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SS's School just dropped news

justmakingthebest's picture

Well, I guess at least we know where SS18 is going to college. SS's school did a senior spotlight on him. Some rando college in OK to be a mortician. Cool.

The more you know, I guess. 

He still hasn't reached out to DH, which he will have to do in order for DH to pay for it. We have sent certified letters via our attorney to BM, SS and BM's attorney about what is needed for DH's GI bill and told them that is how we intend to pay for our half. Nothing from them.... Of course. Oh well. We tried. 


Rumplestiltskin's picture

Do you think he will actually complete the program? If so, that's a solid career. Or, does he just think it sounds cool and edgy and prob won't follow through?

justmakingthebest's picture

He is a smart kid, I think he wants to get out of the podunk town BM moved him to and wants things in life. I think he has a shot. As long as BM doesn't do something to ruin it for him, that is.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

What a weird subject choice for an 18 year old!  I'm not putting it down and have others have said it is very necessary.  But I still think its a bit odd.   Does BM's family have connections to the trade?  If so, he may well succeed at this degree but be expected to take over the business in the little podunk town.

ndc's picture

Does BM have the ability to force your DH to fund half of college in a way other than the GI Bill?  If so, I'm sure that's what her plan is, because that will cause more hardship for your DH.

justmakingthebest's picture

There is nothing that states anything one way or another, but we have given notice on how we will pay- so we feel like that is all we can do. I can't imagine a judge saying "No, you have to pay cash/reimburse BM even though you have sacrificed your life for the United States Navy for 26 years and have this scholarship available for you son that gives him tuition, living expense and books. But since he didn't want to tell you about it in time, you have to pay anyway". We would fight that forever. It is SS that has to sue us, not BM though. 

notarelative's picture

With the judge in that area, I don't think anything is out of the realm of possibility.

I'd consider reaching out to the high school guidance counselor, asking him/her to remind SS of the date he must notify DH to obtain the funding (if it has not already passed). Maybe hearing the financial reality from someone outside of BM's family could wake him up.

notarelative's picture

It's a career that there is a need for. My nephew studied to be a mortician. He now runs a funeral home. He has done very well. One of his daughters is following in his footsteps.

SteppedOut's picture

They deserve to. I know I wouldn't be stepping up to do that job. 

justmakingthebest's picture

I am not downing his choice in career. It just sucks that he couldn't even tell his dad that he got accepted. DH isn't some POS deadbeat dad, but he sure as hell get's treated like one. 

barbKarin's picture

talk about a career with guaranteed job security. sorry to be morbid haha, hope he gets through the program.

Elea's picture

18 seems awfully young to make mortician your aspiration unless you come from a long line of morticians or something. How strange. 

Maybe that is what YSD should have gone into. She seems to have a soft spot for the dark and creepy side of things such as popping off her Barbie doll heads and replacing them with zombie heads ... Instead she is about to finish colllege with a degree that she will probably never use. Not because there aren't jobs in the area she studied but because the job will require hard-work and organization, two things I have yet to see her be capable of, not to mention social skills. 

justmakingthebest's picture

When BM moved back to podunk KS, the only successful person he knew was his basketball coach who was a mortician. He drives a fancy car, has the biggest house, best clothes- etc. This dude was his only role model in town. BM made sure that SS saw us so little that we weren't even in his frame of thought. 

TheAccidentalSM's picture

That explains the career choice.  

justmakingthebest's picture

And I am not knocking it. There will always be $$ in death. It isn't a popular career choice, he will have employment. I think all of that part of it is great... definitely not something I would do... <shivers>

Elea's picture

Sounds good for you that your SS has a plan! Even if it is borne out of being plunked down by BM in podunk KS.

My OSD26 has a good job and is financially independent which is great news to me! I am so relieved that at least for now, the bank of DH is closed. 

I hope & pray YSD24 gets a job after she graduates that pays her bills. 

The better they do the less chance DH will feel the need to give them $!

OSD says she is quitting her job soon to travel. Hopefully she finds another job after she returns. She is probably going to end up supporting her lazy, irresponsible BM. I can't wait to see her BM demand SD fork over half her paycheck. Maybe she will understand how my DH felt. 



Rags's picture

Not to be cliche', but, a business where people are dieing to give you their business does have stability. Particularly as we are early in the terminal years for the Boomer generation.  Me included.

Good move engaging your attorney to formally document that DH has put the onus on them to take the steps to engage coverage by DH's VA education benefits.

Make sure DH keeps those records, mentions them regularly in conversation with SS-18 and hands him a copy when the opportunities arrise.