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Was DH “wrong” for not stepping in and correct SS??

Bettysmith00's picture

DH went to SS14 Routine Pediatrician appointment today. DH goes to all major appointments as BM has a way of lying to both DH and the Pediatrician about what really is going on or happens at the appointment. BM, DH and SS14 were in the exam room waiting for the Pediatrician to come in. BM was nagging SS14 about something and would not let up. SS14 finally said "If you don't stop I'm going to punch you". BM then responded "That's not how you speak to your mother". All this time DH said nothing to SS14. Was DH right to stay out of it or should he had told SS14 not to speak to his mother this way? 

ndc's picture

I think he should have corrected him. SS's response to his mother was inappropriate and your DH shouldn't want his son to speak to anyone that way.  By not saying anything, it's as if he condones the behavior. 

Then again, we weren't there.  Maybe BM was being so over the top that DH was just relieved SS didn't actually punch her. I hope he at least addressed it with him later and let SS know his behavior wasn't acceptable.  

shellpell's picture

He should step in any time ss threatens ANYONE. I can't believe he just sat there. What a way to fail in parenting.

Winterglow's picture

So he just sat there like a sack of potatoes as if his so was none of his responsibility? Seeing as he seems to think this was no big deal makes me wonder if his son didn't learn how to speak to his mother from him. Your husband should be ashamed for not speaking up.

Dogmom1321's picture

ANYTIME a threat is made, it needs to be addressed ASAP by the parent. When your 14 y/o turns 18 and is still talking this way, he will have major problems harassing and making threats to others. You can't say "Well, they started it fiiiirrrsssttt..." to get away with it. Your DH needs to parent. 

Rags's picture

For the threat of violence toward his mother DH should have come down on SS hard.  Though BM earned the rejoinder by ragging on SS incessantly.

Rags's picture

If I were this SS, my response to the ragging would have been to tell BM that I was waiting outside and to come get me when it was my turn. Then I would have walked away and ignored any further comments by BM. If I were the DH, I would have joined the kid outside. Let BM sit there and wait to be called for the appointment.

Thumper's picture

Now about your DH...OF course dad should have corrected his son.

What is the reason he did not?

Where there is smoke there is fire. Time to have a talk with BM and ask how many times before has that kid said he was going to punch mom?

That kid would be in reform school ----I bet this was no the first time kid said something like that.

Dad can hit the reset button...he better do it fast.


simifan's picture

Your DH is ok with his son threatening to punch a woman & not just any woman but the one who birthed him. Leave before SS threatens to punch you.