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Overwhelmed, confused, frustrated, not sure what to do

Stepmonster15's picture

Hi. I'm new to the site. Step mom to 2 boys 10 and 12, married 4 years. Feeling like I'm close to the end of my rope and my mom told me I should find some step parent support groups so... here I am. We just finished dealing with court to get an established parenting schedule and the judge did not allow 5050 parenting. We started the process in 2020 because BioMom was withholding time, not abiding by agreed upon pick up times, manipulating the kids, sheltering, spoiling, trash talking dad, bla bla you all know the story I'm sure. Long and the short, DH was shafted and granted parenting time every other weekend which obviously is not enough time to actually have influence over what is going on in their lives.

Fast forward to now: I seem to have a lot of similar feelings to many on this site from what I've read. Frustrations with DH not enforcing established rules, feeling taken advantage of, feeling disrespected etc because the limited time with them has DH playing more fun parent and not parent parent. 

I have been working on separating myself when they are here but it seems near impossible most days. In the marriage I cook, clean, take care of the house, grocery shop and generally keep life moving on a fairly forward track which ( more or less ) works in our marriage because there is trade off elsewhere. That is until the step kids are here. We've had discussions about him stepping up end enforcing our established rules ie, basic manners, don't burp at the table during meals, basic respect and conduct etc but it never actually gets established. 

Then of course I get frustrated feeling like a maid to two ungrateful spoiled brats who like to sh*t on me most days, so i make suggestion on how to change behaviors, how to discipline etc and it gets met with " ya I'll do something " or " I will not discipline them for this". To clarify discipline not being physical, rather meeting the crime. Ie they break something, they can do extra chores to work off the cost. Generally, on paper, we have the same feelings, thoughts and opinions but then when it actually comes down to it, does not seem to be the case.

Anywho I really don't know what I'm looking for because it sounds like a lot of us are in the same perpetual cycle of crap but i guess im just wondering if it gets better? At what point do you tap out and call it quits?  Do you call it quits or just wait for the spawn to be 18 and we can be free of biomoms and the product of her poor parentings shit? Our marriage is by no means perfect and we have our own struggles that we're facing since covid upturned our lives and then the kids developing so many bad habits it's putting immense pressure on everything. DH is a good man but has his own battles from healing past trauma, continued abuse from his narsassitic ex, to re learning his own self worth after his ex painting him as an abusive, absent, failed father that the kids are afraid of, etc  and i just feel lost in this sea of uncertainty. My psychologist asked if I'd considered divorce and that kind of hit me like a ton of bricks too.... ugh. Help?


JRI's picture

Do you have bio kids?  From before, or with DH?  How old are you ?  Do you work?

Sorry to sound nosy but it will help us respond to you.  More later....

Stepmonster15's picture

No bio kids, I work full time 40-70hrs a week running a buisiness and am the primary provider for ours household. There's a lot of resentment on his end for the income difference as well but that's a whole other thing... lol

SteppedOut's picture

You do all the housework AND you are primary financial provider? 

Plus you have no kids of your own? Do you want them? 

Big yikes, I agree w your doc. Preferably before you can get hit up for alimony. 

Stepmonster15's picture

I'm still undecided on the kid thing myself. I don't think it's logical. I love working and the idea of having to stop doesn't appeal to me. 

It's too late on the avoiding alimony thing. Spousal support can be claimed even if you're common law in Canada. Granted he said his pride would never allow him to claim it. 

He does the yard work which is a big help but ya. I feel I do most of everything over and above... other than yard work nothing in my life would change if I were single I don't think


SteppedOut's picture

That is completely ok! But if you don't, why are you living a life of having kids?

If I didn't have kids I would be traveling, planning on early retirement, enjoying clean and peace in my home...on and on. You can't. Your funds are being spent on kids, you can't travel (at least with your spouse), peace in your home does not exist. 

Eh. Hard pass on supporting someone else's kids (and a grown ass adult for that matter).

A partner/spouse/significant other should add to your life - not make it worse.

Stepmonster15's picture

Ya part of my conditions with actually moving away from my home and doing this was the promise that once the kids are done school we're retiring south, somewhere sunny. DH agrees so it's basically an 8 year plan in the making. He's recently been so exhausted by everything with the kids and biomom that he doesn't even want to stay where we are and move away already and just have the steps over major holidays... I'm not getting my hopes up there lol 

That is a very good point on the kid thing. I guess in my head it was " its only 6 days a month" but forgot to factor in long weekend, spring break, reading break, Christmas break, and summer break.... suffice to say it was likely poor planning on my part ( or stupidity and ignorance) that have now pushed to me losing my mind. Biomom even today is trying to manipulate more money. DH told her to shove it thankfully but still...

Lillywy00's picture


YOU are the primary provider?!?

And your dude is back talking you and allowing his kids to disrespect in the home YOU pay for. 

NOPE .... He can leave and take those unruly kids with him. 

They have a tendency to slack of being a good partner once they realize you're "locked in" to their dysfunction and think you ain't going nowhere. 

Stepmonster15's picture

Pretty much sums it up yup. More often than not he's just oblivious to what's going on around him and doesn't even notice so I just get crapped on. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Your feelings are valid. You are dealing with what we call on this site a HCBM (high conflict bio mom) and a Disney Dad (spoils kids out of guilt or fear of losing them.) The stepmom in that situation is a miserable role.

Idk how old you are, if you have kids of your own either with your husband or not, or what the details of your living arrangements are that you do all the domestic stuff. All of those things factor into whether you should stay or go.

Notice i didn't mention whether or not your husband is an "amazing" man, or whether or not you love him. TBH, those things don't seem to matter much when taking into account how peaceful or miserable your day-to-day life in your own home is. Whether or not you two are on the same page as far as parenting, expectations, and boundaries with the kids and ex affect your daily life more. I would recommend marriage counseling. 

Stepmonster15's picture

Miserable is a good descriptor for sure... high conflict, also. That's the term the lawyer used as well. 

We live together, he works 8-430 m-f, I run a business and work from home 3-6 hours a day 7 per week plus client meetings another 3-6 hours a day 7 per week. Only really get off time when it's been scheduled in advance for vacations ( I'm working on balance, I know it's not helping). No kids, have discussed the possibility but it doesn't seem in the cards logically. My days basically consist of working and domestic duties with little to no off time. When steps are here that remains the same but with high stress because of their behaviors. They always go to me for everything, not their dad, because at their moms she doesn't allow her spouse to have anything to do with them so it seems they may associate the gender role thing to me automatically which of course isn't addressed by dad. Though thinking about it now I don't know if I've ever expressed that thought.... 


Anyway. We tried marriage councelling. Where he is in his healing, he is unable to recieve communication without breaking into an " it's my fault, I'm a bad husband" mentality so we're doing individual work until he can learn to recieve communication and work through what's going on there.... suffice to say this also does not create a safe space to really discuss these issues, especially about the steps. 

Hes also frustrated because he tries to be a parent, then gets it back from the kids that he's mean and not fair to them so he then feels guilty. 


It's a mess...... 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

So...things don't look good. You also need to consider your age. How long do you have to wait and see if this is the one you want to start your own family with? Do you have time to wait? 

Stepmonster15's picture

Bigger question I think is whether I want a family lol! That's yet to be decided. The sad reality is, if the steps and the ex weren't here, it would be easier and we could focus on US. But the catch 22 is he wouldn't be the person he is without the kids. I really feel stuck between a rock and a hard place; there's no balance. And the resentment builds every day.

I do appreciate the comments and insights. I truly am lost in what the right thing is to do. Maybe it's time for an ultimatum with myself. 

Winterglow's picture

 "it's my fault, I'm a bad husband" 

"So what are you going to do about it? Continue to wallow in self-pity?"

"You are also a bad father ..."

Evil4's picture

Don't make the mistake of counting down to 18. Disney parented SKs NEVER reach milestones when their peers do. You won't catch a break at all because they won't get BFs or GFs to get them out of the house when their peers do, they don't learn to drive, they don't do well in school, and they don't get jobs. Disney parenting really ruins them. Disney dads want to coddle their kids so that their kids will never leave them. You will be made out to be the bad guy if you dare say a word. 

I recommend going on strike to start with. Don't do any cleaning, cooking or grocery shopping that benefits the SKs. If you go grocery shopping, don't put anything in the cart that the kids will eat. Buy only your own stuff and lock it away somewhere. Don't do any laundry except your own. If kids' items are in the pile, fish them out. Oh yes! I was that petty! I was sick to death of how I was treated. If I'm going to have to emply another broad's period paddy garbage cans, I had damn well better be worshipped. Since I wasn't and was treated like absolute crap, I went on strike. It took several weeks for DH to have a melt-down and notice just how rotten and lazy his late-teen kids were. I came home one day to a freshly scrubbed spic and span house and DH blowing his stack on his normally Disney parented ingrates. 

Don't eat at the table with the burpnig fools. I went through the same thing. I was appalled when I married my DH and found out he pulled the old bait and switch on me and allowed the SKs to constantly pick their noses and burp and fart at the dinner table. They weren't even required basic hygeine and they had the filthiest hands because they were never required to wash them. There was no way I'd share a table with them. I ate before them in another part of the house. When DH asked me about it I told him the truth. The SKs manners and hygeine make me sick and I will not share a table with them unless and until he gets his ferals under control. It's his choice. 

Going on strike is very difficult if you're like me because I always liked a spic and span house. However, I was ready to no longer allow myself to be treated like shit. It was worth it. Stand strong. Your house will be disgusting, but it may be very worth it. You would just have to stay strong when your DH acts like an ass to "whip you back into shape." Don't fall for it. Good luck!

thinkthrice's picture

Don't make the mistake of supporting him while he supports the BM.  There's no reason you should be the sole support of his previously enjoyed family.   Separate finances!

Stepmonster15's picture

Easier said than done... I pay for all the household expenses so I can live the life I want to. He has his own income to pay his ex and kid stuff and his own habits. Granted it's not enough usually and I still provide extra over and above. Never directly to the kids though in any circumstance... 

thinkthrice's picture

For his failed first family.  Three accounts: yours, his and joint.  He uses ONLY his money on the failed first family.  He also contributes to the joint account for household bills.

If he doesn't have enough to contribute toward household bills then he needs to get a second under the table job.  Don't become Bank of Stepmom!   Ask me how I know. 

Stepmonster15's picture

Sounds like you may have been in the same boat!  Efff that's definitely annoying.  Add bank to the list of things I already am I guess... How much would you think is fair?  Take all bills and do a proportional share kind of thing?  I don't even know how I'd want to split that up....?

Winterglow's picture

He should be paying his share of the bills before he gets to buy anything extra for this kids or any of his "habits". By paying his share of the bills, you are indirectly funding BM.

Stepmonster15's picture

Well that's an infuriating way to look at it.... never thought of it that way.  light bulb!

Darnkitty's picture

Hello dearest step mom, 

Well done reaching out. 

Let's start with what you can do. 

Speak to your psychologist about your responsibility as a step mom, as a partner, as a daughter, as a mom, and focus on boundaries and some strategies to provide guidelines, express your desires and expectations, and how to reclaim your self, your own right to be you. 
The question about divorce is a hard one, it makes no sense when you love your partner. However, until your partner stops blaming the bio mom, and starts parenting, you will be the family scapegoat. However you respond will be seen as the problem, until you realise you are not the problem, that the family can not grow up until the bio dad grows up and takes responsibility for parenting. 
It may not feel accurate, but you being over responsible is contributing by making others under responsible. 
It is your right to be you, it's not your responsibility to get caught up in the drama triangle between bio mom, bio dad and you. Step out of the triangle. 
Bio mom and Bio dad are the parents. Full stop. 
Let them do a rubbish job. Let them have to step up. 
You have to create a void in responsibility, that is be under responsible in step parenting, to enable the actual parents to step up. 

Be aware of the Disneyland dad's fractured fairytale that it will all be wonderful once the kids are 18, know it's an illusion unless bio dad steps up and does the parenting. 
Reality is that step mom's in blended families are generally the one doing all the work and then get all the blame. 
My one piece of advice. 
Ask yourself 'what do I want' 'to do today' and do it. 
if you want to parent as the step parent then do it. But understand the consequences of the bio dad being under responsible and the kids never growing up, and the escalation to family scapegoating abuse, where you are then scapegoated for all problems. 

There is a quieter and more beautiful solution, do something you want to do and go do it. 

Survivingstephell's picture

So he is role modeling how to treat your wife to his boys.  

Your new mantra is "go ask your dad".  

When he plays the sympathy card" I'm a bad husband" agree with him and ask him "what are you going to do about it?  Then just give him a blank stare back while he fumbles for an answer.  Do not let him get away with this emotional manipulation anymore.  Do not  give him an answer. Do not do the work for him.   He needs to be more fearful of losing YOU than upsetting any other person.  

You have a lot of power , you just need to to use it.   

Learned helplessness and weaponized incompetence are tools of the trade for men like this.   Why are you settling for this from him ? You are quite the catch.  He needs to rise to your level, not you sink to his.  

Stepmonster15's picture

I use the "go ask your dad " and " I'm not your parent " alllll the time. They still come to me though and then bitch about " whyyyy do I have to ask him ". 

I do like the calling out the " ya you're being a bad husband / dad " thing... I've never done that. Though might be extremely effective. Thank you for that thought process. 

I empathize, perhaps too much, because of his past. I see so much strength and potential and he's actively working towards improving himself through councelling, self awareness, self learning etc and I guess I'm hopeful that the full potential is achieved?? 

I think what I've learned from comments so far is that there's a time limit that I need to establish on how long im willing to wait? 

TheAccidentalSM's picture

In response to skid whining - "Because he is your parent"

In response to DH whining I completely agree on "What are you going to do about it?"

And your DH shouldn't be spending on luxuries/habits until he has covered CS and his share of household bills.  Nothing leftover for fun - sucks to be him.

Stepmonster15's picture

Savage lol!! Hard truth though... I apprecaite that.  I feel like implimenting all these strategies are going to end up in either me crying and or actually divorced. 

Merry's picture

But you're already crying over this I bet. Right?

You don't have to jump right to divorce. But you do need to figure out what it is you need to be happy. And spell that out to your DH. His reaction will tell you a whole lot.

Stepmonster15's picture

Ya... or im just fully disociating as a defence mechanism from my feelings. Neither are good options. He's told me I should leave a few times. Not sure if that's him telling me he's giving up or not though. 

Winterglow's picture

How do you react when he says that? Ask him straight up what he means by that. MAKE him talk to you. 

Have you ever told him how much better your life would be if you only had to worry about yourself and your needs? He needs to be told that he needs you a helluva lot more than you need him. Until he realizes that he needs to buck up and fight to save his marriage, he's not going to get any better. All the therapy is a waste if he's only using it to be lazy (seems to me that's what he's doing when he says he can't "communicate" - he's taking the easy way out).

All relationships require work; your DH apparenrtly didn't get the memo. He thinks he can just coast along, he probably thinks that you should be grateful to him for allowing you to have a "family" with his kids. He is jealous of your success but rather than try and compete, he prefers to whine and expect you to just give up your hard-earned cash. So much easier than trying to improve himself, gaining extra credentials to climb the ladder, or looking for a better job.

Next time he says you should leave, call his bluff, give him a scare he won't forget, say "yes, maybe I should" and go pack a bag. You've mentioned that any pushback from you could end in divorce. Have you considered how unhealthy that is? You are just coasting towards that point because of his inaction and refusal to communicate. What kind of a relationship is that?

Lillywy00's picture

Yes! As women with smaller biological reproductive windows, we have even shorter timeframes for men to

get their ish together. 

He may never reach his full potential.... are you okay with that?

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

You are the main provider so the house should be ran by you. I am old school, if you bring the bacon then you put your feet on the table and ppl in your house serve and maintain the house and lifestyle that you work hard to provide for them

You do not need 50/50 parenting time as you are already struggling to handle every other weekend. The children are too old to be reprogrammed no matter how much time they spend with you or their dad. Their father will never enforce anything because his parenting is like the co-parent and they are competing against each other to be the childrens friends and main event! 

You need to have a hard line convo with your husband regarding the following:

- His financial contribution to your household needs to be his main concern and increased. If he cannot increase his financials, then he MUST do all the housework and maintenance and handle all house admin if he is trustworthy enough

- He is fully responsible for his children - meaning he needs to clean up after them, pick them up and organize their visit.  If he cannot do so, then he needs to reduce his parenting time until he can control and be responsible for them. After all if you were not in the picture, he would have to do all of that alone as a single dad with no excuse or help

- Disengagement. Inform him calmly that you plan on increasing your hours or getting an activity that will coincidentally fall during these visits. You must be absent when they come over.

- If he becomes financially responsible for your household, then you should inform him that you will clean up after his kids but you will not tolerate nasty behaviors. Dont set expectations too high because these children will never meet them. Another solution is to put locks and shut doors of spaces and contain them in one small room or living room to limit the space that they can trash for a smaller clean up effort at the end


Good luck but honestly I could not provide for a man and his children and be treated as a maid. Funds are already low and budgeted to go to another household for his ex but on top he barely pays anything and brings children over. He needs to pay it all or at least 75% or else walking papers!

Stepmonster15's picture

I wish.... that sounds wonderful. I literally just come home some days so overwhelmed I just cry. Thankfully 5050 won't happen; no way biomom would allow it. In court it was offered 5050 parenting plus she'd still get full support. Still a no. 


On a more productive note... 

Disengagement  - working on it. I like the idea of just not being around.... that would be a huge transition around food and dinner time though. Perhaps that would be a learning point for me to go away for a weekend when they're around... maybe I'll go see my parents. 

Financially thats SO tough. We've talked extensively about this. His take home whether he makes 60k or 100k is going to be the same after child support so it doesn't even matter how much he works or how much he makes +/- a couple hundred. 

Agreed on the being fully responsible for them thing. I don't know how to make that happen without just .... leaving... anytime they're around. But also maybe an option. Lord knows I can afford it financially... maybe not emotionally when I get the " must be nice to be able to go away ".... 

Expectations are also a super fun conversation. I've definitely lowered them over the years but apparently they're still too high.  Common decency doesn't exist with these kids and DH seems to give up on riding them about it as well 


I do appreciate the insites as well and you taking time to respond to my burnt out self. 

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

Honestly the finances are tough....What if you decide to have your own family? How will you provide for them with a father whose income goes mostly to his first family and ex? 

I know you mentioned you dont know if you want kids or not but thats not even on the table. In your situation you arent even afforded the opportunity to make the choice. Its off the table due to financial and parenting constraints

You are not getting much from this besides companionship and yard work, are you ok with this?


Over the years I have lowered expectation from children to 0 because there was too much conflict when they were around and asked to do anything. I have taken on a second job on the weekends that they are around and I travel on the holidays whenever I can or just work overtime to earn time and half/holiday bonus

I am now at a crossroads to decide if I want children or not but I dont feel like the choice is even available to me....Even if my husband has been the primary provider after many conflicts caused by his exes and children (i drew the line and told him "to pay the cost to be the boss"), the financial situation is at a standstill on his end and will not really improve - it will take another 10years for him to fix it all and finish CS completely. Not to mention the children who have aged out are still costing us money regularly due to being coddled and never launching

Its scary....Sometimes on steptalk we are like the blind leading the blind because we dont know what is to become of us or our future due to our poor choices and miserable situation


By all means make him financially contribute even if he loses his whole paycheck to the housebills, you will see a change in attitude because once you hit them in their wallet they start paying attention to what is happening around them

Winterglow's picture

"must be nice to be able to go away"

Counter this b y reminding him that he has responsibilities that you do not and point out that you are actually doing it so he can benefit from the bonding time spent with his children without you in the way. Be as much of a hypocrite as you like, just make sure that he gets the message that you're doing him a massive favour.

Stepmonster15's picture

Good advise.  You get your much desired quality time to bond with your children, I get my much needed get away to keep my sanity.  But in more eloquent terms of course Wink

thinkthrice's picture

Couching your terminology so as to not set him off then you already are in trouble.  Many "single dads" are looking for a woman willing to finance, frankly, the previous woman THEY CHOSE to drill.  Along with that they want the new woman to be a surrogate mother and do all the parenting that both he and the BM refuse to do (actually they want you to BABYSIT-- you aren't allowed to actually PARENT)  Mostly because they are in a race to the bottom to see which house has the least rules and the most expenditures to soothe their own guilty feelings over breaking up.  Although they try to smoke and mirror it as "for the kids." 

Guilty daddy also wants the new woman to be maid, chauffeur, laundress, admin assistant, errand runner, cook and bed buddy.  What's not to like for him with this arrangement?  On top of all that the new woman gets 100% responsibility and 0% authority over all this.   You are to have NO say over how the skids are trained/disciplined.  Yet they will not do it in order to give their own spawn the equivalent of adult parental authority (over YOU).   You will be told that you are "just jealous" if you dare complain about this unfair situation.   Or that you "just don't like my kids."

Stepmonster15's picture

Thankfully there's no guilt on breaking up - biomom has no concept of how to raise children because she was a child when she had her first and stunted her emotional growth. This girl has no concept of responsibility and has been coddled her whole life so she's doing the same to her kids. Leaches off the system, her fiance, her ex and her parents. No job, doesn't drive, just wants to pop out babies until she gets a girl. On DH side, also no guilt, only anger and resentment. Anything and everything he says or does is wrong to her and she refuses to co-parent.  The issue more stems from the "I've given up" mentality because there's no hope for them to grow into self-sufficient humans with a biomom who shelters them and won't let them grow. So then DH tries to parent, influence their lives etc but 4 - 6 days a month isn't enough for actual change and they're also too old to establish foundational skills and it boggs both of us down. He checks out emotionally because he feels he failed them by not standing up to the abusive ex and didn't recognize at the time the damage that was being done. Anyway.... ranting now I guess? There are many layers that have gotten him to where he is including his own child hood of being abandoned and abused combined with being a military family ( hence professional help ). It truly feels at this point that the best solution is to just let biomom take over entirely and let her reap the fruits of her shitty parenting and save DH the mental fuck around that she dishes out almost daily. 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

You work more hours than he does both at a job and at running the household - and you are expected to parent his kids on top of that? Why? He has to be paying a good amount of child support - which means you are paying his child support - which is not right.

Have you considered some individual therapy for yourself? There must be a reason you think this set up is fair, which it most definitley is not. No wonder you feel overwhelmed! Start with disengaging from the kids. Don't do anything for them that you don't want to. Learn the phrase, "ask your Dad." If you force him to step up and parent, you might be surprised that he can actually do it if he has to.

Stepmonster15's picture

I think I've justified it as I pay for almost everything else so he can pay for his kids.... which ya when you say it out loud sounds like I'm paying for his kids... ugh. Probably knew that and chose to ignore that detail to try and keep my sanity.... 

I am in therapy now. I was for a long time in my younger years and stopped and this past two years I've sought help again because I'm just drowning. 

I've been doing that a lot. " ask your dad " " I'm not your parent" " I really just don't want to" etc. Somehow it still hasn't gotten through that my answer will always be the same. I think I started doing everything all wrong initially being young and dumb just got into a cycle and now trying to fix that cycle.... ugh I really did spin myself into an impossible web I think 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Yes- but you are now recognizing your mistakes and reaching out for help! Maybe break it down into smaller areas and deal with one thing at a time. Finances are easy because they are pretty black and white. Figure out exactly who brings in what and what expenses are joint and what are personal. Hint - child support is personal! Then start making things more equitable.

Once you feel better about that area, tackle the child care aspect.

Harry's picture

Nothing will really ever change.  Days , events. Will change buy not DH.  Older kids get bigger the problem.  At 18 you are going to get we need cars, insurance, college, can't work,  BM foot hurts so she can't help with money but picked out the most expensive college there is

Get out now. I would not be supporting DH SK and BM.   Married for 4 years you may get out with out paying.  You must see a lawer ASAP. Time married is a factor. 

Stepmonster15's picture

Kids aren't smart enough for college, they'll be trades kids or living in her basement lol. She already doesn't work and just keeps popping out new babies with her fiance and living off the system. That's already a nightmare. 

For post secondary even if they go, we have a he has good lawyer and she said that unnecessary post secondary expenses won't be his responsibility. Kids need to contribute to their own education and apply for grants, scholarships etc. It's not a full expectation of the payor parent to pay for uni ( thank God ).  The 18 thing I think is a boundary he's drawn with himself as well.  He already has an issue with the kids being over spoiled and is genreally good at telling them no when they ask for more stuff.  It's already been established the car, insurance and gas thing will be an absolute hard no and they need to work for that themselves.  Thankfully that's not a section 7 expense.  phew.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Your DH is manipulating you to do his parenting.  Go visit friends and family and leave him to parent over the weekends.

Plus insist that the house is spotless for your return.

Busy at work but wanted to comment so please forgive my directness

Stepmonster15's picture

I'm starting to see a pattern for sure.  I called a friend last night and asked if she wanted to go on a trip the next weekend the steps are here... lol.  Is it rude to leave him with the dogs though?  Those are more mine than his or would it be more appropriate to have my dog sitter on standby in case he does want to go somewhere?  Or do I just make that his issue because everything else has been and always is mine??

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Mostly because he's going to be overwhelmed with trying to be a parent for the first time in a while and the dogs might get neglected as a by product of this.  That wouldn't be fair to the dogs.

Lillywy00's picture

Take your dogs because if you don't he can run a guilt trip on you of how you should help him with his kids bc he helped you with your dogs

Cover1W's picture

Ok wow. You have got great advice above and I can tell you are overwhelmed.

Pick ONE thing to opt out of now and for the next couple weekends. Just stop doing it. Whatever would make things one little bit easier. Like don't have dinner with them. Go out, see friends, have your dinner at home another time or another room. Remain calm if asked about it (I.e. I'm going out with friends/feel like it/need some quiet space). Once you are used to that, add another opt out, and so on. I disengaged more like this. I didn't discuss it with my DH at all. I just gave him my reason for not doing the thing any longer. I was calm and rational and he couldn't argue it.

As for finances you can still split it. Come up with a split you can live with for now. If he runs out of funds, don't bail him out. I suspect he's banking on you having the bail out. This part may be more of an evolution too.

Stepmonster15's picture

Gradual decrease - I like that idea as well.  Honestly though it's going to end up in me divorced.... I think the reason I haven't fully disengaged yet is because I'm not allowed to.  I went off to Mexico twice last year without him because he couldn't take the time off work and I've never lived it down.  Get the " must be nice to be able to travel whenever you want ".  "Must be nice to have enough money to do xyz".  Even going out for lunch and spending money on that is a point of contention.  He 10000% uses me for a bail out for all the extra stuff - that I'm definitely aware of and it makes me mental.  When we separated our bank accounts it was because he was spending an insane amount of money and we did that to teach him some control. Now becaues I've gone travelling alone and separated the bank accounts I'm " planning to leave him ".  And of course now the more I'm actually typing this crap out and thinking about it I'm realizing how much I am truely being manipulated myself... and now questioning if he even realizes it or is self absorbed to the point that he doesn't?  f*ck

Lillywy00's picture

He's trying to run guilt trips 

Guilt you into either paying for him and his kids to travel with you or guilt you into staying in that dysfunction and doing the child rearing for him because he can't hack it as a single parent. 

Either way it's an immature response. If I were you, and I felt like being just as petty, Id say "must be nice to have kids and force someone else to pay for them /take care of them for free every time they arrive" but if I felt like taking the higher road id just say "what do you mean by that?" and let him talk/offer viable solutions. 

thinkthrice's picture

And remind him that you did not choose to impregnate the HCGUBM...HE did.  He was there for the fun and now had to pay the piper...not your job.  In my case, he CHOSE aka PLANNED to have more children AFTER he knew the marriage wasn't working and then they had a THIRD one  to "save the marriage." (TM).   He has been impoverished ever since for almost two decades and will NEVER catch up. 

Stepmonster15's picture

Not to defend him on this front but he was young and dumb - all of 19 when she got pregnant the first time. He wanted her to terminate. The second was because she stopped taking her birth control and failed to tell him after he told her no to a second- he then asked for the second to be terminated, obviously didnt happen. Instead of the logical choice, which would have been to leave, he got his tubed tied to avoid any other pregnancies and tried to keep the family together all whilst she was having numerous affairs which lead to the ultimate demise. And to clarify her third child is with her new fiance that shes been with for the last 7 years ( she over lapped DH and this idiot for about 18 months ) and has said she will keep trying until she gets a girl. 


Winterglow's picture

I'm not known for my subtlety or tact. I would have crushed the "must be nice..." crap way back when it started with "Get a better job and mayby you could (do X, Y or Z) too." Throw it back on him. 

CLove's picture

Glad you are here, sorry you are here, too.

Some great advice on disengagement.

Im 8 years in SM to 2 "girls", SD24 Feral Forger and SD17 PowerSulk. Knowing what I know now...Id consider divorcing now and "date". He is using you, and guilting you about what he cant use from you. Trips and travel - you WORKED for those.

Next time you get away, take some time to really consider what you want for your life. NOW, not at 18 age out. Im 10 months from complete age-out. Its just us now and Im considering for my long game if I even want a long game with him. Days without Skids are generally really good. Not great, and things come up, he goes into rage mode, or something "triggers" his anger. So now Im dealing with separate issues that have nothing to do with skids.

Keep reading around here and look in the forums to see what your future will probably look like.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Stepmonster15's picture

Hit the nail on the head there I think.... another concern for sure. Once the kids aren't around anymore will things actually get better or will further issues come out. 

Sorry to hear you're dealing with the anger thing too. DH has emotional control issues and freaks out periodically as well; doesn't know how to process the overabundance of emotions he feels. 

I digress though... probably time to really delve into what I want my life to look like and not what it's probably going to end up like if I continue down this road. 

Rags's picture

when a SParent is in a relationship with a failed adult, failed mother/father, failed DH/DW.

Your DH blathers, he does not act.  Agreeing verbally is useless if there are no related actions from your failed man, failed father, and failed husband of a DH.

Why tolerate it?