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Update on Will Dispute

frustrated78's picture

I saw a lawyer this morning so I know my rights about things.  The house is in joint tenancy, as is the car, the rest, as lawyer says, unless coin collections and other expensive items is considered household miscellaneous and should go to me.  Generally no one fights over the pots and pans,but one never knows.

Yesterday I had it out with hubby about the situation and reminded him of where he would be if I didn't have the original house which was HIS step up.  That allowed him to save money for retirement, etc.   He, like one of the other posters here, had a decent job but had just recently finished paying child support payments.  And I may say that he was very responsible about it too.  I told him I understood about his wanting to leave his children something, but that we were not wealthy by any means and even $10,000 could make the difference for either one of us in the future.  He thought about it for a while and agreed.  He feels he will go first and doesn't want to see me out in the street or in a terrible nursing home.  His Mother was in a bad home and he never forgot that because due to paying child support he couldn't do much for her.

It did have a long talk and a result.  I confessed I had been to see an attorney about things.  After discussion we agreed that should he pass on first, all would go to me, no exceptions, nadda, in order for me to afford to go into assisted living.  I could never manged the house on my own.

Same with me, if I pass on first, all will go to him except my family heirlooms, etc., jewelry which will go to my daughter.  The rest so he can go into assisted living.

We have made an appointment for next week with the attorney because this heat wave is pretty hard on us old folk.

There was a SURPRISE.  He called his daughter up here and talked to her.  He made it clear that he was tired about our wills always coming up and wanted it stopped.  He further told her what we planned to do.   She seemed okay with it verbally but her body langage wasn't in tune.  She couldn't get out of here fast enough.  I doubt we will be seeing much of her now that there is nothing in it for her.

I am getting this resolved ASAP.  Meanwhile, we are sitting down to write out holographic (hand written) wills stating our desires and have the neighbor witness them.   Not the most legal thing, but states tend to want to follow the wishes of the deceased as best they can.

Oh, one thing she did ask, before leaving like a bat out of h*ll, was who was going to be executor for him.   He told her I was.   I think that might have been a last resort to get at things.

I don't know, I just don't trust her.


Rags's picture

These discussions rarely go as badly as we tend to build them up in our minds before we actually have them.

I applaud you both for having the discussion and DH for putting his toxic spawn in touch with reality.


frustrated78's picture

Thanks Rags.  When it first came up before he was calling me greedy and how his money had paid the taxes and the mortage on the subsequent houses, as had mine.  BUT, if not for my home things would have been a lot different for him.

As I said, I don't think we will e seeing much, if anything of her eventhough she lives less than 5 miles away.  She never bothered much with us UNTIL hubby started having the heart problems the last 6 months or so.  That was when all the will stuff started to him without me around.  Him she could smooze, me, I'm a whole different animal.

You may remember Eddie Haskel, the kid from Leave It To Beaver that was a big suck up?  You got it.   About 2 years ago she came up here and told me that she had something for me. OKAY.   BUT, she would keep it at her place and when I came down there I could use, visit,or whatever because she never told me what it was.  I remember Hubby smiling at how she was being so thoughtful.  Most men don't get women and how they interact.

MorningMia's picture

LOL: Eddie Haskel. I have used that name a few times to perfectly describe those types of people. They are maddening to be around! 

Trudie's picture it hard for some to pick up on subtle nuances? It sounds like she really did pull one over on her father with her 'gift' to you! Do you think some men 'get it' but play dumb in order to avoid the true implication of said communication? Or does it truly go right over their head? As far as my husband goes, he doesn't pick up on things. If I think it's worth it, I will bring it up and point out inconsistencies which he may be resistent to at first, but within a couple of days will 'get it'. I think it is easier to remain 'in the dark'. I am very in tune to non-verbals, when actions and words do not align it tells me a lot about a person. If it's not an outright hard pass, I tend to remember the information for future encounters. When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

frustrated78's picture

Trudie, you are so right on.  I do the same thing.  When she showed me what she was and what she was after I believe it.  This is the kind of person that would put ole Dad in a nursing home and then never bother to go and see him.  I truly believe that as she doesn't bother with him unless she wants something.

I mean, what kind of person starts talking about your will when he is sitting in the ER because of problems with one's heat?  IMHO, only a ghoul.  GREEDY.

Merry's picture

I'll never forget the (short) conversation with my bio daughter. I wanted to know what, specifically, she'd like of my stuff or any arrangement that would help her. She said the only thing she wanted was instructions and she hoped I enjoyed the money  and things I own as long as I could. If there is $50 left for her that would be great. Then we laughed.

THAT is what love looks like.

All this me me, mine mine is just rude. 

MorningMia's picture

One of my sisters actually told our mother that money my mother would leave her would be my sister's "retirement plan." Imagine! I was telling my mother to spend the hell out of her money--to travel and enjoy life and give some to charity. 

la_dulce_vida's picture

Yes!! My kids know that what I have is for ME to enjoy and live on and if, at the end of it all, there is anything left over, it will go to them, split 3 ways. They know better than to plan on having anything from me.

That's how it should be.

Rags's picture

Yep, slide into the curb at the Pearly Gates with the engine blown, the tires smoking, holding your love tightly and laughing "What a ride!!" Then dance on into eternity together.

Those left can benefit from the example of a life of adventure well lived making a love for the ages.

Woo Hoo!



Kiss 3

Give rose

If they choose to wallow in some delusional commitment to a life of misery, that is on them.

frustrated78's picture

I am thinking about what you say.  You kow, I blame some of this attitude on those investment firms who seem to imply that we should leave a lot to our children.

Last I heard, the 10 Commandments said : "Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother".   There is not one that says parents you are required to leave a bundle to your offspring.

Trudie's picture

I, too, have told my widowed mother to spend her money; she earned it and she invested it, she should enjoy it! I have never thought that anyone owed me anything, I am able to provide for myself.

frustrated78's picture

Oh Merrey that is so great and loving.

Sadly that is something she never asks about what we want done before.  That is the difference between someone that cares and someone who is just waiting to see what they get.

MorningMia's picture

I am so relieved to hear this! And I need to wrap this up asap before SD comes back in super manipulation mode! (Smart to have written this up yourselves.) Very happy for you! 

la_dulce_vida's picture

BRAVO OP!!! I am glad you can relax how and greedy SD will show her true colors. If she know she's not going to get sh*t it will be interesting to see if she even cares about her dad.


frustrated78's picture

I dout we will see much of her.  It was only because of his recent heart problems that she hovered around at all.

In fact, she didn't send him a card or even calll him on Father's Day.  That speaks volumes IMHO.   But she did call yesterday afternoon to wish him Happy Father's Day.  She forgot it was Father's Day and got busy. 

Before you say anything, she hasn't called him on Father's Day for years beceause she always forgets it was Father's Day or got too busy.   You know darn well that her son's did not forget her husband so that is total bunk.  And she thinks we are dumb enough to believe it because Hubby does not call her on it.  IMHO if you accept bad behavior you get bad behavior.

Trudie's picture

What you permit, you promote.

frustrated78's picture

I have to add one more thing.  Hubby needs to tell her we did her a great favor because no one has to go live with her (that wouldn't be my by any long shot).

Harry's picture

Very much in the future.  The $ was then off.  No reason for SD to be nice anymore   Enjoy 

ItsGrowingOld's picture

Good update:-). Continue to be scared until your and DH's will is written out, signed and notorized.  Then and only then can you rest peacefully.

notarelative's picture

 I doubt we will be seeing much of her now that there is nothing in it for her.

Several years ago YSD's husband made a remark about life insurance. DH said he had enough to bury him and no more. We've rarely see him (once every couple of years) since.

CLove's picture

Yay for you and your hubb for getting things dialed in. And Im glad for you that he has stopped describing you as greedy. He saw what his own child was about, and THAT was greedy.

BobbyDazzler's picture

Good for him putting her in her place. If you barely see her going forward, her motivations for visiting her father will become crystal clear. Seriously, Bravo to your hubby.  Too many of us don't have DHs that are willing to shut their kids the he(( up!

frustrated78's picture

Haven't seen or heard from her since mid June.  Not surprising.  Nothing in it for her.  We are both having problems with handling some of the housework so I am getting help in 2 times a month.

Get this, back when H. had his first heart problem she offered to "help".   The only thing she did was clean the shower floor because as she said "she knew we had difficulty getting up and down."  Point?  Only the slhower floor, not the foors, the tile or the glass shower doors.  Oh,she was so proud of herself.  Me?  I'm thinking what the heck?  And let me tell you about how she was give one of those bath baskets, with the power, cologne, soap, bubble bath, etc.   She gives me the bubble bath saying, sweetly, she doesn't use it as she only takes showers.  Folks, we don't have a bath tub and she knows it as we converted into a walk in shower.   When I told her I couldn't use it she keep pushing it on me.  Talk about not having a clue or a care.  If I was blind she would probably try to give me books to read and strutt about how caring she was being.

Right now she is punishing H. because of the will as he tried calling her and she hasn't responded in over a week.  He said she would do this, actually told me she was greedy.

Trudie's picture does your husband respond to her showing her true colors? 

frustrated78's picture

I have to be careful as to what I say about her and his son, another loser that just had Discover Card get a $10,000 judgement against him for using, get this, his mother's credit card when she was dying in the hospital!

Wasn't hard for Discover to figure out what was going on as the son lived in the same trailer as the Mother (he is well over 50).  The idiot tried telling them they didn't order the stuff but it all was shipped to her at the trailer.  On this pos H. doesn't care any more.  He dislikes people that don't pay their bills, so when the kid tried to give us a sob story, he got nowhere.

He does have one daughter that is a gem, but she is way out in CA.

Rags's picture

He does have one daughter that is a gem, but she is way out in CA.


frustrated78's picture

Yep.  And it is fun when she calls.  She always asks how we are doing, what is going on, can talk about things, joke, laugh, etc.  Fun.  You want to hear from her.

The jerk only calls with her problems and what a victim she is, etc.  She is not comfortable to be around, never was, but I figured at first it was just because I didn't know her.  Now I know my instincts were right.  I always get the feeling that she is "watchig" me when she is around, you know, trying to figure out what she can use to her advantage.  Uncomfortable feeling.

Her big thing, in trying to brownie up H is to tell him what she IS going to do for us, but then never gets around to doing it.  Talk is cheap.  And when she backed out it was always because she was sick, had covid so many times she must have world's record.  Always call and say how she couldn't come help us, health reasons, and she was doing it for OUR good.  Isn't she wonderful!

Tis oe will give you a terrifc example.  We happened to show up at the same place.  I, with my rollinator, went to the lady's room.  As I am coming out of the stall guess who is coming in.  Oh, she claims she was coming in to make sure I was alright and if I needed help.  I was ready to go and figured, based on what she said, she was going to open door for me.  Nope, the real fact was that she had to use the facilities, the BS she had just expounded was just that BS but it makes her sound like she cares.  I call it the Eddie Haskel syndrome.

I just left on my own.  I had no problem opening doors.