Moving interstate and discover SS (19) isn’t moving out
I am moving interstate to be with my SO His son (19) was going to move to another city for uni but now has decided to stay. This means that we have to stay in the rental my SO is currently living in as we cannot afford to purchase a big enough home to accommodate us all. I've only just discovered this and I move in 2 weeks. My SO didn't tell me as he knew my feelings on this. I am giving up everything to be with him so AITA for being angry? I feel like his son has taken the easy way out whereas my son is starting uni in a different city this semester and is doing everything to find a home and a new job
my So says that SS will pay rent but it's more than just money. My SO's children are very demanding of my SO's time, all have ADHD and have been very protected by my SO when their mother walked out. My SO now feels torn between me and his son so I now feel bad. Obviously if the roles were reversed I would back my own child and my SO did want him to move to help him mature so now I'm feeling like a selfish Stepmum and have significant issues with moving. As I said, I've given up my jobs and home and most of jy posssessions to be with my SO and I desperately love him but I feel like I wasn't involved in the conversation at all.
You are NTA!!
He is.
Now, stop the move, inform your SO that he cannot change the plan at this late point and that he was sneeky about it makes him and his failure to launch spawn a collective write off.
Don't do this. It never ends. The lying never ends, the manipulation never ends, the spawn are never truly gone. If you go through with this you are destined to be in a less than position in this relationship and the failed family spawn will always trump... you. Always trump your relationship.
Don't do this to yourself.
Tell your SO he is the one moving and his spawn is not welcome. Flip the script. See if he is all in with you, or if he is a spawn worshiping moron.
Take care of you.
It’s too late
My house is sold, I have no job here. My small amount of possessions are in transit . am angry that I wasn't even consulted during the decision making. I feel that I have no choice but to move.
I do feel "less than" and I have felt that when I've visited them before. I thought the eldest would move and I would move up the order.
i guess I have no real option but to move and see how it goes it
I suggest you be quite clear
I suggest you be quite clear about your expectations once you get there that you will not tolerate any more lies and that you WILL be treated as the queen of the castle and NOT "less than". Also ensure that you keep enough aside for you to be able to move out and get your own place if things get bad. You will feel much more comfortable stating your case and being respected if you know that you have a possible exit.
Are your living expenses
Are your living expenses going to dramatically decrease once you are there? Do you have a job lined up there? If so, start socking away money immediately once you move there. If one or both of those answers is no, you may be just as well off staying where you are or even moving elsewhere. Easier to move boxes of posessions before they have been unpacked. Can you have them rerouted? I agree with Rags. See if this guy is as committed to you as you are to him. You've quit your job, sold your home, and are moving states. What has he done to prove he is as loyal to you as you are to him? A lot of these guys, when asked to put in even a fraction of the effort you have, show their true colors.
You may feel that you have to
You may feel that you have to move but that doesn't mean you have to move in with them. Perhaps you coudl rent a hotel room until you find an apartment or house. Do you have a job lined up already?
This. Find a cheap 1BR to rent. If he gets away with this the lies by omission will never end.
Inform this dipshit that his
Inform this dipshit that his spawn is gone as soon as you arrive or you will be suing him for breech of promise and asking for significant damages.
Then hand him the lawsuit papers when you arrive.
This is crap. Do not tolerate it. Do not fail to confront it, confront him, and confront them.
you may have enough time to
you may have enough time to rent yourself a cute little studio or patio apartment. it will give you time to really get to know him better because I'm guessing the man he showed you is not the same man who deliberately hid this from you. you can "date" while he gets his issues dealt with. Starting with why exactly he duped you.
"Starting with why exactly he
"Starting with why exactly he duped you."
YES. This is a very bad sign. Do not tie yourself to this guy all the way yet. He did not hold up his end of the deal. The deal is void.
Let AgedOut's Comment Sink In
Find something small to rent....put your stuff in storage that doesn't fit. Get a job asap. Then just date this man for a while longer.
Truthfully, if it was me and I had been LIED to like this.....I'd probably end the relationship outright and make a decision to stay where I am and start over. When a man can LIE to this degree before you are even co-habitating??? Just think of the lies you will have to endure once under his roof. And how your life will be living in a home with him and his son.
You have a do NOT have to move in with this man. If renting a place isn't an option, reach out to friends and family for a hand until you get back on your feet. Best to you.
"My SO now feels torn between
"My SO now feels torn between me and his son so I now feel bad." Did your SO tell you this? He's full of shit. If he feels in the middle he is the one who put himself there and he's being manipulative and trying to put the onus on you to suck it the hell up and eat shit. Don't fall for it.
I wouldn't even step foot in that house. Can you have your stuff rerouted back to where you are? You do not have to follow through with the move. I would not. Your SS isn't going to move out any time soon. I had to pull quite a stunt and go buy a house when my SS was 23 and never worked a full time job or went to school since he graduated HS at 17. DH refused to even consider putting him on a launching plan and he'd act like I wanted to run over and change the locks before SS got home. I bought a house and told DH he can either stay with his adult babies forever or come with me. He had 48 hours to make an irreversible decision. The reason for the 48 hour deadline was to put an end to the manipulation and time-buying tactics. I was sick of hearing DH claim that he was waiting for SS to launch naturally. At the rate DH was going, he was creating a dependency and never requiring anything from SS and he was never going to launch naturally. I also wasn't going to tolerate DH changing his mind to buy time or to use me as a booty call. We had been married a long time already and I warned DH to choose carefully because I will not be his booty call. I would have no choice but to move on with my life because I will no longer tolerate an emotionally unabailable man who cannot or will not be all-in with me because of his obsession with his adult kids. I was on the lookout for all of the manipulative tactics. So, trust me, do not even move in. If you do, you're teaching your SO that you'll cave and that'll set you up for nothing but heartache and you'll end up leaving later rather than nipping it in the bud. If you enter that house for a period of time and continue with the relationship you're opening yourself up to a lot of heartache and damage. If you think you're in pain now wait until you're continuously put last every single day for a period of time. It's soul destroying.
If I sound bitter, it's because I am and I'm that way because of the dynamic of what you describe in your post. It's pure hell.
Why are you feeling so much
Why are you feeling so much guilt over this? You were LIED to. There are lots of options here, not just sucking it up and moving in with you SO. In fact that would be the one thing I would NOT do. If he can lie and hide things from you now, it will become easier for him as time goes on.
Your SO changed your living arrangements without even consulting you. Think about that. Sounds like SS is the partner and you are the child.
Welcome to Steptalk!
So, here is what you are up against:
1. A partner that lies by ommission and puts/will put the failed first family ahead of you.
2. You mentioned more than one skid. How many? What ages? It will definitely be a you vs them attitude, and if you try to establish yourself, there will be a great amount of pushback. Your role will not be queen of your domaine it will be dormat, maid, chauffer, cook, bed wamer, bill payer.
3. You have already sold your house and left your job, and are leaving behind a community. Tme to take stock quickly. Firstly find a place separate from SO and his brood. Get that new job. See what is up with things.
You take care of YOU. Do not feel like the AH.
Don't move friend. We will be
Don't move friend. We will be here if you do and respect your choice but please do not forget you still have options. This is not good and you need a little more time to see if this guy can prove himself. Right now his actions show he's not worth it.
I Agree
With everyone else, it sounds like he's trying to trap you, especially since it doesn't sound as though he is even trying to show you that he is contrite. The only thing I would add is that if you decide to stay with him and get a place of your own, which you should, don't sleep with him or let him sleep over. He will then be able to have the best of both worlds by being able to keep his son in the house and booty call you whenever he wants.
Where are your friends and
Where are your friends and family? How far away is this new town? Do you have a job lined up there?
At this point, I would be deciding, based on the answers to those questions, whether I'd be moving to a rental in your current town or the new town. Under no circumstances would I be moving in with the SO.
Thank you everyone
I cant believe how angry everyone is on my behalf! I thought I was over reacting!
I'm moving to a place where my SO and his kids are the only people I know I have a job lined up but it's part time and definitely not enough to rent a place in the city I'm moving to. Staying where I am now is not an option either.
i have to confront the lie by omission. My ex did exactly the same to me, over and over , and I think I was part of my anger was that it had happened again. Any tips on how that conversation could go?
im emotionally all over the place with leaving my adult kids and everything I know. I don't want to lose my SO but I want to make it VERY clear that the line that upset me most was "this isn't about you it's about my son's university choice".
Stay with your adult kids
Stay with your adult kids until you get a new full time role and a new place in your current city.
This has separate and isolate written all over it. Gaslighting you about it being about his son's university choice is a telling manipulation technique.
Do... not..... move.
"It's not about you." Then
"It's not about you." Then why the fk is she leaving her whole life behind to be in a relationship that isn't about her?!
It is entirely about her. She is the only one making a sacrifice/investment in this.
Idk, man. Like, are you sure
Idk, man. Like, are you sure that moving is the best option? Away from your own kids? Since you only have a part time job lined up there, could you find something else in your area? It scares me on your behalf that he said "this isn't about you." You were prepared to give up your home, your job, and your own kids for him. Shouldn't it be about you, at least partly? Isn't that the point of an adult relationship?
Sorry, I don't want to see you end up isolated with a bunch of people who put your needs last (like a LOT of people on this site already are!) If you are determined to try to stick it out and reason with him, maybe start with that. People here say that the *needs* of minor children should come first, but the couple should be at the center and put each other's needs and wants first unless a minor's needs aren't being met. This SS isn't a minor, but he is still a dependent, so this is a gray area.
So ask questions. What are the plans for SS? How long will he continue to live there and after, say, his first year at college, will your opinion be considered? Is him living at home contingent on him making progress in school? Is it expected that he will respect you? Is it expected that he will pick up after himself? What about common spaces? Does SS take over the living room with friends or video games? Is BM still involved in coparenting with your SO? How will holidays look? Will your family be prioritized as much as SO's family? And most important, will future decisions on things involving SS and *your* home be made with you as an equal participant to your SO? This guy's answers to these may be enlightening. If his answers don't pass the smell test or he gets overly defensive, run!
I get what you are saying,
I get what you are saying, Rumplestiltskin, but screw all of the questions (and getting more lies). I flat out would not be living there.
Categorize people by their
Categorize people by their actions and never be fooled by their words.
His actions condemn him. His words, are not worth the halitosis it takes to spew them.
My ex-husband made it a point
My ex-husband made it a point to keep me away from my family, would get angry when I wanted to visit them (to the point where I just wouldn't go), and he insisted we center our lives around his son. Every single thing in our life was about his son. If his son was at his mother's house visting her (he was an adult by this time), my ex husband would text him what we were having for supper or what movie we were watching. It was like he was married to his son and I was just a roommate. This continued until I left him when his son was an adult.
Please, don't go through with the move. This man only cares about his son. You'll always be second. Also, he lied. He purposely lied because he knew you wouldn't come if you knew his son was there. This is maniuplative and abusive. He's trying to isolate your from your support system to twist your arm into being a "happy family" which means putting his son up on a pedastal. They would probably both end of treating you like crap. Trust me, I have been through a very similar situation.
Please put on the brakes, change direction, and cut this guy and his manchild out of your life.
Be direct, KISS
Keep it sweet and simple.
Let him know that this directly affects you, and this lie by ommission was a huge violation of trust. Asking the questions and directing the topics to how things are going to work in the future is a good way to go. But I think you should spend the rest of your time and energy looking for fulltime work and homeshare.
On those facts, I'd stay put.
On those facts, I'd stay put. Can you get your old job back, or find another one? Would one of your children give you a temporary place to stay while you found a rental?
It's telling that YOU'RE the one sacrificing to be with your SO, and he's already lying to and gaslighting you. Don't move into that situation.
But it is about you. This was
But it is about you. This was supposed to be your home, your sanctuary, your relationship, your new town, new life. You were sold a bill of goods. You got the old bait and switch. This is not what you signed up for. It does concern you. The dynamic totally changes your life. Do not move in and don't fall for any con-artistry talk like that line, "this isn't about you it's about my son's university choice."
Can you become roomies with your adult kids? Your SO seems to be very good at putting his own spin on things. I would not want to walk that path again. It's exhausting. I wouldn't be able to come back from that very serious lie by omission, especially since you mentioned that you already felt like an outsider the times you've visited before. It won't end. If you move in, your SO will be rewarded for what he did and think that you're willing to eat shit for the sake of keeping him.
I probably sound harsh but I'm so triggered and enraged by your post and comments about what your SO has to say about it. It's because I've been there. I even developed physical symptoms from it and soul-crushing loss of self-esteem and totally lost any sense of my self worth. The agony was unreal. I really hope you kick him to the curb.
Oh, and why the hell should you move away from your kids but your SO has his? How damn fair is that? Think about what you've walked away from for this guy. What are you getting? You're not even getting a man who is all-in with you for all that you've done for this relationship. Your SO pulled quite a stunt to make it so that he could force your hand. I would honestly not only end the relationship, but I'd ghost him and block him. He doesn't even deserve a courteous break-up IMO.
A guy worth leaving your life
A guy worth leaving your life behind for would tell you what's going on. Get your input. Maybe you could decide together if moving right now is the right choice. If so, you could make a plan together for SS. How long he will stay, etc. He doesn't make the decision without you and keep it from you, then tell you it isn't about you. Sharing a home with not one adult man but two is most definitely "about you!"
This is ABSOLUTELY about you! It's YOUR LIFE he's screwing with!!! What an Ahole!
If you move in with him now, you will be accepting his deceiving you and prioritizing his son over you. You'll be letting him win this power play. Please, please make other arrangements.
He said WHAT??!!
He said WHAT??!!
How dare he say this isn't about you?! How DARE he expect you to just put up with his crap and accept his miserable little crumbs?! Listen carefully to what he is telling you. You will always be an afterthought and expected to just deal with whatever shite he wants to feed you. His son is still going to be there in another ten years time and you are seriously considering living with that? Don't you think you deserve better than a guy for whom you will never have first place. No, just no, you deserve so much better than this.
Love is not enough to have to put up with this stuff, really far from enough.
I don't care how complicated it is but ... reverse your plans and write this apology for a partner off. Look at what you were prepared to give up for him and look how little he cares about it. Really, stay where you are. It might not be too late to get your old job back. Redirect your belongings, put them in storage if necessary. Just don't throw your life away on someone so unworthy.
How old are you?
How old are you?
I've only just discovered
I've only just discovered this and I move in 2 weeks. My SO didn't tell me as he knew my feelings on this.
What he's done is all kinds of wrong. There is no way in hell I would move in with him. You are NOT over reacting.
"this isn't about you it's about my son's university choice".
This is just so disrespectful. I mean, it is about you, also, you gave up everything to move based on certain expectations. He owed it to you to tell you as soon as he knew.
He is going to keep defending his position, using his Dad card, so I'm not sure how far you will get talking to him about this. He will also probably say that he didn't tell you as soon as he knew because he didn't want to lose you or for you to be upset. Neither are good enough reasons for not being honest.
He needs to be shown that what he did was unacceptable. If staying where you are is absolutely not an option, if you have to live with them temporarily, I would try my damnedest to get a place of my own.
This is absolutely about you.
This is absolutely about you. It changes where you live, it changes the dynamic of the home & he purposefully did not tell you. Moving into someone else's home is a lot different then starting over together. When someone tells you who they are, believe them. Stay with your kids, find a room for rent, & rebuild your life where you are. You will have far more peace then with a man who doesn't take your opinion into account. He won't put you first, so put yourself first.
That he made such a decision
That he made such a decision without consulting you is a huge red flag. It sounds like you had planned on buying a house in the new city?
I'm so sorry you are in this
I'm so sorry you are in this situation. It IS a major red-flag warning with sirens and is telling you of what is to come unless some miracle occurs. Your SO lies by omission and takes the coward's way out, then ends up getting what he wants. That isn't cute (I know you don't think it is), but it is very immature and very harmful.
My suggestion to you at this point is to leave most of your things packed when you move (or put them in storage--that might give SO a big fat CLUE about where you are with all of this) and begin making alternate plans for yourself. Again, I'm really sorry.
PS How long is his son planning on staying?
I'm sorry this is happening.
I'm sorry this is happening. I agree with everyone else here. You should do what you can to avoid moving in. How he responds will let you know if this is the guy for you. He'll either realize he needs to begin prioritizing his partner over his ADULT children and make moves to center you in his life or he won't and you can choose to move on and find someone ready to live the life you want.
I think we're all so angry on
I think we're all so angry on your behalf because so many of us have lived a similar story. We were promised one thing but then it shifted and somehow we got bamboozled into what our full brain tells us is unacceptable. But our hearts, having been promised the stars and the moon are still hoping, still wanting to believe even though our brains are throwing up a parade of red flags.
We worry for you because we know what comes next. More promises that shift, more lies of omission, more compromise that expected but only from you. We are so strong in our words because we know how weak you can feel when his words beat you into accepting the unacceptable.
Update, OP?
I can't be the only one who is dying to know what you decided to do and how things are for you now.
OP has not been online.
OP has not been online. Hopefully, she is lurking and will respond...
Yes we need a
Update. I ys been two months. Hope you found a place by yourself. This man is on the crazy train with his DS. NO place for you to get on. He made his decision on "who's more important ". Answer DS.