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Lots of sexism

numb87's picture

Yeah so just a few thoughts I've had lately. There's lots of sexism to contend with when you're a female step parent. 

Lots of people, on here and in real life, often assume I don't have a full time job or don't get paid the most out of my partner and I. So it's extra terrible when I complain. There's been comments like 'well if he is earning the money, you should be doing the childcare'. Why would people assume in this day and age that a woman a. doesn't have job and b. doesn't get paid more than her husband. I get paid far more than my husband and work hard to bring in that income. 

But my husband gets it too. If, let's say, his daughter becomes sick at school, he struggles to get time off to go pick her up from school. His boss knows I'm the stepmom not the bio but it's like they think it's not his job to do because he is a man who has a wife and that's my job. They let him go eventually but they always seem confused and skeptical. He finds it extremely annoying and borderline upsetting.

Just some thoughts. Happy new year :).


Winterglow's picture

I have to say that all of those concerns occur in intact families too. Sexism seldom picks and chooses Smile

TheAccidentalSM's picture

When YSS was in hospital after a suicide attempt, the police struggled to understand why I wasn't at the hospital.  

  1. DH was there with YSS
  2. BM was there too
  3. Me being in the mix would only create drama since BM was in attendance
  4. I'm not a parent and have no rights to any medical information

But all this doesn't align with society's expectations

tog redux's picture

Not only is your DH's company being sexist, they are discriminating against him based on sex, which is illegal. If they'd let a woman employee go to pick up a sick kid, but not a man, they are breaking the law. He should speak to HR so they stop doing this - they are risking a lawsuit.