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OT - Eff Off Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

TGIF, STalkers! I have been ready to post this for 2 days. *wacko*

Eff off to:

  • Company reorgs. This has been going on for months and things change from week to week - with NO notifications. "Aniki, why isn't XYZ on this report? Apparently, I am supposed to divine this via osmosis. Where did I put my crystal ball....
  • Another manager change. I knew it was coming. Maybe a splash of Butter Pecan Cream Liqueur in my coffee. Or a Poire William Brandy-filled chocolate. Why? Because my new boss is... King Pita. This is going to be... interesting.  *dash1*
  • King Pita. Zooms take twice as long (or longer). We have MORE Zooms because KP doesn't "get it". And the emails... what was a 1-2 email exchange with my previous managers is now 5 or more (the last one was 11). Lord, he makes me tired. 
  • Me. For being harsh and unkind. I had no excuse; only a sincere apology upon reflection of what I said. I need to do better. *sorry2*


Wishing you a stress-free, healthy, and enjoyable weekend! *give_rose*


BTW... I have some leftover sour cream. Has anyone ever added that to a tomato-based pasta sauce?


Merry's picture

I have added cream and cream cheese to tomato-based pasta sauce, and both are very yummy. I would think sour cream would work too. Might be a bit on the tangy side, but that's a plus to me.

Eff off to exhaustion.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Thanks, Merry! I have some softening cherry tomatoes and decided to make a sauce (with ground beef, 'shrooms, some red wine...). I'll start with 1/4 cup and see how it goes. Maybe add some red pepper flakes... 

I hope you get some rest. *give_rose*

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I like how you think! *biggrin*

And it will be the same wine I drink with dinner. My first glass (small) in almost 2 months! 

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Sounds like hungarian goulash ingredients.

tog redux's picture

Eff Off to Regulatory Audits.  I sat through a full day of chart audits this week and the auditors did not say ONE THING positive about our program.  As they were wrapping up, I asked politely, "Is there anything you think we do well?" and they stammered and stuttered and said, "oh yes! most things!"  Could have fooled me, a$$holes.  Ugh. On a power trip all of them. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Oh, that's annoying, tog. Nothing wrong with a little positive reinforcement!

caninelover's picture

There should be a special place in h*ll for them!  Ugh, all the questions and documents...hate it!

tog redux's picture

They literally pointed out that a therapist didn't update the substance use history for a 6-year-old - update it from when he was FIVE.  What, is he sniffing Elmer's Glue?

I told my boss I'd rather panhandle than do that job.

Aniki-Moderator's picture


Years ago, I had to sign a statement (at work) that I would not sniff the Whiteout. Nothing about those fruit-scented markers that made you giddy. Psssst... grape was da bomb! *crazy*

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Tog, that audit sounds like a miserable experience.  poor you.

LittleCloud9's picture

To the therapist brilliant idea that "I" can be the bridge to help ss and dh get along.


To steplife- 

To not being able to have a dog. When we emerge from this storm I am so getting me a cute little furry baby.

 To the mountain of bill's circling, lawyers, hospital, doctors, psychiatrist, multiple therapists, meds, rent and utilities hike, and car repairs for both vehicles. 

One a little positive note, my parents and friends are awesome and supportive. Thank God for such a warm support network!


LittleCloud9's picture

Lol, they don't know but I'm going the other direction- disengagement and grey rock here I come!

Blum 3

Aniki-Moderator's picture

The bridge?? I would think the bridge is THERAPY. What would that therapist suggest if you were not in the picture? "Go to McDonald's and latch onto the first friendly face you see!" Mmmhmm...

Hope you have your cute little furry baby soon, LC9!

tog redux's picture

Right? No, therapist - YOU are the bridge.  I can't imagine saying that to a family, how odd.

caninelover's picture

Look back at my blog.  She had me and Bratty writing letters back and forth.  That ended not so well LOL.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Oh, ish. Had any the.rapist insisted I do that, those letters would've been Rock material. 

Greetings, Skippy.

Hope you are well. Work is busy. Life is Good.


Cover1W's picture

KING PITA - NOOOOO!  I feel for you.

Eff off to YSD15, almost 16, and her parents because she's not bathed since SUNDAY. Her acne is shockingly worse since seeing her last right before Thanksgiving. Part of it is normal and the other part is zero face washing/facial care.

And Eff off to her parents again becuase her shoes, her ONLY PAIR, are falling apart, again. I'm not saying a gdam word.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Cover, the minute I heard my last boss was moving to another position, I was waiting for the KP shoe to drop. The replacement made NO sense (I swear they are using a pull-this-out-of-a-hat match it to pin-the-tail-this-manager system). 

Is duct tape still an in thing for fixing up falling apart shoes? Just sayin'...

Cover1W's picture

I'm not sure she knows how to tape up shoes....but she knows where the duct tape is!  LOL.

The last time this happened her soles were literally flopping off the front of her shoes. NO ONE noticed and YSD didn't ever ask for new shoes.  WTF?  It's crazy making to see all this.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Very weird. I have some Chuck Taylors that are duct taped because their soooo comfy, but there is no flopping going on!

TheAccidentalSM's picture

You're going to have to encourage KP to go for another promotion pronto.  If the management like his incompetence that much maybe they'll get him out of your hair by getting him to take on more responsibility.  KP seems like the Dilbert principle operating in real life.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

TASM, I don't think management realizes what a trainwreck KP is. It will be... interesting. 

caninelover's picture

To HR Recruiting.  We identified a candidate two months ago and wanted to make an offer then.  HR came back whining that the comp they could offer for that role was less than he was making now.  My boss and I decided to upgrade the role and it has take two friggin' months for HR to do that.  In the meantime I've been trying to keep this candidate from telling us to go take a hike with this position.  Well finally today HR is going to call him with a verbal offer.  We should hear something soon - I hope this is the end of the road!

tog redux's picture

Ugh, hate that. Our recruiters drag their feet too. Hope your candidate is still available.

Merry's picture

Oh my gosh I have been in HR HELL too. The job we were recruiting for requires very specific, specialized skills. HR couldn't understand why I couldn't hire somebody locally and pay less. BECAUSE THESE JOBS DON'T EXIST anywhere but universities and medical centers, and we're the only game in town.

We do hire locally for entry level positions. Those people get trained and then go on to other, better paying jobs. I lose my mind regularly.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

The reverse is me listing all of my skills (as usual) and a recruiter contacting me about... aerodynamic mechanics. Not one word in my rez suggests I have even heard of those two words; much less have applicable work skills. Oy.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

OMG I pity you.  I'm on the receiving end of HR hell at the moment.


TheAccidentalSM's picture

To echo Merry, I'm in HR hell.

I have a new role at work.  HR have decided that since it requires them to perform two activities to port me across to the new role as a mover, that it would be easier to treat me as a leaver and new joiner.  This has caused me untold grief.

  • Offer letter took over a month and wasn't sent via the app they told me it would leading to major snark from HR.  After I pointed out the error was on their side, I did get an apology.
  • New email address.  I bearly managed to avoid losing a full year's worth of work and IT have promised to try and put this right...we'll see 
  • Acces to HR app gone.
  • All pay history gone
  • All official performance review history gone
  • All official/mandatory training gone.  I have to redo a minimum of 9 hours
  • May lose my health insurance for my skin condition because if I'm a new joiner, the insurers will treat it as a pre-existing condition and I'll lose cover.  (I'm not in the USA)
  • May not be able to contribute to employer pension scheme for 3 months if treated as new joiner (401k equivalent)
  • Access to T&S and travel systems
  • My team have been reassigned to my manager

I'm very annoyed and have been complaining lots.  Oh and BTW I'm senior enough that HR are taking the time with my transfer to "make it as painless as possible".

Cover1W's picture

I'd be screaming bloody murder if I were you.

I'd be willing to bet they are using the incredibly bad and highly promoted (by those who don't actually use the nightmare of a platform) Workday. It makes things very complicated that shouldn't be. Since HR implemented the system for my workplace two years ago, a lot of the HR things were pushed to my group, non-HR people, and it takes a significant chunk out of our work time. Hate it. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Gaaaaaaaahhhh!!! *dash1*

I'm with Cover. They'd fix it ASAP to get me out of their hair!