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Baseball — kids these days

Hastings's picture

SS13 is with BM this week and DH got a text from her saying SS fell and hurt his knee ice skating today, so won't be at his baseball game tonight.

DH was annoyed because for years now, coaches have been consistent in telling parents "don't take the kids swimming or for big physical activities on game days." Also, SS has never been ice skating. Of course he was going to fall.

Added to that, it's interesting that SS is never sick or hurt bad enough to not participate in something when he's here. Why? Because he knows DH and I both have his number and he can't fake stuff with us.

I suspect he's getting tired of playing ball. Not unusual at this age. And, hey, fewer trips to the ballpark is a win for me. But the last several weeks, BM hasn't been making him go to practices. If he wants to stop next season, no problem. But as long as you're committed, you need to show up.

Last week, they had a rough game. Lots of errors and they had to run a lap because the team didn't reach their goal of 8 hits. SS got in the car and started crying about how the coaches yelled at them. We (and a dozen other sets of parents) were six feet away. There was no yelling. Just "you guys are better than that" and "we're going to work hard to fix those fielding mistakes."

He's at the point where it gets harder. Coaches are tougher and expect more. And he's moved up a level. In Little League, he was in one of the top team groups. This team is middle of the pack. Not as much fun when you don't win every game, I know. But he's still talking about wanting to play in high school -- no way he'll make the team if he drops it for a year. Competition is tight.

Anyway, not my circus. I don't particularly care. But DH is pissed that, once again, BM is basically teaching him that if something is hard, it's fine to just quit.


Lillywy00's picture

Also, SS has never been ice skating. Of course he was going to fall.

Could be wrong but it's possible the kid hurt himself "on purpose" ... especially if the coaches warned them not to do other strenuous activities with high injury risks 

Sometimes kids will collect injuries as a way to indirectly get out of the pressure and expectations their parents are putting onto them

Hastings's picture

I wouldn't put it past him. He's done this sort of thing before.

Thing is, I haven't witnessed pressure. At least not overtly. The question is always if he had or is having fun.

The common thread is usually it involves something that's going to require him to work or put in effort. (Like getting sick the day a project is due. Or an hour before baseball practice.)

AgedOut's picture

I'm a mean mom, or I was back in the day. Got a boo boo and can't play? you still show up and support your team. Tired of the sport and want to quit? tough boobies, you finish the season and don't sign up next year. 

Hastings's picture

Exactly what DH and I were saying last night. He could have been there to be bat boy or cheer them on. And if he wants to quit, no problem. But he has to finish out the final 2 weeks. BM hasn't made him go to a practice in weeks.

PushedToMyLimit's picture

And he showed up now he wouldn't play anyway. Why should you get to not come to practice for 2 weeks and then play? Nope. At this point the coach is probably well aware of what is going on anyway & if I was on that team, I don't want to play with a kid who doesn't care to be there. 

I can barely stand the 2 games I chose to watch this year for SS10 (10-12yr old kids) because kids have become so soft & the parents are encouraging it. It's embarrassing how they behave & so many parents don't use the appropriate type of encouragement. When your kid strikes out & slams a bat/throws a helmet your response is NOT "it's ok John good try" it should be an immediate exit from your chair to the dugout and a conversation of "If that EVER happens again you will exit this field immediately after you apologize to both your coach and team for your behavior". You will strike out & you will exit with grace-that's when you give the encouragement of "Good swings John!"

Sorry to hear just one more kid being handicapped by a worthless, lazy parent. So frustrating!

Harry's picture

Until the kid realizes, he not that good at it.  Everyone gets hits except him,  everyone can catch throw except him.  He batting last because he knows he the worst batter.  Coaches have to play all the players somehow.  So he will get playing time but not as a starter .   Your DH is right he should show up for the last few games. 

Hastings's picture

Yep. A lot of kids quit at this age. It gets tougher and they realize they either don't have the skills, or they don't enjoy it. SS has been struggling with hitting the last year or two. But he's one of the best fielders on the team. If he doesn't enjoy it, no problem. He doesn't have to sign up again. But if his goal is still to play in high school, his chances of making the team tumble if he hasn't been playing. Also, he thinks the coaches at this level are tougher and more demanding? Good luck on a high school team.