Question for bio dads
If you have never been a step parent do you have any idea what it feels like?
I feel like my SO doesnt understand what i go through as a step parent.
It feels like to him me needing a break from his kids is me.being selfish. But he has no idea what it feels like to know in your own house you are the less needed or loved thing. I get it they will love their BD more than me ans he will love them more than me but it doesnt mean its easy knowing that.
I just want to know if any BD out there understand this or if it has ever crossed their mind?
If he loves his failed family spawn more than he loves you....
Then you have the wrong husband.
No, I am not a BioDad. I am a StepDad. I also am in a hybrid Dad role since my SS asked me to adopt him and we made that happen.
That you are even asking this question, it is clear that you are committed to the wrong man as your DH and he is far from committed to you. No-one trumps a spouse. Ever. PERIOD! And for damned sure not an X or the spawn a spouse has with that X.
They are a failed marriage, a failed family, and the Skid is the progeny of that failure.
You cannot tolerate DH to infect your life and marriage with the consequences of his poor choice in failed family breeding partners nor can you tolerate the consequences of that mistake to be a detriment to your life and marriage.
Take care of you, and if that means leaving him to his shallow and polluted gene pool ... so be it.