Oh SD17, you're too funny
So, SD17 such a flair for the dramatics, but I find out all your lies so quickly!!!!!
So, SD all of a sudden, the day after thanksgiving says she has a sore throat. Then I guess since she isn't getting enough attention for it she starts crying... then DH tells her to go take a nap since she's not feeling well, I guess she calls BM... she comes back and talks about how covid stays in the area (DH and DDs had covid 3 or 4 weeks ago) and we bleached EVERYTHING, and so she thinks she has covid now, DH tells her we'll get her tested. SD then begins BAWLING!!! she says she wants to go home, BM has an at home test, and she wants to let her mom do it... I leave the room because SD bawling like that makes me nauseous, so we finish dinner and take her home, this is where it gets FUN!!!!
while me and DH are driving her home, she sees her grandmother's car, and says "hmmm.... whose care is that? It's Mimi!!!!!"
After dropping her off DH says that morning she had talked to her mom and found out that Mimi (her grandmother) is going to be coming in town over the weekend.... Later I explain to DD 17 that SD went home because she wasn't feeling well, but she told me that the first day SD came she already told her that she already had plans to go home on Saturday because Mimi was coming....
Oh, and Covid test was NEGATIVE
Am I mad SD went home early? no... Made for a peaceful weekend, but it just further prooves that SD doesn't value her time with DH, that she doesn't see herself as part of his family... Thanks BM for completely alienating SD from her father *said sarcastically*
One thing about some of these liars, they are so transparent and don't realize it. Usually, Daddy is blind to it but other people can see thru it. Sigh.
Exactly. I can't stand liars,
Exactly. I can't stand liars, and I can't stand criers. I don't mind if soemone cries from actually being sad, but SD cries ALL THE TIME. she has SEVERAL pictures on her social media of her crying.... it's disgusting to me. It's like she WANTS to be known as this gross pathetic child. She is literaly going to be an adult in a year.... and she acts like a 5yo.
Yeah, we have the tears here, too. Any time someone says anything faintly negative to SD60, she tears up. If I make the mistake of discussing DH84's medical issues (prostate cancer, heart issue), she starts crying. So, i've stopped but its a shame because she needs to understand. Its too bad because I could use the support of a stable family member.
Personally, I think at 17,
Personally, I think at 17, she should just feel free to ask to stay at her mother's to see Mimi for the weekend - would your DH have let her do so?
Yes, why couldn't SD just be
Yes, why couldn't SD just be honest with her dad?
SD be honest? I don't know if
SD be honest? I don't know if she could? she was raised to use herself and her emotions as weapons....
YES, yes he would have. He's
YES, yes he would have. He's even said that he wouldn't even argue with her if she didn't want to come period... he's tired of all the drama she causes... He's ALWAYS split his thanksgivings with BM, ALWAYS. The most he's said about it is, "let me thank about it" and that was A LONG TIME AGO. he's never told her no.
Well, that's extra annoying
Well, that's extra annoying then.
it really is.
it really is.
maybe in some weird way by
maybe in some weird way by making something up she is trying to spare him the reality that she would rather spend time with someone besides him?
every time it's DH's turn for
every time it's DH's turn for thanksgiving we usually split it with BM (SD never asks to split BM's thanksgiving with DH, it's only ever DH splitting his time with BM), and SD has only been here 2 other days with DH since summer.... SH has never made SD feel bad for ANY of it... SD is 17, and KNOWS DH will never tell her no if she asks to go back to BM, after 11 years of asking, why would SD all of a sudden start caring about DHs feelings?
I would have said to SD17
I would have said to SD17 "Well if you wanted to go home and see your Mimi so bad, why didn't you just ask? Rather than act like a toddler and have a tnatrum."
she was gone by the time I
she was gone by the time I found out all this info.
There is something to be said
There is something to be said for the "stop crying or I will give you something to cry about" philosophy.
so true... but I think DH
so true... but I think DH falls for her "I don't feel good" crap... my daughters LITERALLY had covid, not one tear was shed, my youngest would regularly get strep and the flu at the same time, not one tear... SD has a sore throat, and all of a sudden she is HYSTERICALLY crying... and she's the ugliest crier ... it's really disgusting how much she cries... she cries over the DUMBEST things... once she was boiling water for ramen, and a bubble popped onto her hand and she was crying... she was sitting in a chair that the seat was an inch off the ground (one of those fad low up chairs), she slipped and hit her (very cushioned bottom) on the carpeted floor and cried hysterically. People laughed because she said she wishes she had a whoville nose, then precedes to push up her nose and looked like she was making a piggy face, it was funny, and we laughed, which made her cry... her BM likes to say she's sensitive, but IMO peoplw who are sensitive worry about other's feelings, try to make others happy, and are kind.... SD is the most selfish person who thinks about NOBODY but herself, she's not sensitive.
Sensitive? Really? More like manipulative.
Keep laughing, calling her out, and shining the light on her crybaby manipulative crap. Eventually she will either grow a spine or just stay away.
Either way, is a win IMHO.
And continually call out your DH for catering to her manipulative shit. "Really DH? You are actually falling for her shit?" In real time in front of the Skid and anyone else who is present.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
At 17yo every time she plies this crap she needs to spend a day filling and moving 5Gal buckets of gravel from one side of the yard to the other. When her hands are blistered and bleeding, her back is killing her, and her legs and arms are aching then tell her she can cry. Until then, she gets an extra day of bucket filling, carrying, and dumping for every tear.
As for BM? F BM. No one should give a shit about what BM thinks or says.
That is my 16 soon to be 17 yr old sd. She uses her dad, he doesn't see it. She is awful to the other three of us in the house and even had the odacity to get a puppy. She now is failing classes but convinces that it isn't her fault, always another. I have just stepped back. She has been mean and manipulative since she moved in with us and i flat out told my husband i will not get her Christmas gifts . They act like they are the victim but actually are the bullies- it is awful and will not help them in life later. I love people, i have tried to tell dh that he is raising a failed person, he can raise her right. He will not see she uses him or does a thing wrong, so now i just step off. Time will tell, sadly. We try to care but are made out to be evil as stepparents.
This is exactly why ass
This is exactly why ass baring public ridicule and humiliation should be applied to both the Spawn and her idiot father.
And web cams that cover the entire house except for a corner of her bedroom and the toilets. That way you can have Replay Happy Hour with Daddy at the end of every day so he can see the product of his abject parental failure and the result of his failed family breeding experiment.
Make it your hobby and the most fun hour of the day for everyone else in the home.
Banishing her to a choice between compliance with reasonable behavioral standards, complete and total instant humiliation, and GTF out is IMHO the only option you have other than sucking it up letting the two of them make everyone else miserable.
Not something I would tolerate.