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Been a while but back Seeking Advice with this Doozy

Lucytanner11's picture

DH got a call from SS14 school asking if DH could pick up SS14 instead of BM as there was a "altercation" at BM's house that morning between BM and SS14 and the school had to get involved. The school asked if DH could keep SS14 till next Monday. Basically SS14 refused to get up for school and threatened to beat BM up. SS14 did throw dishes at her and that's when she called the school police for help getting SS14 to school. The school police went over to talk to SS14 and SS14 was still threatening BM but did not do anything. The school police got him to school and that's when they called DH to pick up SS14.

WHY the school called DH and NOT BM is a BIG question. Still no contact from BM. 

Now SS14 is a spoiled punk and all BM does is baby him and make excuses for his behavior. NO punishment ever from BM. Now BM I will say is a total bitch and not on good turms with DH at all. 

So now here we are. Honestly how should this be handled?

1. Honestly should DH reach out to BM to see wtf is going on? DH thinks it should be BM reaching out and if she does not he will just drop SS off on Monday. 

2. Im thinking DH needs to contact his attorney regarding this. Thoughts? 

Any other thoughts


JRI's picture

I understand how contentious relations can be but I'd at least listen to BM"s version of events before going forward.   One thing I learned with my 3 SKs was to listen to all sides before responding.  My knee jerk reaction wasn't usually correct, or not nuanced enough.

The big question is, what then?  What kind of relationship does your DH have with SD?  What kind do you have?  Good luck.

Peach's picture

They should have called the county/city police and had his little spoiled butt locked up for assault.  You husband needs to call her and let her know that the school called him to come pick him up and ask her what happened.  He should not ignore this.

bananaseedo's picture

The school called him as the other parent, because the skid threatened to beat her up and assaulted her (throwing dishes) so why on earth would they call her to pick him up?  In ANY event of this type there is always a required/recommended cooling off period, so they did what is right and your DH is the parent as well and should just pick him up and then reach out to BM to ask what's going on.

CLove's picture

find out her side of things, biotch or not she has one, then talk with SS. He will need repercussions.