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Talked with the SKid last night.

Rags's picture

He recently transferred to a new job in a different organization. His holiday leave was approved by his former leaders.  So, some variables have injected into our upcoming Rags clan Christmas gathering. The first all clan gathering since 2021 for my nieces wedding and the first all clan Christmas in 7+ years.

He will be there, but maybe only for the 24th through the 25th.  Maybe several more days but not sure if those will be before or after the core days of his leave.

He sounds great.  Energized by his transfer.

I have canceled the hit on him, for now anyway, since he is the one who called his mom.

That was a close one kid. Luckily the assasin answered my call before pulling the trigger.

Joking of course.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

I know you are proud of him! It will be nice to see him for the holidays. My son tends to land himself on the "hit list" too. He gets caught up in what he's doing and isn't great about keeping in touch when that happens. Although i'm the same way so he gets it from me. If i haven't heard from him in a week, i'll usually call him. 

Rags's picture

Lol, You and your DS are .... my DW and her DS.

I am the communicator in our 3 Musketeers family. I call, I text, I bug the shit out of both of them to reach out to each other.  I do the same with friends and push DW to do that with her friends and family.

People have to work to not stay connected with me. Though even I run out of steam upon occassions when someone waits too long to answer or reach out to me.

Interestingly, when I stop... they eventually call me all concerned about why I have not bugged the shit out of them in a while.



ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Great news Rags! Always fun to hear SKIDs that are succeeding in life and treating their stepparent respectfully. Great update - hope the holidays are full of fun for you and the fam.