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What I Want To Do vs What I Should Do.

HS752's picture

Not my circus. Not my monkeys.  Not my kid. Not my life.  My therapist says to stay out of it.  I know I probably should.  So here I am, writing this here to get it off my chest, my heart aching.  My mind racing.  I care about E and her dad so much - they are both hurting.

This is the email I would have my SO send to the therapist over what happened last weekend.  I want to reach out to the GAL, but I don't feel it is my place.  For the love of god, please, someone hold these people accountable.....


I am writing for an update on how E is doing.  I have also been processing the events of last Thursday and Friday, and hope you can offer some transparency and clarification about these deeply troubling events.  I have some serious questions and concerns about how this all came about as well as the harm that has been done (and is currently ongoing) to my relationship with E.  I would much rather have your direct account to explain why things were handled the way they were.

It is my understanding that E sees you regularly on Mondays and Thursdays at 6pm.  Was she with you for her normal appointment on 3/30/23?  E called me at 6:27pm, from [BM] phone.  This would have been in the middle of her scheduled appointment with you.  I heard someone (assuming BM) in the background during this call.  Who encouraged E to make this phone call, and if it was you, why was I not informed of my potential participation in E’s session?  If this phone call did not occur during her regularly scheduled appointment in your presence, how did it come about that E was with you for the crisis session following?  Why was I not informed immediately that E required crisis care intervention?  You had the opportunity to discuss these disclosures with me, your thoughts and potential solutions before sending your recommendations to all parties involved, but you chose not to.  Why?

With your recommendation (to suspend my placement with E), you have squarely placed yourself in the middle of the ongoing conflict between [BM] and I, which I strongly object to.  In the email dated 1/11/23 between you and I, we discussed how improved E was doing with her sessions.  My relationship with E was the best it has been since the divorce was finalized.  [BM] filed a motion for full custody and to suspend placement time with me on 1/13/23.  E’s mental health has been in a decline since.  E has made many disclosures about things going on in our divorce – things that I have communicated to [BM] and [BM] only.  [BM] is clearly telling E about the current custody issues, and this is clearly hurting E.  Her withdrawn behavior, hesitation to come see me (and/or take my telephone calls), calling me by my first name are painfully obvious signs of alienation.  Was E able to provide a REASON why she would kill herself if she had to see me again?  I find it quite convenient that earlier last week [BM] was informed by the GAL and her attorney that she will not be getting full custody, nor will my placement be suspended.  Do you not see that E is navigating loyalty issues perpetuated by her mother?  E knows not seeing me will hurt me.  She also knows that seeing me will cause displeasure with her mother, who she has to face every day.  E has made plenty of disclosures about her mother’s concerning behavior to me prior to these new court proceedings.  I have no doubt she has made the same disclosures to you.  Your recommendation either knowingly or ignorantly has put gasoline on this fire.  [BM] will use this recommendation to further alienate and harm my relationship with E, a child who has made ZERO disclosures like this before.  It has also taught E that she can threaten self-harm to get what she wants and allows her to escape from her problems.  I believe this knee-jerk reaction recommendation has done more harm than good.

C, I have trusted your professionalism and entrusted you with the well-being of my daughter.  I hope we can work together to do what is right for E, which includes having a healthy relationship with both her parents.  Right now I feel your actions have undermined me as a parent, and has emboldened [BM] to continue her emotional and mental abuse of E. My need for transparency and the truth is what guides my decision making for what is best for E, and I hope you can respect that going forward.

Mominit's picture

First - her name is in the post.  Second - definitely do not send this.  A counselor who would go behind DHs back will not be stirred by your accusing her of doing just that.  We had a counsellor that did the same thing.  Thankfully we had time (and weren't due imminently in court) to have VERY casual in person chat with SD.  No judgements, just a lunch, and a Hi how are you, that thankfully turned into an immediate recanting of the pressure she'd be put under.

You're both in my thoughts and prayers.  Hopefully a judge sees through this.  Make sure your lawyer has a plan and explains it to you.

ESMOD's picture

I agree that approaching the therapist would probably not get much traction.

But.. I might feel that approaching the GAL with his concerns might be more appropriate.

A lot of the message is the same.

I  had a good relationship with my daughter... the minute the courts decide that I should keep my custody time with my daughter.. things seem to go off the rails.

With no prior hint of an issue.. my daughter is on the phone.. most likely during a therapy session with her mother present and stating  she does not want to see me.. and I'm told she will kill herself if I force her to see me.  She is calling me by my first name.. just things that are totally out of character for her.. but sound a lot like things my Ex would be encouraging.

I'm extremely concerned of my child's mental state and her current therapist appears to be complicit with BM in her plan of erasing me from my daughter's life. No one will tell me what brought this on.. no one will help me see my daughter to work things through with her.  This is not the healthiest outcome for my daughter.. she should have two supportive parents.. and to date you and the courts have been shown no proof that I am anythign other than a loving and good father to my child.  I would like to have you order some therapy with me.. at a therapist of my choice so we can get a more balanced view.. and maybe help heal this divide that I believe is being caused by her mother.


Mominit's picture

This I agree would be useful.  

justmakingthebest's picture

This is really hard. I think instead of sending this he should try and have a face to face meeting. I think you will get to the root of what is going on with the therapist better than with this email. 

We had a similar to what mominit described situation with a Dr. We called for just a quick "verification to make sure we understood" and it all came out that BM physically backed him into a corner and demanded that his instructions be written in such a way that it would make it impossible for SS to fly to us for his visit. The Dr didn't understand why BM was so adamant and did it to be able to end the appointment, but then when talking to us immediately wrote a new note that stated BM was clearly attempting to manipulate a family matter and his new recommendation was ____ which allowed for the visit with no restrictions.

Sometimes when professionals actually talk to the other parent they see who is manipulating vs. who is just being active parents.  

HS752's picture

Thank you to those who have replied.  I just needed to get this off my chest...I know what I wrote isn't the best....its just in the moment, ya know?  I knew there would be someone out there with a cooler head to make me see things differently.  Thank you!

justmakingthebest's picture

It is therapeutic to be able to write stuff like this out! I hope you guys get a resolution that holds BM accountable for her actions, because it is so obvious that she is playing puppeteer here!