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No, you don’t have to go to school

Hastings's picture

So, this is the last week of school and SS13 is with us. This evening, he announced to DH, "My mom said I don't have to go to school Friday."

Again, it's DH's week. So nice of her to make that unilateral decision.

DH's company doesn't work Fridays, so he was annoyed, but just shrugged it off. He said, "if I say no, I'm the bad guy. And BM will just offer to get him for the day."

I swear, her presumption and overstepping is getting worse.


Harry's picture

The ex is controlling his life, [your life] she is making decisions on his time, decisions she has no right making.  AND instead of DH saying it's my time you do what I want you to do. He's making excuses for this.  Two woman can not control a family.  I can understand your unhappiness, and or anger about this.   
'This is not about coparenting it's about BM controlling your house and life.  You must insist that DH finds his bal*s. And stop the nonsense,  SS should go to school to say good by to his classmates. Teachers ect. Like normal people do.  That's part of life and parenting 

Hastings's picture

Turned out there was a misunderstanding on SS's part, so it got worked out. But it wouldn't have been the first time BM and/or her parents overstepped.

notarelative's picture

SS should go to school to say good by to his classmates. Teachers ect. Like normal people do. 

13 would be middle school age here. At this age many here do not attend the last day. Report cards are mailed home, not given out like in years past. It may be not cool to say goodbye to teachers. SS may not have the friend group to hang with if the day is unstructured. Or his friends are not attending as the families are leaving for a vacation on the last day. There's a plethora of acceptable reasons for not going on the last day.  I don't find it unusual for SS to not want to go.  Middle schools here have very poor attendance on the last day.

That being said BM should not be deciding. DH needs to talk to his child about the day and then decide.

Hastings's picture

Exactly. I don't have any issue with him not going, but it's not for BM to say.

Anyway, DH called her out on it this morning and it turns out there was confusion. The last day is actually Tuesday (makeup day). So, when she said he didn't have to go on the last day, she was referring to Tuesday -- her week. SS has it dead set in his head that Friday is the last day, so he kept saying BM said he doesn't have to go Friday, when that wasn't what she said. So, he's going to get a rude awakening.

Good grief. So much drama.

Rags's picture

It is dad's time. BM can F-off.  Dad can set a clear example that school is SS's job and SS does not skip school. Even if  his idiot mother... is an idiot.
