OT - Eff Off Friday/ Forn Friday
Friday at last. It's been a chaotic couple of weeks. I'd like to sleep in one day this weekend, but too much to do.
Eff off to:
- Cancer. Dammit. One of my oldest and dearest friends who has been THE best big brother to me for 30+ years lost his battle with cancer. Feel like a chunk has been ripped out of my heart and I'm still not processing it. You know... "I need to call... *dash1*
- King Pita. KP, you brainless twit, I know how to do my job and I'm damn good at it. Hell, I know how to do a fair percentage of your job better than you do. It's obvious that you are stressed and overwhelmed because you are incompetent but that doesn't mean you need to keep stomping all over my feet telling me what I need to do. Half of what you tell me is WRONG because the rules and requirements have changed. But how would you know that, Mr 20k-Unread-Emails? Maybe you should let us do our jobs while you slog through that damn Inbox. Asshat.
- Idiot exes. Dude, we dated 15 years ago. Even if I wasn't married, the reasons why we split remain valid. Yes, I do realize I'm the best thing that happened to you. Yes, I know you effed up. No, I don't want to be friends. No, I don't want to get together. I'm sorry your life isn't how you expected it to be. You made bad choices. Make better ones and move forward.
Forn Friday
Forn is 'food' and 'p0rn' combined.
It's a dreary, rainy day and a perfect fit for how I feel inside. I'm in need of comfort food that doesn't require a trip to the store or a lot of effort. I'm thinking an egg sandwich with bacon on a jalapeño cheddar roll. Maybe some Campbell's chicken noodle soup and saltines for dinner.
What's a comfort food that soothes you?
Wishing you a stress-free, healthy, and enjoyable weekend. Hug your loved ones.
- Aniki-Moderator's blog
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Sorry you're having to put up
Sorry you're having to put up with such crap, Aniki. Life can be a bitch with a sick sense of humour.
The only worry on my horizon is helping my chromosomally enhanced daughter to select a candidate to vote for on Sunday morning. I was here only a few short weeks ago for the European elections with her. My only consolation is that this time there won't be 38 possible groups. Probably only a handful. We define what we don't want (people who try to scare you, people who are intolerant, people who make the same old promises about helping spe ial needs but who have never in the past actually done anything, etc.) first in a candidate and then run through the list until only one that she approves of remains.
I'm fond of egg sandwiches too, with chopped parsley and chives and crunchy bits of spring onions, lots black pepper, and bound together with homemade mayo. Comfort food for me is the truly simple stuff. Buttered spaghetti with black pepper. Porridge made with stone ground oatmeal, water and salt, served,with fresh, creamy, ice- cold milk.
Ps - my other daughter got her exam results today and she passes with flying colours. She can now move on up to her next diploma! Yay! She also has a job with an event management company to work during the Olympic events in Nice. She already worked with them during the rugby World Cup last year.
Thanks, Winterglow. A bitch
Thanks, Winterglow. A bitch with a sick sense of humor is a spot on description.
Nice to see how much thought you put into the voting process. All too many do no research. Ish.
Congratulations to other daughter!
One of my favorite pasta dishes is cappellini tossed with olive oil, add a teaspoon each of chopped pimento and chopped jalapeños and some finely grated mizithra cheese.
I could go for that!
I could go for that!
Ani, Dahlink!
Ani, Dahlink!
So delightful to see the 'Forn Friday' again. My particular comfort food is grannyd's homemade bread, toasted, and liberally spread with butter & topped with my homemade strawberry/rhubarb jam. Yum!
Save some for me, granny! I
Save some for me, granny! I promise I'd do it justice!
Tell you what, Winterglow,
Tell you what, Winterglow, the next time we avenging angels on StepTalk sally forth on a Flying Five Fist Monkey Nut Punch mission, I’ll bring along a loaf of bread and a jar of jam (along with a few bottles of Chardonnay, of course).
You're on!
You're on!
Count me in! *dirol*
Count me in! *dirol*
Sounds delicious, grannyd. I
Sounds delicious, grannyd. I may have to crack open a precious jar of thimbleberry jam...
Yes! Similar in appearance to
Yes! Similar in appearance to a raspberry, but much more fragile. Once picked, they do not last long. A bad season and jars jumped up to $25. But it's worth it!
You had me at homemade
You had me at homemade strawberry rhubarb jam. We have DWs homemade SF rhubarb compote in the fridge for her crazy good low carb strawberry rhubard dump cake.
I like compotes over cottage
I like compotes over cottage cheese or yogurt (plain or vanilla).
Aniki - I am so sorry and
Aniki - I am so sorry and hope you keep on keeping on with it. No bowing to KP!
No real effs this Friday just a regular day; should be actually a little lighter on the workload by end of day which will be nice. I'm planning on a longer yoga sesson after work so may log off a few minutes early if possible.
I don't really eat for comfort so don't have a true comfort food....what would I go to if I think about it? Cheese on bread. Love cheese. Love my homemade bread.
Thanks, Cover. KP is not
Thanks, Cover. KP is not worth not keeping on! If only he would retire, but betting he'd be too lonely and his wife might bonk him over the head with a skillet...
Cheese is always welcome!
Comfort food = anything with bread (bread, pizza, sourdough sandwiches) and anything with potato (french fries, baked potato, clam chowder with diced potato, hashed browns).
HOWEVER currently Im trying to lose weight, so trying to stay away from all the carb-olicious foods. Considering where I live and work, comfort food is currently tacos.
CLove, I make cheese crisps
CLove, I make cheese crisps and top them with mini pepperoni, thinly sliced jalapeños, or thinly sliced mushrooms and dip them is pizza sauce. I also make pizzaiolo and eat it without bread.
Crunch is my nemisis. If I
Crunch is my nemisis. If I was going to do death by carb I would OD on chips and salsa and Cheese Cake.
But, I have more to do before I go down that path. Though it is an appealing way to consider checking out. Topped with a galon or two of top shelf Margaritas.
Nothing like a good margarita
Nothing like a good margarita...
Eff of to DH!
Eff of to DH!
Yes to DH! Sorry hon, but just because your payroll department messed up and did not deposit the correct amount into the correct accounts is NOT MY FAULT! You will NOT take it out on me and Yes you are sleeping on the couch until you apologize!
LOL cue German woman silent treatment and cold shoulder.
Comfort food this week: Mom's liverwurst spread and crackers and crock cheese with Snyders Sour Dough pretzels. YUM
Sending a virtual snack to
Sending a virtual snack to the back of your DH's head, classy!
Warm pretzels and cheese dip sounds good..
Is it with these guys who blame everything on SM?
DH is recovering from illness
DH is recovering from illness AND surgery, with one more surgery in about a month. Hope that fixes it. But he's unable to bear weight on one leg, so he's managing from a wheelchair. Our house is semi-ok for that, although he can't get upstairs to his mess of a studio and I refuse to go up there.
All that prefaces comfort food--sandwiches. Last week I was craving a plain turkey sandwich. Turkey, lettuce, wheat bread, that's it. This week, tuna. Same thing, but add a tomato slice to that one. Egg sandwich. Grilled cheese.
Eff off to unhelpful (and sometimes unfriendly) "professionals" who should have given me some clue to resources available for the disabled. Just because YOU work in this space every day doesn't mean I know anything. Upon discharge from the hospital, not one person mentioned wheelchair, except for the nurse who was transferring him into the car. Too little information, way too late. And, if I'm allowed two Effs, EFF OFF to the doctor who discharged him the time before this when he clearly wasn't ready and I was sobbing, knowing I couldn't take care of him. He fell within 12 hours, so we were back at the emergency room and readmitted. He's doing pretty well now, but I'm not so sure I am.
Every single person, if they live long enough, will be disabled in some way, at some time. Why is it all so hard to navigate and where are the resources?
Merry, you are allowed as
Merry, you are allowed as many eff offs as you need. {{hugs}}
Prayers that your DH is well soon and on his way to a full recovery.
Discharge from hospital --
Discharge from hospital -- wheelchair. Why would they mention it. Surely, everyone has one at home just in case needed (insert sarcastic tone)
I once had foot surgery. As they were giving me my non bearing weight for a week instructions, I must have looked puzzled. They said to just use my crutches. What crutches? The ones you have at home. Surprise I did not have just in case crutches in a closet at home. They found me some.
Hope the time passes quickly for you and DH
Eff Off to a new Director who
Eff Off to a new Director who knows nothing about our Unit and the work we do. Double Eff Off to the new Manager in the Unit who is so far up Director's ass, he's burping what she ate for lunch.
Comfort Food - depends on the time of year. Shrimp pasta salad really hits the spot during summer. Extra spicy chili does the job during colder weather.
Oh joy, a pair of asshats.
Oh joy, a pair of asshats. *dash1*
Love me some spicy chili and this is good weather for it! Unfortunately, I'm feeling a little queasy so will stick with chicken noodle soup today. *nea*
Sorry/Eff Off/Forn
Sorry about your loss, cherish what you still have - the love.
Eff off to having to explain to some people how to be human.
Forn: my dad used to make a stew in a crock pot that he called "coffee can casserole". Of course when we were kids, he had a great story to go with it. *sigh* Dad always had great stories.
1lb cooked and drained ground beef, 1-1 1/2 onion very coarsly chopped, carrots, potatoes, can of tomato juice. Let it cook until potatoes and carrots tender. Seriously easy and seemingly plain, but turns out amazingly flavorful. Plenty of fresh bread for sopping up all the gloriously thick juices.
Thick juices = Pot liquor
Pot liquor is the pinnacle of culinary flavor explosions. Yummmmm!
It comes in infinite variations though it is always related to incredible family recipes for some reason. Anything from Coffee can casserole to the liquid at the bottom of a bowl of tender slow cooked greens. Any tasty stuff at the bottom of the pan/plate/bowl can qualify.
Thanks for sharing your dad's recipe. I'm thinking I'll get a pot started sans the potato. I'll go with radishes or maybe some celeriac in lieu of.
Please share your dad's story. I'm sure his story makes the heavenly flavors even better.
Rags, I often substitute
Rags, I often substitute radishes for potatoes. *yahoo*
Thank you, SteppedOut. I'm
Thank you, SteppedOut. I'm definitely cherishing the love. He was the best of men.
Your Dad's coffee can casserole sounds delicious! IMO, there is often a story or fond memory behind comfort food.
I'm so sorry for your loss Ani.
Eff0ff to:
Just about everything for me right now. Nothing specific. Not getting much traction on my job search. Not surprisiing. I am far too Sr. experience and job history wise for low to mid level leadership positions. I am 60 so I do not have a ton of career horizon left for most companies to invest in for a Sr. level role (The same choice I would make if I was leading an organization looking for a Director or higher person), and I live in a city where what I do is a rare opportuntiy. No O&G infrastructure, no industrial manufacturing (Chemicals, etc), and extremely limited related facilities within 100Mile commute distance. So, it looks like road warrior gig jobs are most likely. Not what I want. But, I have done them very successfully before. There is no reason why I can't do it again for a few years.
I'm food bored right now. I enjoy cooking but am currently uninspired. I think it will be take the sugar mama bride to Sushi tonight. when she gets home from work.
Some upside... we leave in 2wks for 9 days on the big island in Hawaii for our 30th anniversary trip. We were just booking a trip to Iceland for our 30th when my last role vaporized. Rather than a $15K trip to Iceland to chase the aroura and all things ice Viking and volcano related, we opted for a trip paid for nearly entirely with airline vouchures and IHG points. So far our out of pocket costs are $200 total for airfare, plus rental car, plus activity costs, and food. So, it should be fun and fairly low impact financially. Definately far less than Iceland though that is still on our bucket vacation list for later. This is our second trip to the big island. We were there for 2days in 2008 added to a kid band trip. After the big island we did a week on Oahu. We wanted more time on the big island so that is what we will do, on points. Not too shabby.
My foodie hottie wife is booking some great restaurants all over the big island so hopefully my culinary inspiration will reignite.
Have a great weekend STalkers, if anyone has some sure winner LOTTO numbers please IM them to me. Retiring would be great.
Thanks, Rags.
Thanks, Rags.
Ugh, job hunting is no fun. Mr Aniki (60) had a terrible job for 1.5 years and it took him 3+ months to find another. Good luck to you.
I get into cooking "ruts". A delicious meal can certainly be the inspiration to reignite creative culinary fuel!
Happy anniversary! Hope you and your wife have a lovely time.
I am so sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for your loss. It hurts so bad to lose a person who makes our life so much better.
Comforfood for me is meatloaf. I freeze it when I make it so I can pull a slab out when I need some comfort food.
I am 5 days out from my surgery and today they took away my motrin. I am not loving life today.
Feel better soon. I hope
Feel better soon. I hope your recovery goes smoothly and you get back to your normal activities quickly.
Thank you, AgedOut. Yes, it
Thank you, AgedOut. Yes, it hurts. Especially when that person makes life better with a simple conversation. He was funny and brilliant and amazing.
I have never tried freezing meatloaf! Mr Aniki luuuuuuuvvvvs my meatloaf and would eat it weekly. Will have to try that.
Praying you're fully recovered soon!
Cancer is so horrible
The nice neighbor man down the road has stage 4 esophageal and Chef tells me he is so thin and gaunt now. Very sad.
Yeah I don't miss working with crazy bosses. Oh wait...I work with the never pleased, never satisfied Chef. He's been stepping up his efforts to pawn even more work and jobs off on me! I have hired some simple stuff out such as some high reach exterior painting on the rentals and sealing driveways that I normally do myself but that gets expensive.
What frightens me is my new tenant that will be supposedly moving in at the end of July has gone non-communicado for the last week with me.
Forn? I put Chef in charge of rotating the stock in the chest freezer. Something oddly enough he has not tried to pawn off on me. I made Rochester NY style Philly cheese steaks for dinner tonight--something we don't normally eat. Chef wolfed down three portions.
I make grilled salmon on the charcoal Weber quite a bit with basmati rice and grilled salad.
Cancer is a hideous beast.
Cancer is a hideous beast. Alzheimers is another. Both are horrible.
Good grief, thrice, why is Chef doing that? The poopie head. Sigh...
Mmmmmm....salmon. My stomach feels much better today and I could go for some fish!
I do wish they would find a
I do wish they would find a cure for cancer! Cancer took my dad from us. It is also possibly what is wrong with my guinea pig, Princess Popcorn. My vet has never known of a case where the liver is that bad and it wasn't cancer.
Eff off
Whatever is causing Princess Popcorn's issue that will eventually take her from us: a big, giant EFF OFF! I hate you and I hope that one day the medical/veterinary community figures out how to do away with your horrible evil existence!!!! If you are cancer, EFF OFF to infinity!!!! You've taken so many away and tried to take others! You took my dad, you took my grandmother. Thanks to you my children never got to meet their grandpa, who would have loved them so much!
Eff off to the veterinary resident at the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital! You have no business being where you are.
This woman, who I dubbed Resident Evil, was so off putting. I can read people and I was immediately put off by her, like as soon as she walked in. I was in a bad state of mind already and after meeting her, I was ready to take my guinea pig and run screaming back to my home state. I drove over 200 miles to get help and I met her. The vet specialist was better but I was so put off by the resident that I couldn't feel him out very much. All Resident Evil cared about was money. I appreciate that she was upfront about the ridiculous prices for everything but she could have approached things better. I couldn't figure out at first why I took an instant dislike to her until a few days later when she called. She's totally fake. That's it in a nutshell. She's as phony as a three dollar bill.
I met the other vet specialist and took an instant liking to him. Very kind and compassionate. Princess Popcorn and my daughter both liked him too. He started petting Princess Popcorn and she immediately relaxed. If he kept petting her like that and fed her watermelon on demand she'd probably want to go home with him. I shall call him the Guinea Pig Whisperer.
That's all the eff off I've got for now. I just don't have room for anymore right now.
I'm upset and stressed and tend to not eat when I'm like this but I'd probably want a grilled cheese sandwich like my dad used to make if I could eat some comfort food.
PetSpoiler, you and Princess
PetSpoiler, you and Princess Popcorn have certainly been through the wringer. Thankfully, the other vet specialist genuinely cares.
I do enjoy a good grilled cheese. Must get some wheat bread...
I love Campbell Chicken
I love Campbells Chicken Noodle Soup! It is a running joke in our house because I was surviving on it when I had COVID, and it must have been the mix, but COVID and the soup did not sit right, leading to gas issues that DH will never let me live down. He gets very dramatic when he sees a can of it.
MorningMia, Mr Aniki made me
MorningMia, Mr Aniki made me countless bowls when I was recovering from Covid!
Oh boyohboyohboy
(Reference Wacky Races)
I rebottled my lime pickles today and they are fabulous, salty and sour. It's taken 2.5 months of fermentation and I will devour them with great pleasure. I absolutely love Indian food.
Winterglow, I've never lime
Winterglow, I've never lime pickles but now want some!
Made red beans and rice yesterday
Will probably be making navy bean soup tomorrow
Both sound yummy, thinkthrice
Both sound yummy, thinkthrice!