You guys aren't going to believe this...
If you remember we were in court to end all the CS bullshit in July. BM lied, got away with it because the judge said he didn't care and wasn't going to hear the trial, that her contempts didn't matter because the case was so screwed up from the begining (yes- because of him and his illegal orders that we had to get thrown out 2x and his refusal to hold BM accountable ever).
ANYWAY- in this court system, the judge orders, the lawyers write the Journal Entry and the judge signs. Well, we had never gotten the signed order back. I have been bugging our lawyer for weeks about getting it. I finally got mad yesterday and called the court house. They never received it.
Called our attorney- he sent me the recepit that it was sent. So now the question is- the the judge delete it, did her attorney do something? What happened to it?
Our lawyer is resubmitting but the final payment is next month. If the order isn't signed, we can't stop the CS come being collected from DCSE!
I might be going to jail you guys.
- justmakingthebest's blog
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You guys can not win
I'm sending some Karma your way. You definitely need it.
I keep hoping that one day we'll get an update from you with good news.
So.. are you saying that you
So.. are you saying that you paid the lump sum required and that there is no record of it? that your DH will continue to have his pay garnished? Or is the order from the judge not finalized? sorry...
I think the court can sometimes have backlogs of paperwork.. If your lawyer has a confirmation it was sent.. I'm not sure why it can't be traced (probably your lawyer screwed up.. honestly.. they have been crap all along.. in addition to the judge).
We paid half in lump sum but
We paid half in lump sum but the rest will be paid through garnishment next month. So if it isn't resolved by mid Nov- we will be over paying her and you know we won't get that back!
You are KIDDING!!! I'd be
You are KIDDING!!! I'd be freaking marching down to that office myself and plant myself there until it's found. If it was all signed off, and it was seen, surely someone has that freaking copy!
We are in VA, court is in KS
We are in VA, court is in KS and DH is out to sea with the Navy so he can't do a dang thing.
Is there any way your DH can sign over
you being able to act on his behalf while he is away like this? I would be booking a flight to Kansas and showing up at the court house until it was done. It is ridiculous the amount of fuckery that has gone on with this and ALWAYS in benefit of BM and against your DH
I’m so sorry this really
I’m so sorry this really sucks, you will need to keep on top of your attorney for this. If they are taking it via wage garnishment then he should get reimbursed. My DH went through this with CS services here they ended up taking three times the amount he owed for one month of CS. He had to get his lawyer involved who got it stopped and then he was issued a check about a month later.
Normally they fix it and reimburse. But, this court is anything but normal.
Damn. I'm sorry.
Damn. I'm sorry.
I can't add anything else from what the others have said. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this mess.
Do we all show up outside
Do we all show up outside this Kansas courthouse FFS?!! Terrible. I'm sorry.
It might come to that!
It might come to that! STalker's Assemble! LMAO
What a cluster
Someone needs to just end it by lobbing a molotov cocktail into the judge's office and the BM's (not so secret) place of work. I'm sure other biodad's have gotten the same treatment from this pathetic failed attorney.
Sounds like lazy incompetent
Sounds like lazy incompetent lawyers and judge who needs to go ahead and retire.
So sorry this is happening
it really is ridiculous! How come your lawyer isn't following up on this? If the court can garnish from you guys i hope they can also garnish from BM for the extra pay...but really I hope it never needs to get that far!
I got an update last night.
I got an update last night. This is actually kind of fun.
Lawyer is resending everything over but updating to show the exact dollar amount owed as of today's date. He is adding in the order that DCSE will stop pulling payments and DH will self pay.
As soon as that is confirmed he is sending in the final payment of $3,005 to BM's lawyer - made out to both of them. That's what we did in court because apparently BM hasn't paid her lawyer in years. So he got that 10K we shelled out in court. It will be good to know she won't get the last 3K either. At least that's something to make us giggle. It sucks that we paid her attorney, but hey, at least she isn't getting the $!
Brilliant! Make sure that you put on the comment line of the
check that it is for payment of CS including the moths the last payment includes. So BM can't claim it was a gift or for something else.
Oh yes. Been there. This is exactly why it is imperative to read
the order BEFORE you allow your attorney to send it to the Judge for signature. Judges, being the lazy bottom 10%er morons of the family law element of the legal profession that they seemingly tend to be, rarely write their own orders. They have one or the other of the lawyers on opposite sides of the case write the order. Gotta bill the client as much as possible after all. Those dipshits apparently don't listen to what the Judge rules and seem to regularly screw it up. Ours did.
DW and I read it, found several errors and omissions from what the Judge actually ruled. We sent corrections and told our attorney that we would not pay the bill until the CO was right. IT took two cycles of corrections and proofreading before we approved the CO that was sent to the Judge for signature.
Once the CO was correct and signed, we fired our SpermLand attorney. Not that they were bad. They were just more interested in protecting their relationship with the Judge and not pissing off the small town where our case was than they were in representing us.
After that, we never again used a SpermLand attorney. We used one from our area who was an absolute shark. He would battle their slug attorney of the moment, shred them, and we never again had to have an attorney with us in SpermLand courts. Our local attorney would work with us on strategy, documentaion, etc... and we would take that to court. Not as hard as it may sound since after the first very expensive round of legal actions and court hearings, they never again engaged an attorney at all. They went in with the cry, whine, and complain method and got their asses handed to them by the Judge. Because the SpermClan did not have an attorney and we did not engage one in SpermLand... guess who had to write their own CO? Not a planned benefit, but... at least the Judge in our last hearing got their own order right. In all fairness, that Judge was great. She was not an idiot like the first dumbass Judge we had. Mr "I hope everyone feels better because now I am going to do what I always do." Thanks for not listening to the LEOs, licensed foster parents, and half a dozen other witnesses who bared the Spermidiot's ass all day and ... thanks for wasting our time and our $10K spent to sit and watch your idiot ass blather from the bench.
Though we usually for the most part won, I have never left family law court without feeling like I needed to take a scalding hot shower to blast the skeeve from my flesh.
I am glad that you are almost done.
Enjoy your new life adventure with this fading into your rear view mirror.
Live well, enjoy living your revenge.