Share Your Best SKID Stories
Best SKIDville stories where you are or were living in a reality where “up is down and down is up?” I find a lot of solace in the stories of others...bring your craziest or the time you wondered what world you were living in?!
Oldie but a Goodie
When I was married to now Ex-DW, I engaged in the "Toy Arms Race" early in the marriage, trying to out-do bio-dad, who was cheap and stingy with Christmas presents. The hot item one year was "My Size Barbie," these giant-ass Barbie dolls that were as big as kids. They even came with a dress that the kids could wear.
Well, me and Ex-DW searched high and low, and finally found one of these damn things. We gave it to Ex-SD on Christmas, she played with it for 5 minutes, then went to her dad's house for the rest of Christmas break. I don't know if bio-dad actually gave her something better, or if she felt some kind of loyalty bind for liking something we got her, but when she came back, she never touched the Barbie again. She actually went so far as to get scared of it, and drew some kind of "prison tatoo" on the Barbie, which made it difficult to donate to charity. SMH.
Oh lawrdy @paul_in_utah -
Oh lawrdy @paul_in_utah - love it...toy arms race...prison tatoo...:D no matter how wonderful, impressive, life-size generosity you show it'll never compare to a stingy bio parent. I can totally relate to this...I'd say one of the most generous gifts I agreed to fund (with no thank you may I add) was a vintage vehicle which we did get for a steal but....still cost what could have been a luxurious vacation. Can you guess where said vehicle remains? At the house rotting in the corner of the backyard....neglected, uncared for and rusting away. Yep.
Haha I remember wanting one
Haha I remember wanting one of those in the 90s. Nowadays people look at you sideways if you have a lifesized doll in your house.....
Maybe in a fit of revenge buy
Maybe in a fit of revenge buy your grand SKIDS a bunch of those. :D
Adult SS is back and won't move out
My partner's son, well my now Ex partner's son moved back without any consultation. He decided he wanted to live with his Dad and me again for 2 months. That was 8months ago. My EP never asked if that was okay, he just welcomed his son. As soon as the Adult 25yr SS moved back he started questioning what I do all day. Why are you paying for mowing when you don't have lots of money? Why aren't you working?? Standing in the kitchen taking all the space to make his breakfast before leaving for work. Taking up all the car space with his van and trailer. Moving back into the largest bedroom in a tiny home. It suited him completetly as he works in the same town. It all just fell into place for him and his Dad just loved him being back. I was told that if I didn't accept his son as a family member then he will "walk" with him and not me. When I asked my Ex partner when do you think your son may move on, do you think he would he like to buy his own place? Why doesn't he contribute financially? He took it personally, as I hated his son!!! Until I mentioned it to my EX the SS didn't pay a cent for 4 months even tho he is earning great money and has a large inheritance in the bank. He could actually afford his own home but chooses to bludge off us . Fast forward to now. My partner said to me in June its over.... after 13years together ( of which 6 of those years were helpiing raise his son.) I can't afford to move out of the house I PURCHASED FOR THEM WHEN THEY DIDN'T HAVE A ROOF OVER THEIR HEADS. I have a senior dog who I adore and chickens. I may???be able to afford a house but it would be in the middle of nowhere. I'm not going to compromise my animals to suit my EP and SS. So long story short, we are separated living under the same roof. My friends are saying get out, leave. But where do I go, I'm waiting for my single pension to come. My ex is working and loves living in this town and has no desire to move. He has tons of stuff under the house and he is quite lazy, hence the mowing has been paid for. I'm still doing all the domestics/cooking/cleaning as I'm still waiting for a single pension and that's my way of contributing. I'm 66 yrs old, the SS is almost 26 living a great life. He's coming back today after having a lovely holiday for a few weeks and he will once again get all the food and comforts of home without putting in a cent. What to do??? While the SS was holidaying we got on relatively well but I know he will have his son back in toe and if I say anything in my own home I will be the awlful person, not the SS. He's a carpenter and said instead of paying rent Dad I'll do maintenance around the house. I'm still waiting!!!
Why should you be the one to
Why should you be the one to leave the house? Is the deed in your name? If so, go to the courthouse today and find out how to evicet this pair of nasty, ungrateful, despicable buggers.
Perfect example of what is
Perfect example of what is "up is down and down is up"...I don't understand why YOU would be expected to move out when capable SS & capable DH can...I really just don't understand why two full grown men would be catered to instead of the woman who put her hard earned money to secure the place and continues to hold the fort down. Ummmmm....I don't really see these two dudes as victims that need to be sheltered, I feel like it's once again quite the opposite- you are in a more vulnerable position. WOW a true shame on them.
You purchased the home. Invite XP and the failed family spawn to
go on holiday and have the locks re-keyed. while they are gone. Have a moving company pack their shit stack it by the fron't door, and cover it with a tarp.
Daddy can go with the little pooky mooching off of the iheritance.
You get on with your life.
Good riddance to both of them.
Buh-bye you two failed non-men.
THIS. 100% right.
THIS. 100% right.
Ah yes
This brings to mind the time SD, who I have been close to since day 1, claimed I "pushed her face" when she was 7...changed the story several times in one week, then it was never spoken about again until a few months ago when she (now at age 13) claimed I actually "grabbed her arms". All of which is completely and 100% fabricated and imagined.
Not so much a funny haha skid story, but...good times nonetheless!
So relatable @TrueNorth77 !
So relatable @TrueNorth77 ! There is this extremely false narrative that I have precluded both adult SKIDS from professional atheltics...BOTH believe they missed their chances at NFL and professional rugby because of little old me instead of facing reality which is that they don't have the talent, drive, dedication or sheer athleticism.
The standouts for me usually
The standouts for me usually have to do with SD blowing up BMs casual deceptions.
When she told us we could only buy certain brands of clothes because BM resold them.
When she told us BM was reading DHs texts on SDs ipad.
When BM acted like her mom was in the hospital dying but SD was confused because it was only a Dr appt.
When she told us BM introduced her stepdad YEARS before she admitted to it.
When BM was getting married and acted like it was just a vacation.
When BM had a baby and called it "a medical procedure"
When BM falsified the amount she needed for extracurriculars.
When SD told us she had quit an extracurricular months earlier but BM told DH she was still doing it so she'd still get money.
BM had always been the problem. I really think if SD ever got our from under her thumb we'd have a better relationship. I just don't get the chronic lying and deception. How did DH ever have a relationship with someone that lies about everything??
Lots of similarities here.
But speaking of my own experience, it doesn't end even when skids are in their 30s. BM's influence lasts a lifetime.
My SO is in some sort of perpetual state of denial when it comes to BM's lying and deceit. He's always described it as "telling stories" and wants to dismiss it like it's an irritant instead of admitting to what she is - a chronic liar. I sometimes wonder why he still does this since it's been almost 20 years post divorce.
I don't know if it's just his standard fall-back position when it comes to her or if he is ashamed to admit that he doesn't have the courage to stand up to BM and call her out on her lying. The sad part is that SD is a mirror image of BM and does the same thing. He is very conflict avoidant with SD and while he may be upset over something she does/says he will never, ever call her on it.
I am on bated breath for the next few months as SD is currently pregnant again despite the fact that she has had two life-threatening prior pregnancies and a chronic health condition which puts both her and baby's lives at significant risk. This was a medically assisted pregnancy and not an oops. Naturally, my SO is very worried about this and I will sometimes find myself at the receiving end of his anxiety since he won't communicate his concerns with SD.
SD's first baby did not survive (and SD almost didn't either) and her second pregnancy also had to be curtailed to save her life and resulted in her child who has some physical and developmental problems from being very premature. SD claims everything is just wonderful now and her doctors are supportive of her having more pregnancies but either that is a flat-out lie or she has a medical team whose licences should be revoked. BM has always been baby-crazy and is thrilled beyond belief. I am sure she encouraged SD to get pregnant again and know that BM funded fertility assistance costs. Again, denial at a very dangerous level.
The sad part about this "story" is that there are innocent children who suffer for it.
My DH also seems to be in
My DH also seems to be in denial about the lies, I don't trust anything BM says but he gives everyone the benefit of the doubt. She's hurt him way more than me so I don't get it. I think they try to think better of BM because it's a reflection on themselves, after al they chose to breed with them, if they made a bad choice what does that say about them? It's just cognitive dissonance.
That's so sad about selfishly having several kids at risk to the babies and their own health. One of my good friends has a severe illness and accidentally got pregnant, it was touch and go for both of them. She wanted very much to have more children but made the smart choice for her and her family not to risk it.
Meanwhile I know someone on her third pregnancy and her first two were premature and very I'll and she almost died. So irresponsible and self indulgent. Love the kids you have.
Crazy making!
Lying may seem harmless to some, 'little fibs', etc., but it can be very damaging. Of the few lies BM has told, you know that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Sad that your DH discredits this.
That's wild @SeeYouNever -
That's wild @SeeYouNever - I have no idea how these DHs select their relationships and I hope that their past preferences are not a reflection of their current ones.
While I understand not speaking ill of the dead....
Stating the facts is not speaking ill... of anyone... dead or alive.
IMHO of course.
Good point @Rags !
Good point @Rags !
YSS holiday fiasco
I booked and paid for me, DH and YSS (19 at the time) to go skiing. I'd rolled the boat out so we were going in upgrade mode - Premium on the train and nicer hotel.
YSS sulked from before we got on the train. And then sulked for 9 hours on the train. And then sulked for 1 day in the resort.
Finally DH told him if it was that bad to go home. So first thing in the morning, YSS grabbed his bag and stormed off to the bus station to get off the mountain and get to an airport to catch a flight home.
DH and I went out skiing all day.
We got back later to find YSS sat in the lobby of the hotel with his suitcase. He'd been stuck there all day because, it turns out, you can't just turn up to get a bus on spec. You have to book them in advance.
It was like the biggest ever show of slamming a door and then having to come back in because you forgot something.*ROFL*
Anyhow, DH took him to the bus station to book a ticket and he went home the next day. And that was the last time I paid for a skid vacation.
@TheaccidentalSM this is
@TheaccidentalSM this is HILARIOUS ! LOL....yeah I can play this one out in my mind and although I don't LOVE that you wasted your hard earned money on this for a SKID I do find a bit of sweet justice that he had to sit in the lobby all day while you enjoyed skiing unbenowst to you.
You're right
It is hiliarious in retrospect. At the time I was spitting nails.
It was soon after this that I had the "talk" with DH. Actually, talk is not a good description of what happened. I was certifiable and was ready to pack up and leave MY home to move into a grotty little studio just to get away from the disfunction of living with YSS. Luckily DH was sensible. We paid for YSS to rent a place with people who were his peers. It was worth it.
Excellent. Sometimes it's got
Excellent. Sometimes it's got to come down to the brass tax!
The old switcheroo
When I first married exDH he had just graduated from chef school - but even though he was working for close to minimum wage, he was sure he was going to be rich and successful. I tried to help him out by supporting him while he paid for exSD to go to college. When she graduated I told him he was going to have pay for 1/2 of the household expenses ($380 a month for 30 years.) At first he threatened to leave but decided he had a good deal after all. I later found out he was putting money in SD's checking account every month.
Anyway, at first, I would pay for the vacations exDH, exSD and I went on, while they walked ahead of me on the sidewalk. Later on, exDH and I paid for vacations for exSD and her husband. They wouldn't even leave the tip for a meal. He would make a big show, pulling his credit card out to pay for everything, the big man. Later he gave me a 'bill' for 1/2. Finally, I told DH that I would be paying for any events with my family and he could pay for his. Like magic, vacations with exSD and her husband pretty much ended.
LOL the old switchroo...isn't
LOL the old switchroo...isn't that something @Sandye21 ??
My XILs wanted my parents to split the cost of the wedding.
My parents agreed if my XW and I were given the funds to do with as we pleased. My XMIL insisted that her daughter's wedding had to be the social event of the season.
So my parents bowed out of paying for half and paid for the rehearsal dinner and the Groom's party tuxedo rentals. They would have paid for the wedding flowers but.... the Cathedral was still decorated with the Christmas season flowers so... my parents did not have to pay for the wedding foliage.
2.5 years later we were divorced.
For the bargain basement price of $14K per year not counting the rehearsal dinner and tux rentals.
My DW and I just celebrated our 28th. Our wedding cost $500.
The price of the nuptials has nothing to do with the quality of the commitment. I hope that your SS and his bride can overcome her shit family.
My XW and I couldn't overcome hers. Though she turned out to be as much a POS as her mother at least.
Thanks for this @Rags -it's
Thanks for this @Rags -it's helpful to hear other people dealing with unreasonable boundaries. I am glad your parents put their foot down. As for my adult SS - total mindcontrol by mother. It takes emeshment to a whole another level. Also SS does not have the maturity or brain processing (married young) to come to his own conclusions or use his own independent thought to realize this is wrong. I thought I was losing in this deal and was very sad to see SS break off from the family but I've come to realize the loss is theirs and I am actually dealing with a lot less anxiety, expectations, and responsibility that I used to have. Sometimes when you lose, you win.
We purged video games and game systems from our home.
That started the SpermClan's attempts to give SS GameBoys, Nintindo DS, etc.. they would tell him to smuggle them into our home and hide them.. Never worked. He would walk in the door, we would have our "How did your visitation go?" sit down/catch up, and he would hand us the game system bag.
Rarely was there a problem with SS violating the purge in our home. He was nearly incapable of functioning if he was gaming or had access to games. I don't know if we did it right or wrong, but he has managed to keep his gaming controlled as an adult to the point that he is doing very will in his career and adult life.
When SS would give them to us upon return from SpermLand, we would lock them up, then send them back to SpermLand with SS on his next visitation. SS would not leave them there because they would disappear so, he brought them home where they were secure. He would play them on flights, and in SpermLand. It used to piss them off so bad.
I had a great time with that part.
Other than not unusual teen boy brain fart issues, our son (SS-30) was pretty easy for my DW and I to parent. The SpermClan's multigenerational idiocy and toxic manipulative crap was our blended family burden to carry.
Actually I think you did it
Actually I think you did it RIGHT @Rags. We were 100% caring for SKIDs and I walked into gaming systems in pretty much every room they inhabitated. Mild attempts to rip them away from gaming but unsucessful due to years of these bad habits in place. I do not think they are better for it. They used to look like zombies after hours and hours of play.
The Coast Guard Saga... it's
The Coast Guard Saga... it's a long story but the short version is
- SD brags throughout all of high school that she is going into the CG academy and is going to be an officer. DH (a CG vet himself) is so proud. I have to listen to this praise showering for YEARS.
-In her senior year, come to find out her grades and SAT scores are nowhere near where they need to be for the academy. She decided to enlist in the regular CG. DH is still proud ("all service is commendable"). Ok. I have to listen to this for months.
- SD leaves for CG boot camp. She lasts 3 days and the first 2 are just filling out paperwork and visiting the boot camp doctor. Washes out the first day of physical training. (She said she didn't make her run time because she "counted one lap twice") She is sent to boot camp jail to await a flight home.
-She misses her connecting flight in Philly and DH and I have to drive 6+ hours to pick her up in the middle of the night and in the middle of a massive rainstorm. Divorce almost happened that day.
-SD arrives home but INSISTS she is going back. DH insists she is going back (They make you wait 6 months before you can try again). She is living with us now because her mom dgaf now that CS has run out.
- I insist that if the CG is going to be her plans and not college, she gets into running shape so she can be ready when she tries again in 6 months. (Also I want her to gtfo quick, fast and in a hurry) We mark out 1.5 miles and start to time her.
- Her run times are waaay below where they should be. She is moody and resentful of us being on her to practice.
- Aside from her one run every few days, she lays in bed, watches TV, doesn't help out, is on her phone and eats
- 6 months arrive and her run times are slowly getting down to where they need to be (thanks to me for pushing her!!) Then the excuses start: "I can't reach my recruiter", "I'm not ready yet to go back" "My recruiter says it may be several months before I have a spot to get back in" "(several months later) It may be a few more months"
- She continues her life of leisure while living with us and complaining about have to do her runs
- Sabotage events start to occur: After finally getting the process going, she lies and tell the medic she is allergic to penicillin resulting in being sent back and the whole process having to start yet again!! after she gets a doctors note. She lies about her recruiter not contacting her (this is an ongoing theme).
- Finally the day comes when she is supposed to be leaving. She decided to take a vacation down to FL to visit her mom before she leaves. I plan a going back to the military party for DH's family to see her one last time. She never comes back. Tells us at the last minute she is just staying down there. The guests arrive and it turns into a Memorial Day party. Everyone is confused.
- The recruiter from the CG reaches out to DH because they can't get ahold of SD and have been trying for months and months. DH (again a vet himself) has egg on his face.
(She makes a return to live with us 9 months later and this begins the whole next chapter but that's another story)
She returned to live with you…… why?
Well after that came the
Well after that came the whole "rape fiasco" where she claimed her life was in danger and she needed to move away back to my house. Basically accused her young kid crush of raping her - family got mad, kid said it was mutual - she claimed they were harassing her at work for going around saying he raped her and she needed to get out of dodge. (But still wanted to remain friends with the older sister of the kid and not make a report or anything - the friendship didn't survive obviously).
Totally crazy house ...sad
Totally crazy house ...sad sad situation but beware, if she's willing to be dishonest and hurt others she can come after you.
She is what and how she is because she can run back to you and
Time to let her face her own music rather than hiding her in your home.
IMHO of course.
She's been gone for over a
She's been gone for over a year now, and never again will I live with her
Excellent news - yes, no more
Excellent news - yes, no more coming home it's time to be a big girl.
Wow @almostgone834 this is
Wow @almostgone834 this is quite saga. I hope you inform us of the next chapter...when do you just cut her off from coming back to your house? I had both adult SS's boomerang back and one was OK, the other created a very unpeaceful existence for 8 looooonnng months. He was real smug when he was ready to go and thought he was *hurting* us by telling us he's GONE. He wanted it to hurt bad, it didn't. He left and I began sleeping again.
So, I did ALL of the house
So, I did ALL of the house cleaning. The SKs were young adults at this point and have never done a damn thing. SD never even emptied her own period paddy garbage cans. It was bad enough that the SKs, especially SD, did jack shit, but SD not even so much as emptying her period paddy garbage cans drove me absolutely insane.
There was no damn way I was going to do it. I decided I would only use the ensuite. That way DH could see for himself that SD has never done a damn thing including taking out her period garbage.
One day, the garbage finally got so full that used wrapped period pads, including some from the month before, toppled over onto the floor. All of SD's make-up wipes were there, blobs of toilet tissue from make-up routines and then of course, SD's ever so cutely wrapped pads. She actually did an origami type of bow on it. I guess she's so wonderful that even her used pads are ever so cute.
Well, the main bathroom floor was disgusting. People (not me) would go in there and end up kicking used pads around. DH got mad and asked out loud whose freaken pads are those and take them out pronto. SD never even blinked. DH pulls me aside and asks whose pads those were. I told him I have not used the main bathroom in two months. I told him I wanted him to see for himself how the SKs do sweet fuck all to the point that SD doesn't even take her period paddy garbage out. I could see DH's eyes lose focus. It was clear to me that he was trying to come up with a justification on why it's so wonderful that SD does that. DH then says, "well, I only require school." I just looked at DH and said, "so going to school is such a full load that one can't toss her garbage liner full of period pads out?" DH went blank. I guess he couldn't come up with why his bullshit justification made sense.
Nasty @Evil4. I can relate
Nasty @Evil4. I can relate with DH trying to see the "silver lining" in horrible actions. Many times I have to just realize he refuses to be realistic with where the kids are or are not. But...this one is especially funny because what can he possibly find positive in an adult woman leaving her sanitary napkins everywhere in the bathroom. I have an idea that will help him get realistic...have him have to clean up after her ALWAYS and forever. :D
I did exactly that. I went on
I did exactly that. I went on strike for quite a while. It was several weeks of DH living in a filthy house that finally woke DH up to how fucking lazy, entitled and disgusting his adult kids were. The last straw for DH was during my strike SD was about 22 or 23 and she bought a blouse that was handwash only. She threw the blouse at DH and it landed right across his face as she demanded that he wash the blouse pronto because she wanted to wear it soon. DH didn't say a word to SD and I was so disgusted with DH and even turned off. When he asked me why I had been so distant towards him I told him and he proudly said that he didn't jump up and do it right away. He was actually all proud of himself for that. I remained disgusted and not in the mood for any bangity-bangity for a while. It wasn't to punish DH. It was that I was so turned off. It really bothered DH that I was turned off and that he lost some of my approval so we talked about why. I had to spell it out how allowing an entitled narcissistic adult bitch to throw her dirty clothing in his face and not rip her a new one was so pathetic to me. It was like a light went on for DH and he started his new requirements for the SKs. SD was not happy about it and I got death glares but oh fucking well.
Yeah - greyrock the SD. I don
Yeah - greyrock the SD. I don't care if I get deathstares anymore, in fact I don't even care if one of the SKIDs likes me. Good job getting DH to "get it." Wild but the less you do and the more you make them have to handle it, the more likely they are going to have to get it.
Thank goodness for ST.
When nineteen yo YSD moved out without telling us, I got initiated in the lack of period hygeine of semi feral female CODs. She left behind disgusting unwrapped pads in every nook & cranny of her room, her closet, and even the linen closet off her room. Put it this way - I thought I was prepared for teen messiness, but soon I was wearing a mask, latex gloves & muck boots. It took several days to clean and sanitize everything. Once I got past the horror, I grimly boxed it all up with everything else she left behind. Hope she enjoyed unpacking it.
I carried that trauma around for six years until I found ST and read about other poorly parented SDs doing the same disgusting stuff. What a relief to know I wasn't alone, and that this aberrant behavior was common enough that it was a BEHAVIOR, not a disorder.
Wild....didn't have girl
Wild....didn't have girl steps so did not experience this but that is really something else. I did however used to clean the kids rooms and finally I HAD it. I stopped and then nobody did anything and finally when they left I made DH & I do it together. Filthy situation.
So gross
I literally laughed out loud at this one. Because its happened so many times in my house and I cant take it anymore, so I throw the period trash out. Or my SO throws it out and then says "ill say something to her." My SO has literally been "saying something" to my 2Skids for 8 years. The SD is the worst though and in the process of being kicked out this week. Thank God!
Yep - glad to hear she's out
Yep - glad to hear she's out the door. Funny story- once everyone was out of my house, they suddenly became very clean and respectful of their own properties.
I was 4 yrs married to hubby and our wedding anniversary weekend
Ss19 messaged hubby demanding a holiday for him and his sisters.
i get a message from hubby at work telling/ordering me to book the aurline tickets/ accommodations etc and that sd22, ss20 and sd13 were coming "to our 4th wedding anniversary weekend".
whats bonkers about this is since when do adult/teen sd miniwives and skids tag along for a wedding anniversary when they are disrespectful to their stepmum and non stop spend every outing ranting on nonstop about biomum and stepdad??
hubby copped a mouthful and i told him to go take his precious first family on their holiday during our wedding anniversary and that he was nuts to think it appropriate. Hubby grovelled big time trying to make it up to me.
about 9 months after that eldest sd who was now almost 23 suddenly calls hubby crying with some bogus bullshit sob story that how dare he marry me and have 2 young kids with me as thats replacing them when sd's made a choice pre hubby even meeting me to end all contact over lies their mum made that they knew of.
somehow biomum is allowed to be a cheating whore marrying stepdad in secret week after divorce was finalised whilst kids were in school but how dare hubby meet me 4.5 yrs post divorce and marry me 5.5 yrs after the divorce.
they ignored the fact hubby tried multiple times to arrange meets only for them to cancel last minute and throw all kinds of hoops expecting hubby cater to them when he had a priority towards our 2 kids who were toddlers.
when hubby realised it wasn't fair to subject us to their disrespect towards us, hubby was gonna prioritise outings and getaways etc with us and sd's refused to accept that no one wants to be around them when they behave like this and they have only themselves to blame
eldest sd kept continually inserting biomum and stepdad into every conversation of ours no matter how irrelevant they were to it. It was to make them relevant when they were not and it took my husband 1.5 yrs to finally grow some balls and realise I wasn't messing around when i said he needed to address this disrespect and rants non stop. Sd sulked for months when hubby told her he never wanted to hear bio mum or stepdad uttered ever again as they were not family, not relevant to us and frankly hubby told his daughter he couldn't understand why stepdaughter think daddy should give a crap about her mum and her socalled claims of the impending demise of her marriage.
hubby told his daughter she had to accept i and our kids are hubbys present and future, not biomum.
sd even once sent a pic of airport arrival hall first thing in the morning. It was to let hubby know that biomum and affair stepdaddy (yeah the guy bio mum cheated on whilst married to my husband) were arriving any moment from their overseas holiday. Hubby responded with "what is this and why are you sending me this?"
biomum would have been fuming knowing what hubby said. She's spent 20 yrs abusing and manipulating hubby till i made him grow some balls and see this wasn't healthy and he needed to cut off her supply and influence or thinking she dictated what happens in our household.
i cut that power off from her. She and sd's might think they're so smart but out of us playing this game, i know how to outsmart them. Hubby like any man has needs, sexual needs, when he realizes their dramas and shenanigans affect our intimacy, he is automatically motivated to end their crap and prioritise protecting our family unit and marriage
Incredibly frustrating...yeah
Incredibly frustrating...yeah I am getting a taste of the unfairness over the past decade but more acutely the last 3 years. It's actually DIL's mother who causes issues, Biomom is cool (I know it's a rare case.) DIL's mother is always the loudest in the room, blowing around extremely stupid conspiracy theories and at times lieing about reality until it became the truth. It was also wild, because she is the least knowledgable, least educated with mild intelligence but most manipulative person I've ever met and they (including adult SS) cling to her every word. It is crazy how her clan followed her into the dark abyss of ignornance, never questioning her foolish theories and demands. Glad you are putting your foot down. I am getting the impression that this is a lifetime struggle SP have and we may just have to stop engaging with some of these folks. I am in the process of rearranging my relations to suit me rather then the other way around - I spent the last 10 years accomidating everyone else and some pretty bad behavior. Now I am putting myself first and everyone else can find their place....if they deserve a place.
For us, it was SpermGrandHag. SS was a toddler (15mos) when we
met. DW was never married to the Spermidiot. DW left SpermLand for university after she graduated HS with her class and with honors. She left SpermLand with SS when he was 14mos old. None of us have ever lived in SpermLand since.
SpermGrandHag lost her shit when DW was no longer under direct hairy eyeball control of the Hag.
SGH tried to intimidate, control, etc... but as DW gained confidence the resulting battles were nowhere near fair and DW shreded the SpermGrandHag with increasing frequency and resounding and increasing financial, intellectual, and confidence domination. Sadly, as SGH went further down the insane screaming banshee/harpy trail, she up'd her game and tried to control DW through/by PASing SS. Nope. He was smarter than the Hag before he was 10yo and it just got more pathetically entertaining from there.
The Game, Set & Match moment that basically gutted SpermGrandHag was when SS was on SpermLand visitation when he was 12yo. DW had passed the CPA exam within 6mos after finishing her MBA. SS was very proud of his mom. While on SpermClan visitation SpermGrandHag tried to deflate SS's pride in his mom with.... "Being a CPA is no big deal. Your aunt and I take accounting classes at the community college."
SS had watched and lived with his mom and I while she was in undergad, I was in grad school, and then his mom was in grad school. He had watched her study for the CPA exam, take the Becker prep courses, etc.
He was not malicious in his response. But he gutted the SpermGrandHag none the less. A 13yo baring an idiot adult's ass can be a gut punch experience for the adult. By all indications of her behavior after, it was for SpermGrandHag.
SS replied to the SpermGrandHag... "Gramma, the CPA exam is one of the hardest professional tests to pass and hardest professional certifications to get. It is a big deal."
SS pretty much wrote the Hag off at that point.
It was sad. It was pathetic and it was Karmic justice.
So many stories to choose from!
okokok here goes:
1. SDnow23 when 16-ish Feral Forger got mad at me one time. Husband was in man cave but door was open. SD 16 B/M was within hearing range. SD Feral Forger called me names, said she effing hates me, Im effing ugly and disgusting, and no wonder my brother killed himself, she would if she was my sister. Nothing was done to reprimand her, nada. And no apologies either. When she went back to her mother the next day for visitation, she told Toxic Troll BM that I was the one who had said all that, so she texted Hub who said "nope that was feral forger SD". She was not reprimanded, and to this day we are no contact,
2. Feral Forger SDnow23 then 17 ish, New Years morning, gets a text from Toxic Troll Bm that feral forger and herself had been detained by JCPenny security due to some products being in her purse that were unpaid for. Since it was second time on camera for same thing they detained her but not arrested. She was fined only. Parents paid fine, dividing it equally.
3. Feral Forger a few years ago, stole checks from Toxic Troll and kited them using a few different bank accounts. Husband gets call from his local branch and is told about his account possibly being locked because of fraud on the child account he had set up for feral forger many years ago. Toxic Troll is locked out of her account.
Theres a great many more
But recently nothing. yay me.
CLove, these are unbelievably
CLove, these are unbelievably believable - #1 story totally unexcusable and extremely horrible/vindictive/nasty behavior...but of course no reprecussions for it! I agree with you - no contact was the way to go. I can totally relate to these stories - my experiences are not good but your experiences are pretty clearly BAD...I sometimes wish the behavior was less "gray" but I am also pretty much no contact with one of the kids due to lieing and treatment. Thanks for sharing - perfect examples of where "up is down and down is up."
The Chocolate Milk Incident
All of Killjoy's fondest memories revolved around getting attention for being a brat about food. It was so weird. It was her whole identity. It seems like causing drama with DH's family was the only attention she ever got from Satan, so she treasured the moments she could brag to her about her latest tantrum.
On separate occasions and with no prompting, I heard this same story from DH, MIL, FIL, SIL, and DHsNiece. It happened shortly before DH and I met.
They were all at a restaurant having a big family brunch. Killjoy5 only wanted chocolate milk, so they let her have two glasses. At some point, someone placed some food in front of her that she didn't want. Rather than ignore the food and go about her life, she went nuts and screamed her bloody head off, so much for so long that she made herself puke. Incessant screaming. Chocolate milk everywhere. Rather than discipline her, everyone blamed too much milk for making her sick.
Well, I never said anything to Killjoy about it, so she didn't know that I knew. When she was 12, she told me the story. She thought it was adorable and funny. She seemed totally oblivious about how aghast everyone was, and how she ruined the meals of everyone else in that restaurant.
I guess she thought I would enjoy this cherished memory, since she was completely shameless about it. Maybe she thought we would bond over it. It just demonstrates that after living with me for seven years, she still had zero clue who I was.
Killjoy...she's living up to
Killjoy...she's living up to her name- from the trying to save her at the bus stop during a rainstorm to offering her all the chocolate milk she could want, a lovely display of why SKIDville is upside down. I am still trying to figure out why she though ti was "adorable and funny"?? It makes me think shes a sociopath or some personality disorder with no ability to understand others around her. Appreicate the story @Isopact.
There's More
The day she told me this story just happened to be a day she created another cherished memory for herself.
Killjoy had a tacit list of foods she could eat. She couldn't deviate from this list or she WOULD DIE. Offering her food that was not on this list was holocaust level oppression. She wasn't just picky about heathy foods, she was picky about junk foods as well. She could only eat one flavor of icecream (vanilla), for example. If the rest of the family was enjoying a different flavor of icecream, she wouldn't try it, wasn't even curious, even if the ingredients were her favorite, (like the peanut butter cups in moose tracks), it was just too risky. If I bought CheezIts, she had to eat the whole box, immediately. If I bought Better Cheddars, the box would remain unopened, forever. (This became a fun way to troll her, I started buying the wrong kind of everything, it is still a mystery to this day how she didn't starve.). There was no happy medium, she had to gobble and guzzle the approved foods, stuffing her hole like a glutton, and wouldn't touch the unapproved foods.
She'd make a formal announcement when something was added to Her List. She came home from Satan's house one weekend and gave DH 'permission' to buy Nutter Butters from now on. I thought, "I didn't know Congress was meeting this weekend, they must have called a special session to approve this." But then I realized, "Satan must be the President of The List, she can declare items approved by Executive Order."
So the summer I was unemployed, the summer Killjoy ruined our vacation, the lying, the stealing, and then the more heinous crimes, I was still ambivalent about trying to turn her around. I know now that she is a psychopath, but back then I hadn't made up my mind yet regarding writing her off completely.
I needed to go grocery shopping, and didn't have to take her along, but I thought it would be good for her. She kept asking me to buy icecream novelties, which surprised me because I didn't know any of them were on Her List. Every time she asked for something, she'd say, "Satan buys these", which I guess means they didn't need to go through the rigorous approval process. I was annoyed, but went along with it because she's usually so blasé about everything, and it was unusual for her to be semi excited about anything.
Well, there is a restaurant near the grocery store, and it is a local favorite. They have a huge menu, everything you could dream of. Whenever I took my kids there it was The Best Day Ever. Here is the menu
So on impulse I decided to ride the momentum and treat her to lunch, thinking we could bond over some cheesy deliciousness. I pulled into the drivethru and she ordered a BLT, no mayo, no lettuce, no tomato, on white bread (not rye). So I paid $8 for two pieces of bacon on white toast. No cheesy deliciousness to mmm-ahh over. I almost cancelled the order and drove away. Seriously. Imagine a twelve year old who can't eat a single thing on that menu. Silly me, I should've known better, this was typical passive aggressive behavior for her. Tone deaf because she'd been talked to over and over about this behavior for years. Nothing penetrates her thick skull.
We were on our way home from the drive thru when she told me that adorable chocolate milk story. High on her tantrum reminisces. That's where her mind was. I ended up not even eating with her.
The stupid lunch order was no accident. She was so excited, she needed to brag about it, so instead of waiting to tell her sad and hilarious story of fighting oppression to Satan next time she saw her, she told DH as soon as he came home. He was like, WTF, she took you to the best restaurant in town and you ordered white toast??
And...that was the last time I ever took Killjoy to a restaurant.
They really need to put a LOL icon next the the like one. This is hilarious! Thanks for the laugh. Oh, the 'picky eater'. Bet you are tempted to offer her chocolate milk with every meal, huh?
Irony was completely lost on
Irony was completely lost on her, it would go right over her head. She had serious difficulty making logical connections, which seems to be a common trait of narcs. She also had no sense of humor, and never had an original thought. She was like a robot. I used to image "I don't like it" ticker tape coming out of her mouth. It seems like my imagination and sarcasm are my own worst enemies.
I disengaged completely shortly after this and hid in my room for three years before kicking her out.
Ispofacto I loovvveee a good
Ispofacto I loovvveee a good SKIDville story and THIS is IT. I am laughing a little bit but also realizing that I HAVE BEEN IN THIS EXACT SCENARIO - it's a trap! You think - oh wow! We've turned a corner let me reward the behavior and then it blows up in your face. Wow Killjoy killing the joy out of everything - classic ! :D
This is OSDtoo. I think it's
This is OSDtoo. I think it's an actual eating disorder dealing with how they process food intake/texture/flavors (ARFID). It drove me MAD because DH and BM had their heads buried in the sand about it. OSD ate about 8 different things, almost all white, no fruit, almost no veg (she'd eat two things in small portions if prepared a specific way). And yes, any variation was not acceptable. She was, I belive malnourished...the last time I saw her was age 15 after about 1.5 years of no contact. She looked terrible. Pasty skin, dull hair, tired all the time. She had bleeding gums too when she was with us but that was hard to tell why because she also never brushed her teeth (couldn't stand any toothpaste - another sign of the disorder but she also wouldn't just use the brush at the very least)....yellow teeth on a 15 yo with braces. Just gross.
WOW. Yes quite possibly so.
WOW. Yes quite possibly so.
She was just a brat, a complete tyrant, control freak about everything, all the time. She just loved to create drama and throw fits. If she has a disorder, it's NPD.
This reminds
This reminds me of SD21 (soon to be kicked out) who is a vegan who eats chicken and cheese, but then when we sometimes make those things, she cant believe we offered them to her as "she is vegan." Seems to be a weekly thing.
Yeah...strange control issues
Yeah...strange control issues. Ignore that stuff and do what seems fair and reasonable.
Ah, such sweet memories!
And so many to choose from! There was the time SS kicked my dog ... the time he leapt out of bed screaming at me because he was still in bed at midday enjoying private time when I NEEDED TO GET IN THE FREAKING ROOM ... the many, many microagressions, the sour faces, the scowls. DH noticed none of it. (He was looking right at SS when he kicked the dog and DH STILL had trouble acknowledging what he'd seen.)
SS won the prize for sheer disgustingness and pigheadedness one year when he was on winter break from university. SS and I spent those weeks together while DH was overseas dealing with a family emergency. Apparently SS had never been instructed in the use of a toilet brush--a skill which, let's face it, we all need to employ from time to time. Let's just say that SS did not respond well to my suggestion that he use the tool. He crapped up the main bathroom and I used the auxiliary one until DH got home and scraped the mess out.
It's been years and I still cannot look at SS or even think of him without gagging. Gross, gross, gross.
Super nasty @Miss T...I do
Super nasty @Miss T...I do know ALL about SKIDs especially SS being extra dirty and living in filth. One of the kid's rooms STILL smells of stench even with deep cleaning, airing out, and YEARs of no one inhabiting. It's permanently in the walls or something. Glad that you left your DH to scrap out the mess- yuck !!!
As for kicking the dog- WHAT?? I just don't understand when the SKIDs get a thrill with abusing animals. I think they feel like its a proxy to us and if they hurt the animal they are ultimately hurting us? Totally unacceptable.
When SD18 was 14, we were
When SD18 was 14, we were having Christmas dinner at the grandparents (SO's parents). She lit her napkin on fire and threw it on the linen table cloth. All four adults rushed to put it out, while she sat there laughing. Her grandfather was especially pissed. That was the last time the skids ever stayed overnight at their place.
Wow...rare to see a SD
Wow...rare to see a SD overtly acting bad/naughty and doesn't even care if caught. Wild. It seems most of the time they like to look "innocent" and have the SP look terrible. Kind of nice to just be evil and own up to it IMHO. Thanks for sharing !
SS put the Spermidiot against a wall with his hands at the
the dipshitiot's throat when Spermidiot spawn #3 was arrested for a gun violation trying to live out the Spermidiot's GangBanger wannabe fantasies. SS-30 was about 27-28 at that time.
SS told him that if he did not stop egging on the two youngest spawn to be gangbangers that SS would be back and the Spermidiot would not like the outcome. because SS would not stop at slamming him against a wall for a talk.
Unfortunately #3 is now in prison.
SS has not been back to SpermLand since #3 went to prison.
Probably a good thing since SS would likely do major physical harm to the Spermidiot.
Yeah...lucky that SS got you
Yeah...lucky that SS got you as a SD. Unfortunately, not all SKIDs are wise enought to "see the light." I watch one from afar as he continues to fall into the same terrible habits with less then desirable role models. Although this particular example is black and white, my examples are more gray....where "said adults" talk and act "white as snow" but their actions speak differently. I watch it and cringe everytime.
My SS went through a "but their not bad people" phase.
I focus on behaviors and choices. I do not label people as "bad" or "good". At lease not usually-ish.
My SS went through a phase where he added a second group of friends in HS. His usual crew was a large group of band kids who all got along very well, had events at various parent's homes, and were all "good" kids.
The second group were more edgy, had a penchant for "fight club" type parties, many were smokers, partakers of canabis, and had some vandalism events. Skipped classes, etc.... SS was too scared to skip class or smoke (either tobacco or pot), and would not vandalize. Those are just not his things. I'm not sure why he adopted that crew, but he did.
SS took exception to the opinions that his mom and I shared on those kids. He went aggressively into defend them mode. I stayed focused on their behaviors and choices. What extricated his head from his ass on that group was a panicked multi mile middle of the night run home after the police showed up while they were climbing on the roof of the Booth's Corner farmers marked one Saturday night. My SKid jumped off of the roof and took off through back alleys, woods, and neighborhoods. The police did catch a couple of the dozen or so of the group who all bolted in different directions when the police showed. It was odd that my SS took exception to their drug use and vandalism yet was hell bent on defending them.
It scared the shit out of him to the point that he had zero to do with them from then on. He would upon occasion bring up how he was disappointed in himself that he had throught that thew were not bad people.
The whole run home he was calling us on his cell phone petrified with fear. He would not stay in one place long enough for me to find him and pick him up.
The next year SS started his last two years of HS at .... a Military boarding school. We were not taking chances of playing games with SS after that.
As for the people who talk and act white as snow, that way my XMIL and my XW. XW was an adulterous skank whore the whole time we were married. I found out later. My XMIL, was embezzing $Millions from the business she worked for. I found out about that 19 years after my divorce was final. The family had a very positive public and community persona while in reality they were skeevy POS criminals and of zero moral and character fiber. Except for my XBIL who took his family several States away not long after my divorce. He escaped the $Multi-million civil suit that the rest of family was smacked with. My XW's share of the pay back was $2Mil according to some of our mutual friends.
My SS landed on being a very good man. Though with his SpermClan (Gang banger activities, his half brother in prison, SpermGrandPa being a serial cheater, the Spermidiot being a deadbeat serial statutory rapist out of wedlock spawn breeder (4), and SpermGrandHag being the matriarchal facilitator for her idiot son's child rapist breeding activities and the concerted PAS campaign agains my SS and DW, etc...) and the edgy group of friends teen phase it could have gone the other way.
A LOT of odds against him but
A LOT of odds against him but glad he did turn out right. Yes the actions should always speak louder but somehow in my dynamic lipservice seem to reign.
I already shared a YSD story
I already shared a YSD story upthread, so here's a few about OSD. Keep in mind, the mindf*ck of OSD is that everyone else in DH's family acted as if she was wonderful, no matter what she did; and I didn't understand narcissism back then. I just knew there was something very wrong with her. It was the combination of ST and a Dr Phil show (silly, I know) on narcissists that enabled me to connect the dots.
Background: during the last recession, DH and I were able to buy a very nice home much closer to OSD and the gskids. We'd been through some traumatic loss, and just wanted to be closer to family. At the same time, OSD's second H "Bubba" lost his job. We quickly became their favorite checkbook er, dearest family.
Story 1: OSD asks if she can use our backyard and pool to host "A little birthday party for a few of granddaughter's little friends." Sweet, right? Well, less than a week before the party OSD informs me she's invited 74 people, mostly adults. Further, she doesn't have enough money to buy all the food and drink. I had no spine in those days, so cue DH and I scrambling to buy food and drink, rent tables and chairs, and we ended up footing the bill for what was actually an obscene gift grab/adult party ... for a seven yo. SMto2, THIS is why I always comment on your posts. I was once in your shoes.
Next story: The Last Christmas. We volunteered to host Chistmas in the new house. And you know when I say "we" that the majority of the labor fell to me. I love to entertain, so there was a huge tree, piles of presents, lots of excellent food and drink. We even included BM1 and her husband (because I was an idiot in those days). I put a great deal of effort into ensuring OSD's blended family of eight had plenty of gifts, since they were experiencing hard times. Traditionally everyone brought food, adults bought for all the kids, and we had an adult gift exchange. At Thanksgiving, we adults would draw names from a hat, $50 dollar limit for a Christmas gift. That year OSD and her H had drawn DH and I, and we'd let her know we'd appreciate donations to our respective favorite charities. So there we were; OSD, Bubba and their brood of six arrived with chips and soda, and their teen boys descended on the buffet like locusts. When the time came for the adults to exchange gifts, DH and I got nothing, and I instantly knew what had happened. You see, both of the charities we'd chosen provide a printable card online, showing a donation has been made in someone's name. If OSD had ACTUALLY made donations (even a few dollars), she'd have known this; instead she thought she could just pretend she'd made donations and no one would know. I could tell from her body language and darting eyes she was nervous (and her H clueless), but again, I wasn't brave enough to speak up. DH and I had been spending/giving thousands to help SD and her familystay afloat, and that was how she repaid us. So that was the Christmas where I worked my butt off, and got nothing but a painful lesson for it. It was also the last Christmas we spent with DH's family, and the 2x4 upside the head I needed to make healthy change.
A reminder
I've told this story before, but this reminds me of my last Christmas with SD. She and her husband came over before Christmas to spend some special time with us. (On her previous visit SD had been a bit testy, snapping at me, etc.) She and hubby arrived, and started thier usual mumbled sideline conversations. I bought a rinestome turtle for her, and was surprised DH gave it to her without telling me. I saw it on the bar and said, "Oh, he gave it to you!" She walked away with her back to me and yellled, "Ya, I saw it!"
I went to a meeting of a weight loss group and when I arrived home discovered they were making cookies in my kitchen for their friends. No one had asked my permission to use the kitchen or my baking supplies. As I entered neither one looked up. I said, "Hi." No response, just more of the mumbled conversations with each other. I asked that her husband speak up because I couldn't hear him. It was as if I had hit a land mine. They both began screaming at me, SD pointing her finger in my face. DH entered and immedaitely ran out the door. I followed him out asking for his help. He replied, "I don't want to be in the middle." In the end, rated one cookie.
Afterward we exchanged presents. SD and hubby opened theirs, gave DH another calendar SD had made, then handed me a gift bag I recognized from my wrapping stash. Inside was an outdated bottle of maple syrup and a cup of jam she had made. Shortly after that, I made the decision to go no contact as far as a relationship with SD. She was no longer welcome in my home.
The marriage never got off the ground due to lies DH had told prior and during the marriage, along with his lack of desire to work together to improve our relationship, Even though we remained married for 11 more years, (30 years total), nothing improved until I finally divorced him.
Learned a big lesson with SKIDS: If you think of it as a graph, the highest point is at the beginning. The only way to ensure that the graph doesn't dip toward hell is to make sure DH has your back BEFORE you ever marry him.
WOW @exjuliemccoy - YES what
WOW @exjuliemccoy - YES what a bunch of garbage you put up with. First the bday party and then springing it on you to fund...crappy crappy crappy. That happens to us too - SKIDs expect us to fit the bill but after the last silly go around that is no longer going to happen. What's frustrating is the zero consideration - just gonna do what they want after you were generous enough to give them a place. Take, take and take.
Next christmas - YEP. We all have that moment where we finally make the "healthy change" after abysmal behavior. I have aboslutely been in your shoes about working your butt ooff and then everyone around me acting crappy, ungrateful and "decending upon the food like locusts." I actually got so angry after putting on a very good event for them and recieving not even a stupid THANK YOU that the next time I only bought frozen stuff that I threw into the oven. They didn't seem to notice the difference in quality of events and still no gratitude.
This was yesterday...
This was yesterday...
We were all going to the pool. DH told SD12 she didn't need her phone at the pool and to leave it at home. On the 5 minute drive there, she starts huffing and puffing in the back seat like she is going to have a panic attack. We get to the pool and everyone jumps in of course, minus SD12. Everyone starts asking what is wrong with SD12. She starts BAWLING over in a lounge chair. All because she didn't get to take her phone to the pool. DRAMA QUEEN. DH immediately snagged her out of there and dropped her back off at the house by herself. Teenage temper tantrums are ridiculous. My 16 month TODDLER was better behaved at the pool than she was. SD is going to have a very hard life ahead of herself.
This would have been the
This would have been the moment I decided my 12 year old no longer should have a phone. Clearly she has some addiction issues that need to be worked out.
The threat I made that I was going to take away her phone if she didnt have a plan to complete and turn in her over 20 delinquent assignments - thats what caused SD16 Backstabber/Munchkin to "activate" her mother Toxic Troll!
Wild but glad she was taken
Wild but glad she was taken back not to enjoy the nice day at the pool. Consequences are important.
YSD16then13. I used to run
YSD16then13. I used to run her to her weekly gym time with friends. On the way, I needed to stop by the store, and brought her in with me. She didn't want to. I don't allow her to sit in the car while I shop so she had to go in. Once there I grab two small carts and give her one, telling her to go ahead and gets what she wants for the week to eat while she's with us. She looks at me with daggers in her eyes, "Why?!?" So you have things you want to eat this week. Now go get stuff.
I start walking off and next thing I know a cart runs into me. It's YSD. I tell her to be careful and watch what she's doing. Now, go get what you want and I'll find you once I'm done. I turn around and WHAM. The little sh*t is doing it on purpose. I shoved the cart back at her, leaned over and told her in no uncertain terms that if she continued that behavior not only was the shopping trip going to end right there but the gym day too and we'd go straight home....Even now, what 13 yo when told to 'get what you want' at the grocery store doesn't want to! She ended up with two apples and a teeny bag of bulk dried kiwis. Never took her shopping again except for once recently (if she didn't come in with me there was no dinner, I made that clear, as it was an unexpected trip I needed to help DH with, she was ok with it once there was no option for her.)
OSD11. At her 11th bday party at our place. She really needed new shoes. She loved pink. So I got her super cute pink converse shoes. Upon opening the gift she immediately declared she hated them. I said, we'll just keep them and we'll figure it out in the next day. She ends up bringing them up to her room. The next morning as I'm making breakfast for the kids, I hear OSD yell, "I hate these shoes" and then see the shoes flung out her window (her room was over the kitchen) and into the brambles on a steep slope. There's no retrieving them. She got in trouble from both DH and I that time and that's was when I slowed down on helping with clothing purchases. I think it shows her vindictive nature perfectly. It was around this time that she put powder cleanser on my side of the bed, put nail polish in my library book AND on my good purse (which didn't stick she was very lucky there). DH really countered that behavior. He's a Disney dad but has his limits.
SD is exhibiting crappy
SD is exhibiting crappy behavior @cover1w and this kind of stuff that she pulled reminds me of what finally made me turn my feelings off 100%. Just no care for anybody but themselves and NOO absolutely NO care for the SM. SM is like the stuff they like to sh** on. Getting those wonderful pink shoes and her chucking them out the window is BEYOND disrepectful. All the other stuff is garbage too. I hope you do NOT use your precious resources on her in the future- undeserving, beyond undeserving.
Oh, I pretty much stopped all
Oh, I pretty much stopped all spending on her shortly afterwards; DH had to get it all. Holidays and birthdays were cut back a LOT and then once she decided DH was evil and wouldn't talk with him any longer I decided no gift or anything moving forward.
Excellent. I am on the same
Excellent. I am on the same path. I fell back into terrible patterns during a birthday. Calls his dadeee gushes about how much he loves it. DH says, "ahhh well that was ImperfectlyPerfect." Quiet and then followed by - a list of what's wrong with it. I realized, yeah....time to stop that. My hard earned money is NOT going that direction any longer.
You now have every answer you will ever need regarding this
Flush it from your consciousness and let it rot in its own stench.
Rags- wise, sage + right. I
Rags- wise, sage + right. I always appreciate your support.
SD23 Feral Forger
Back during her bday 2021, in March, I took her out for lunch, organized a bday dinner with Dad (who paid), and send her some art supplies. She never even bothered to get them...and now we are no contact thank goodness. So no christmas ca$h.
I had given $100. Same with SD16 B/M - $50 and no shopping trip where I spend over $100. No special bday trips.
Yep - if you can believe it I
Yep - if you can believe it I used to save up and take the SKIDs on vacations a year (DH & I both contributed) and these were nice vacations! After years of complaining, anger, and sulking I finally thought - HELL WITH THIS. Glad you are keeping that xmas money CLove- PLEASE use it on a massage or something wonderful for yourself !
lol, and vacations are a whole different ball of wax
Last year was a good "test" as to how vacations with skid would go. We drove 500 miles south, and Husband had a fishing trip planned for embarking on the day of driving down. We ran late, hit traffic and high temperatures. HIS temper ran high. I then had to check us into hotel (on the beach), and entertain/feed kid, and all that while he was doing his trip.
I then took her to breakfast, had booked a snorkeling trip, she wasnt into snorkeling, ok, no problem, took her to lunch, picked up husband from trip. THEN they proceeded to be club skid and dad. Whereby they walk 10 steps ahead of me or bump me off the curb. Husband has a problem with me being upset, so he proceeds to yell at me and gt upset. Because I felt excluded and said something.
The rest of the time was her on her phone or him complaining about the heat.
We have since gone on a few weekend trips without skid and they were wonderful!
Been There
Oh the old walking on the sidewalk in front of you - while you pay for 1/2 of the vacation. There are all sorts of red flags to see before you get married, but this is one that rarely shows up until after the wedding - DH's priorities. And we find out just what they are as we are literally thrown aside for Skid's comfort and 'quality' time with DH.
I know I seem to be on a quest, but please take time to get to know DH and the skids BEFORE you get married to him. There's really no rush when you realize you might have to live decades with someone who does not make you his top priority. It's much easier to end a relationship if you have to instead of going through a divorce.
Well said sandye21 - I fully
Well said sandye21 - I fully agree with this one and hope that others take your wise advice!
Yeah CLove, glad to see you
Yeah CLove, glad to see you are not contributing to the full family vacay either. Although I really find your DH's treatment of you abhorrent....having you as the 3rd wheel that's so very rude.
HEs gotten much better
2021 sucked. Plain and simple. Im evaluating staying this year.
Glad you're seeing your worth
Glad you're seeing your worth CLove. <3
Oh, there are so many...
YSD - Very early in my relationship with SO I would notice that I would be missing money from my wallet when I stayed over. I kept writing it off as carelessness aka putting my head in the sand . After moving in it became much more noticable. Then I started missing jewelry including a ring that my recently deceased Mom gave real monetary value but sentimenal as hell. Realized that SD had a drug problem. It was a very hard convo to have with SO. I did nonetheless. He searched her room and found receipts for Pawn stores. When she was confronted and subsequently kicked her and her boyfriend out. She went on a Social Media rant and told folks that the reason she stole from me was because "I stole her family"
In reality SO and the BM had been divorced for 3 years prior to our dating. BM was/is a drug addict whore. Come to find out that SD also stole from her grandparents (blamed it on me) in addition to other family members. Kicking her out was the best thing that we did...she is currently 6.5 years sober. I don't have much of a relationship with her. Cordial is all I can muster. I don't trust her...far too many instances of lying etc. a carbon copy of her Mother and as dumb as a box of rocks. She has also created issues between SO and I. Mostly because of her being a drama queen. One of the saddest memories I have of her. One time I asked where she parked at an event where she met us "at the muni place" I was confused and asked her where that was. "What are you stupid" she replies...laughing and rolling her eyes at me. I"m like I'm sorry I don't know where that is...turns out she was refering to the Municipal Parking Garage.
I could go on & on.
Funny thing is now the girls try to use me to inpress their friends and boyfriends families.
Oh, my SM is an accountant...
Oh, my SM travels all over the world on business...not even close to the truth.
Wow @Sigh, this is very sad
Wow @Sigh, this is very sad indeed. I am so hurt for you - your deceased mother's heirloom pawned by SD...that's low. I have a sort of close scenario but not quite the same.
Must be in the Skid Handbook
OSD sold her mothers wedding and engagement rings on the street so she could get a spray tan....go figure?
-Sigh So very So very very careless. Hope that spray tan turned her orange.
You wonder!
It makes you wonder where they came from. Almost an alien / troglodyte morph, a mutation of something distantly related to the human race or something from the depths of a slimy place below the earth's surface where there is no decency, no empathy, no logic.
Sandye21 yes. Distantly
Sandye21 yes. Distantly related indeed. :D
Day we got engaged my DH
Day we got engaged my DH told SD to be home as he wanted to announce to her first. She refused and broke his heart. That was almost 25 years ago. (So we went to his friends / the guy whoput us together). At night SD came home and says " so, you going to town hall now?" She was appalled we were doing a church wedding. Her clothing at the wedding reflected it. 25 years later? Her fathers wake and burial? Within 3 days, wanted to come get " her" things. She was furious she had to wait for lawyer & will. She's still getting things.
Why am I not surprised? I
Why am I not surprised? I consider you lucky that she made all these despicable and bad choices to alienate you so that you don't have to "wonder" about whether it's you. Flustered- consider yourself lucky that she is transactional ! Don't let the door hit her in the a** when she leaves. Buh bye !
We missed the clues
We missed the clues. My DH never thought his BD Would turn on me the minute that he died. Neither did his family. My BD did, she warned me.
Horrible situation - I am
And yet you are correct this is still a horrible situation - I am thinking of you and wishing you peace. Sometimes we can't always see the clues- it's too close to home for us.
Day we got engaged my DH
Day we got engaged my DH told SD to be home as he wanted to announce to her first. She refused and broke his heart. That was almost 25 years ago. (So we went to his friends / the guy whoput us together). At night SD came home and says " so, you going to town hall now?" She was appalled we were doing a church wedding. Her clothing at the wedding reflected it. 25 years later? Her fathers wake and burial? Within 3 days, wanted to come get " her" things. She was furious she had to wait for lawyer & will. She's still getting things.
Our wedding day.
DH got served with a court motion in the mailbox. To pay for all the little darlings college.
That was pretty memorable no?
Lovely Newimprvmodel -
Lovely Newimprvmodel - instead of sweet lovely handwritten letters or holiday cards why not swtich it for a demand of more payment - this is a fabulous memory from the lower bowels of stephell. We welcome such memories of living in the inferno. Hopefully, you found the elevator to disengagement- it took me straight up to heaven.
This is an old thrat I have
This is an old thread I have to say that's pretty brutal.
I believe it - but the great
I believe it - but the great thing is when it's really bad and brutal it is very helpful in being able to make a change. For me I realized my dignity was at stake and my confidence was shattered making me a shell of my former self. That was it.
Old thread new stories
Ive got some NEW ones!
SD16 Snotty McPouter Sulk is failling 2 classes. Mean counselor put her in wrong history class - its for SOPHOMORES and shes a JUNIOR. Husband got on the phone and determined that mean ole counselor was in the right all along! She was allowed her sophomore year to pick out her own courses and never took that
And that mean ole math teacher! For that math class she is failing...husband talked to this teacher. Teacher gives up her BREAKS and LUNCHES to help tutor kids that are having problems. SD16 SMPS is not doing assignments, and scoring badly on quizzes and has many absenses (ditching).
Oh yeah, and mean ole step-monster Clove, wont let her leave her chit all over, making her "uncomfortable".
Love this- LOL. It's exactly
Love this- LOL. It's exactly MY issue- everything is someone else's problem in SKIDville. It's crazy the lack of insight and ability to be accountable - your SKIDs are younger but my one SKID- NO ACCOUNTABILITY. Luckily yours spreads the problems around, the one troubled adult SKID points the finger at me squarely. Terrible choice of majors? SM is the fault. HATE my big boy adult job? SM again. Having problems in life? SM, SM, SM.
SD23 Feral Forger
Im to blame for ALL of her problems!
CLove, aren't we all?! They
CLove, aren't we all?! They couldn't have possibly created their own issues, it's all our fault, all the time !
Of course, you are to blame.
You took daddy and diluted his time to be their beck and call boy.
Deposed Mini Wife from her throne
YEP. Dad needs this woman right here, mini wife feral forger needs to figure her life out. She is still no contact but I see her on instagram making really stupid tik toks.
SD16 SMPS - shes gearing up to play "blame game", which is why I have pulled way way back.
Yep pull back - the nice
Yep pull back - the nice thing about it CLove is you know the ending / outcome will be bad for you so you're doing the right thing.
Lol that's right on Rags.
Lol that's right on Rags. Also we have fun and dynamic lives, the SKIDS live like old people already.
A new story
Fun Times on Friday with Feral Forger.
Egads. She just wont get a clue. She called me "I want my dad, I dont want to talk to you"
ok, well YOU called ME, what is up.
"I need to move in for a month. Its my dads house and I grew up there, the children should come first".
Its half my house, youve said more than once you hate me so how would that actually work, help me understand. And no we are a united team, we come first to each other. And you are not a child you are an adult.
Yeah. Fun times!