and there were no major drama issues.

Now on to the 5th and beyond.

advice.only2's picture

Hey Rags how are you guys holding up in this heat, I see Vegas broke it's own record high the other day.  We are scorching in triple digits over here in CA as well, I am about four hours away from Vegas.

Rags's picture

We are good. Thanks for asking.

We have peaked around 110 to 112 since this heat wave started. We live in the N LV valley so it stays several degrees cooler than the peak points in the city.  

We made sure to be home by noon every da over the holiday weekendy.  

After years in the Middle East this really isn't too bad. There are similar though higher temps in the ME and similar low humidity.  Give me 115 with 2% humidity over 98 and 60% humidity in Houston any day. 

Stay cool, hydrate, and be safe.