Pretty good response to an AITA thread about a stepmom
I came across a pretty good read this morning on Reddit in the AITA forum.
It's a doozy. Man's first wife dies when his two girls are really little and his wife Susan raises them for over a decade. She doesn't attend his late wife's 40th birthday party and is beaten up for it. His 16 year old becomes pregnant and the dad isn't in the picture. The late wife's MIL tells the teen she is sorry she has to go through this with no mother and the stepmom says, "But I've been a mother to her" and is insulted and told to stay in her lane and that they wish she was dead instead of their real mom . Stepmom says "Fine. I'll just do for my kids then" and hubby can't stand it and calls her a vindictive B cause she won't shop for them, won't cook for them, canceled the gender reveal party plans she made and then didn't attend when the dad through one together. He tried to strong arm back into her maid servant role for his kids and threatened to divorce her and she handed him the ring back, packed her bags, and left with her two little boys. She hasn't answered his phone calls in days and he's freaking out.
I was not surprised by the post. Lots of stepkids and husbands treat stepmoms like this. I was surprised by the comments. It was a resounding "YTA" from the 5k commenters in the 8 hours he made the post. I hope this stepmom sticks to her guns and divorces his sorry butt and I hope she finds the support she needs here in our community.
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It's 2024 and too many people
It's 2024 and too many people believe that "stepmom" equals "servant/doormat". SMDH
I've read that post too!
I've read that post too!
they told her to stay in her lane and wished she was dead but were mad she didn't cook them breakfast next morning. Entitlement! Ha And the pregnant one planned for SM to be a full time nanny. Oh really???
Celebrating late wife Birthday?
Would not be me . I could not live like that. Good luck in her new life. Thank her lucky stars she away from that dysfunctional life
I was a bit surprised at how
I was a bit surprised at how supportive the posts were towards a SM!
I mean.. honestly.. this was a very cringe situation.. what woman wants to be constantly reminded that she only got her role due to the death of another person? I totally get that kids would have some ongoing grief over the loss of their mother.. and the MIL being the dead woman's mother.. also has her own grief.. and her words were really very thoughtless considering how this other person has been so gracious over the years at not demanding her daughter's memory be squashed.. though it seemed like I have to agree having a birthday party.. celebrating milestones for someone who is dead.. is not particularly healthy behavior.. and maybe it's no surprise the kids were messed up by it.
I do think that maybe the wife and her "family" should try to an extent to seek counseling.. people say things that they may not even actually mean.. and I'm guessing they lashed out because they thought their grandmother (link to mom) was being attacked.. they are kids.. and they should know better.. but people say dumb things.. and generally people aren't emotionally cutting people off over one fight.
but if she is done.. she is done... hope she has an amazing stepfree life..
The reply by YomiKuzuki is
The reply by YomiKuzuki is pure gold. *clapping*
It's SO good, posting here- I
It's SO good, posting here- I love every single piece of truth serum that is being spouted:
She stopped celebrating Susan on Mother’s Day and Christmas even refused to attend what would have been Susan’s 40th birthday at my in laws house.
So wait. You wanted your current wife to celebrate your deceased wife on mother's day, and wanted her to attend your deceased wife's birthday? All the while you and your deceased wife's family have started fights with her over starting to act like a mom?
Ann has been a great mother to my girls over the years she been very hands on with everything like helping them with school/Hobbies and having celebrations/holidays planned months in advance
So you have no issues with her acting as a mom here, because it's convenient. But when she wants to be treated like a mom for doing all this, it becomes an issue.
But two weeks ago Susan’s mother and sister come to visit they were having a conversation and mil brought up how hard it must be on rose to be alone in this without her mom especially during her first pregnancy and it breaks her heart that she had to grow up without a mother. Ann than smashed a plate on the ground which shock everyone into silence and said “what about me I’ve been there every step of the way ME not you ME she has a mother that takes great care of her ”
First of all; wow. They said all this specifically to hurt your wife. Second, I doubt Ann was as dramatic as you say she was.
Molly screamed at ann to not speak to her grandmother like that and she wasn’t their mom just their dads wife so she needs to stay in her lane
Then Molly has no need of Ann doing mom stuff for her anymore. No more helping with hobbies. Or holidays.
A crying Rose said that she wished it was ann dead instead of her mom and she’s sick of pretending to like her so she can stop trying to play pretend she’s their mom
That's unbelivably cruel of your daughter to say. She literally wished Ann was dead.
Ann said “ok fair enough I’ll stop playing mom from now on I’ll just focus on the kids I gave birth too”
Ann left the house for a few hours when she came home she just checked on the boys who were in bed and when to sleep ignoring me
Sounds like Ann has decided to give them exactly what they asked for. And she ignored you because you sat there and said nothing.
We had a conversation the next morning I suggested family counselling and everyone apologises for the hurtful things they said to eachother, she said their was no need and she was making breakfast wake up her kids
This should've happened the moment you and your deceased wife's family started picking fights with her.
When I got the boys ready and woke up the girls we went down for breakfast I noticed ann didn’t make any breakfast for molly and rose, she than sat down and started talking to me about she was going grocery shopping later did I need anything than said “no” when the girls told her what they needed .
She's giving you all what you wanted; her no longer taking on the role of a mother. She is now simply their father's wife. You wanted this too, you admitted as such by saying you picked fights with her about it.
It’s been like this for two weeks she won’t do anything for the girl or even speak to them unless she has too she treats them like roommates
I’ve tried to speak to her about it multiple times and tried to have a family discussion about what happened because the girls are extremely sorry but ann will simply say she giving them the relationship they asked for
She is. They don't want her to act like their mother, so she's not. Words once spoken can never be taken back.
Today was meant to be roses gender reveal but ann cancelled everything she planned and failed to mention it till rose asked her 2 days ago so I couldn’t plan a decent party in time
Ann didn’t even attend she went to see her parents which really hurt rose
Why would it hurt Rose? Rose wishes Ann were dead instead of her mother.
I was so angry at ann The minute she came home I lost it at her
I called her vindictive bitch and that I’m sick of her acting like a child that she was 42 years old playing mind games with a teenagers and if she kept it up we’d be getting a divorce
Please divorce her. She deserves better than you.
She just gave me back her wedding ring packed a bag for her and our sons than left, I’ve tried to call her but she won’t answer both my girls haven’t left their room crying blaming themselves for what happened
Oh,good. She's leaving on her own.
And no, your daughters didn't cause this. You, your daughters, and their maternal family caused this.
If how Ann reacted is true and not an exaggeration on your part, it seems like Ann spent yearsthanklessly doing these things for your daughters, all the while being attacked from all sides for "stepping out of her lane". And it seems like now, after "stepping back into her lane", you all realize just how much she's been doing for you all.
YTA. and so are your daughters and their maternal family.
I'm betting that Ann was
I'm betting that Ann was doing the dishes, you know, for everyone, when she overheard that comment and out of pure desolation just dropped the plate. I had an instance like that once with a sheet pan.
I bet Ann was doing the
I bet Ann was doing the dishes and she probably does the dishes for everyone EVERY day and everyone expects of Ann. I think she smashed the plate because she realized the system is rigged against her and finally had that light bulb moment. I really hope she DID smash the plate - why not? You've been abused for 10 years and you're finally catching on - SMASH THAT PLATE!
If I were Ann, I would have
If I were Ann, I would have chucked the plate at my DH's former MIL's head.
"Ooops. It slipped!"
I can't get past the idea of
I can't get past the idea of having a birthday party for someone who died over 10 years ago. IMO, there are some serious unresolved issues there...
I know people who visit the
I know people who visit the cemetery on the birthday and/or DOD of a deceased spouse, but to have a party every year? Creepy and unhealthy.
It's one thing to visit the
It's one thing to visit the cemetery by yourself. It's another to want your current spouse to go and mourn with you too.
Creepy does not even begin to describe the birthday party at her parents' home.
Yes, I meant solo. I visit my
Yes, I meant solo. I visit my mom's grave site frequently on fair weather months (cemetery is closed in winter and usually too snowy to hike into). DH goes with me now and again as I clean up her headstone and the others in the family plot. But no one in my family has a party for deceased loved ones.
All kinds of wrong here...
A birthday party for dead wife.
Celebrating dead wife on mothers day and christmas.
A 16 year old gettting pregnant.
Getting mad at SM Ann because shes not wanting to apologise for her feeling upset at being told her skids wish it was her that was dead and they were just pretending to like her so they could have her continue to doormat for them.
I am SUPER glad that Ann packed the kids and left. Hopefully she has a REALLY great lawyer too, she sounds smart.
Not to mention a gender reveal for a 16 year old...
Not to mention a gender reveal for a 16 year old...
I replied on that one. And
I replied on that one. And told him I hope he/they treats his next partner better.
for me the biggest cruelty was this:
A crying Rose said that she wished it was ann dead instead of her mom and she’s sick of pretending to like her so she can stop trying to play pretend she’s their mom
You know what's especially
You know what's especially cruel and something we see over and over in the stepparent world: SKIDs crying and being the victim as they ATTACK the stepparent. Over and over again - I love this little bit of justice for Ann. She saw the writing on the wall. It wasn't a good deal for her from teh get go but she tried and then realized this is going to be garbage the rest of her life- she deserves better.
I wonder how the first wife
I wonder how the first wife would feel if she knew that her mother, sister, husband and daughters were treating Ann this way. If she was a decent person she would be angry with all of them. I wouldn't want birthday parties thrown for me if I was dead. No one could take my place in my children's lives or my mother's life, there's only one me after all. But, if I died and my husband remarried, and his wife treated my children kindly, being a mother figure to them, that's the best outcome. Why couldn't my kids find room in their hearts to love her too? She wouldn't be replacing me, but she would be filling a void that needed filling. I'd come back and haunt my mother if she tried to poison my kids against her.
I still miss my dad. Always will. I got closer to my uncle. He hasn't replaced my dad at all, but has been there to give fatherly advice when I needed it. I think Dad would be fine with that as he'd rather his own brother be able to guide me vs someone who may not be as good of an influence.
Good God this man needs to
Good God this man needs to come with a warning label.
Celebrating the saintly dead ex's birthday? Mother's Day and Christmas revolving around her too? Overbearing mother-in-law? AND a teen stepkid with a baby on the way with no means of supporting herself?
Sounds like a sh- show in hell.
It looks like the original
It looks like the original post has disappeared. But, I believe it said he has two younger children with the new wife. I wonder how the Mothers Day celebration of the deceased included them.
That makes me feel sick for her.
In any other walk of life this would be nuts
Step life is the fu@king twilight zone ...
Stepmoms are today's
Stepmoms are today's Cinderella. I hope Ann finds a real prince.
This is 100% TRUE. Love to
This is 100% TRUE. Love to see Disney come out with a twist on Cinderella.
THIS is why I refuse to be
THIS is why I refuse to be "mom" 2.0 ... most the times these kids n ex wives resent the energy and effort step moms put in to try and improve the quality of their life.
most of these single dads (not the wise sane ones) are looking for nothing more than glorified FREE nanny/uber driver/maid/chef/therapist/etc for their offspring PLUS they expect seggs on demand
Where do I opt-out?
You will constantly be competing with the ex-wife and in this situation the ex is deceased and he has this woman competing with a ghost.
Thats nuts for reddit..
Thats nuts for reddit...Usually most ppl will respond in favor of the children and the bioparents dead or alive
It really is a first because that site paints stepparents as menial slaves required to give their income and serve/help the ex and the children
Well played SM. Well played.
Well played SM. Well played.
Too bad she polluted her gene pool with this guy.
I hope she nails him for a crap ton of CS and makes it difficult for him to continue to provide for the progeny of the failed coupling between him and his deceased womb donor. Particularly the toxic teen breeder with the disappeared baby daddy. No doubt her STBXH will support his GKid and his breeder daugther for who knows how long.
She needs to take the house as well. Sell it and buy one for herself and her boys in another State to drive home the point that SpermDaddy screwed the pooch by siding with his toxic daugthers and his former ILs. That also drives long distance visitation which minimizes the amount of exposure time her boys will have with the shallow and polluted end of their gene pool.
The support that SM is apparently getting in the comments is heartening.
DW, who was pretty much Rose the 16 & pregnant
daughter in this Reddit, is livid at this disphit, his nasty spawn with his dead wife, and with the dead wife's shallow and polluted gene pool family.
She (DW) is the orphan who became a teen mom at 16. Her StepDad was at the hospital when she was born. He and my MIL married when my DW was 2mos old. She did tell him a couple of times when she was in her difficult teens that he was not her dad. She tears up when she recounts those times. She worshipped her dad. She is his person. Even my MIL told my DW recently that my bride was her dad's person. MIL and FIL have 4 kids. My DW, BIL1, BIL2, and SIL. Though she is not his genetically, she is the child of his heart and she was the one he was closest with by far.
When she got pregnant, it was him that comforted her, told her that she would get through it, told her she was keeping and raising the baby, and was her main support.
DW: "He has a duty to protect this wife in this situation. His former ILs, his daughters, and his former ILs were gaining up on his wife and he did nothing. Ann chose those girls. Like my dad chose me and you chose (SS). Ann is better off, and her boys are better off now that she has left. Poor mama, and the boys. I feel bad for them."
After she said the above, she teared up and "I miss my dad." We lost my FIL 6 years ago this coming summer. DW's BioDad/MIL's first DH was killed in a vehicle accident a few days before MIL learned that she was pregnant with DW. So my FIL was not only StepDad, he had Unicorn mythical deceased BioDad to deal with as my DW was growing up.
Unfortunately the Reddit is no longer open for comment. I was going in loaded for bear.
Hi Rags
You left a name in there. Don't know if you want to edit.
Thanks TASM. I did the edit.
Thanks TASM. I did the edit.
I appreciate you pointing it out.
More from my bride....
DW: "What people forget is that the kids grow up and move on with their lives. You have to remember that and be with the person you can make a life with and be with after the kids. It goes by so fast. You miss the kids. But then you have each other, you have today, and you have the future."
No doubt it is even more important in blended family marriages. And much harder. Particularly when the person who brings the kid baggage to the new marriage does not keep those kids in their place and ensure that they behave.
That so many STalkers do not have quality partners, their partners do not hold their baggage kids to standards, and the drama goes on well into Skid adulthood, infuriates me.
Poor Ann
There are ways that you can still honor the deceased person without insulting the new person. A friend of mine for college died when her son was very small. Dad remarried and the family do acknowledge her death and bday every year but in a quiet way full of thoughts and rememberance. On her bday they cook and eat one of our national dishes in her honor. But Dad would not support his son being mean to SM,
If the link above does not
If the link above does not show the original post, you can find it reposted here.
Thank you!
I'm late to this party & grateful you posted this link.