Does it ever end-
A little back story- have had my SD who is now 12 for 6 years. Anyhoo- today she tells me that her mother told her that her Nana (DH's mother) will be giving me her credit card to order some things of Amazon for school. UMMMM usually no big deal but I just for the love of all things holy do not understand the relationship - his ex wife will NOT let go of his family but she's perfectly happy not seeing her child. And I do not do well with "intructions" Maybe I am making a mountain out of a mohill but it's how I feel. Also, about a month ago the BM was invited to a baby shower for my DH's family... which fine I am not close to them and either is he but MIL picked this woman up. The woman that calls CPS every year and attempted suicide in front of her kid multiple times.
Not to mention she still has a pic of her still hanging in her living room. And the latest is DH decided to pay her the rest of her alomoney off and she is telling him she is taking him to court etc he owes her longer. I know it sounds sick but I think her alimony is yet another way she can still feel connected to him....
Anyways Im going on a tangent. I think if I hear from his mother I will tell him HE needs to do this-
I am at the point of not wanted anything to do with them- but apparently they are both CONTENT w/ me having the kid all of the time.
BM never let go and it's such
BM never let go and it's such a headache having to deal with their BS by CHOICE! We choose our DH and all the drama that comes with it.
I would tell DH to deal with the credit card and school supplies. MIL is disrespectful because she continues to feed into BM after all the problems she's caused for you , DH and SD.
No it doesn't end. Throw this
No it doesn't end. Throw this one back. It is not worth it.
BMs ALWAYS try to stay
BMs ALWAYS try to stay relevant!!! Our BM "tries to talk reason" with DH anytime 16yoSD comes home "hysterically crying" when she leaves our car perfectly fine, we have a PERFECTLY fine weekend, and end up with a phone call from BM talking about how we weren't fair to SD and SD is feeling left out, or that everyone is making fun of SD, or that we don't believe that SD's allergies aren't real, ok we DON'T think her allergies are real because shes PROVEN them to not be real. she's EATEN food that HAD her allergies in them on SEVERAL occasions, and had no reaction, it doesn't show up until DAYS later when she goes to her mom's house, but we don't say anything, other than, "SD, if you were having a reaction, why didn't you come to us? or "SD, that cookie that you just ate at grandma's house had the food you're allergic to, are you ok?". SD is 16 and is PERFECTLY able to talk to us if she feels we're being unfair, or that say that something may had hurt her feelings, or that she's having an allergic reaction.... but no, MAGICALLY, she only thinks of these things when she gets to BM's house.... and then BM can become relevant in our home, once again. She was also invited to DH's father's funeral... by SD, she was also invited to DH's brother's funeral.... by SD... So yes, BM is very much part of my life on a regular... and she's just a discustingly gross person.... and I am ONLY talking about her personality. she's incredibly dense, fake, and just makes you want to VOMIT with the way she thinks... she THINKS that when DH was so overwhelmed when his father passed and he had no time to process it and cry, that it was a good thing... that he shouldn't be able to sit, think about it and process.... I literally wanted to punch her in the face and tell her to GTFO. she didn't belong there, she never has belonged in my life and I NEVER want her in my life, she's a complete MORON, and continuously inserts herself where she doesn't belong....
Sorry for the rant, I just WISH that lightnening struck down on her and killed her.
I can relate
I have never wished anyone to go away so bad.. earlier I said exes usually go away.. lol not this one
Exactly, i have never felt
Exactly, i have never felt this much hatred for anyone in my life, but i can't even attend a family function and grieve without her disgusting face. And at my husband's brother's funeral (when covid was happening) BM (who was working in the covid unit of the dr office she worked at) was sick (supposedly with the flu), and STILL showed up.
It's like no matter how far i try to separate myself from her, she's still a part of my life. I CAN'T pretend she doesn't exist, and as much as it pains me to say, I have very much thought about how much easier my life would be, if she just died. It doesn't help that she told DH that she had cancer and i thought it could happen, only to find out that it was a lie. Just another way to insert herself and make herself valid in my life.
The cancer thing!!
My BM did the same a couple years back told DH she has pancreatic cancer... a complete lie to get attention. I too have thought often it would be easier if she were gone.. I think it would be on her kids too honestly. My SD said she's obsessed with my DH still and her latest thing is taking too the 12 year old about her wedding.. how she is worried that my name will be on it.. ummm hello the kid is 12.. all I can think is she has nothing else to do besides fake illnesses and be obsessed with her exes life. I would never want to be that pathetic even if I did have a hard time getting over someone...
BMs and the family ties
Im lucky in that most of DH's family despise Toxic Troll BM. However she is still "relevant" because she pushed out 2 DNA samples.
I appreciate the ones that do not have any contact and really resent the ones who continue contact via social media. And like her posts and especially the BFF of DH who maintains contact via social media to the point of wishing her happy birthday.
Youd think that at least the BFF would have more loyalty. The family that stays in contact, I can see that maybe its because they think its the only way to keep in contact with Feral Forger SD22.
Im 7 years in.
You MUST create and enforce boundaries. Your husband is not having your back with his family if they are still hanging out with BM, playing "happy first family".
B!tch tried to horn in on MIL's vigil. There was a week-long vigil where she lay, the life gradually fading. DH told TT "please dont go". We were there every night, I stayed to the sidelines and helped with food, while everyone else sat with her and said their godbyes. However, she told SD15 backstabber that "she didnt care what DH said she was GOING".
Toxic Troll insisted on coming one night and then SIL had to get firm and tell her that the next time she insisted on interrupting the vigil, police would escort her off the premises.
So it really sucks that your MIL is that toxic.
He flipped on his mom
Dh thought I had the story wrong. I didn't. He stood up to his mother and flipped.. told her if she wanted to buy something she could have called me or him since have custody... well residential the mother sees her 2 days a month. First time he ever had my back just for me.. maybe he knows I'm ready to bail I'm not sure. I do feel bad that's his mother but wtf this is her son... she chose this.. too bad neither realize the conflict is what the jobless bm wants... honestly I read all this and am dealing with it. I never did this to my ex. I wanted him happy. Yes the first year after divorce is awkward not this long she doesn't even have the kid.. dh said to me if it were your son what would you do. I said even if I liked the woman I would respect my sons wishes..I just hope it doesn't bite me one day.. I can imagine this is what she wanted... she has no prospects and I'm not being mean she's very obese and in think it's gotten worse along with the mental issues she won't let go. I even b told bh she uses your mother for that.. this is all in purpose
An X, particularly like this one...
Has zero value, standing, or use, and should not be tolerated. Any crap has to be met with total confrontation, zero tolerance, and an increasing state of abject misery.
The same applies to your MIL, she needs her nose rubbed firmly and regularly in the stench of her own crap .... and ... in the stench of BM's crap. She needs to basked repeadly what she finds so valuable in BM that she tolerates the waste of skin that BM is.
Lather............... rinse................. repeat.
Don't get it either
At first I thought it was out of pity... I let go of a lot of it thru the years and have little contact with MIL. I don't do well with drama or pettiness and it seems like they have this love hate relationship that I want no part of. I know they buy each other Xmas gifts etc.. fine have that but don't talk about me or my household to the BM when we have the kid all the time. I feel bad this has stained my husband's relationship with his mom.. but with! I some wonder what the BM will do if she passed away I think she would lose it.. this is her connection and way of feeling so married to DH.. by the way this BM also hit on his own brother after they divorced which is bizarre but somehow she gets a pass for that.
I'm in almost 26 years. I've
I'm in almost 26 years. I've been with H more than three times longer than his entire relationship with BM. Yet, H's nieces are having a love affair on all of their social media accounts with BM and now GBM. It's been recent too. H's niece actually got jealous that I'm in a long-term relationship and she's not, so to piss me off, she started reaching out to BM on FB several times a day and the two have become buddies. Then the other niece became FB friends with BM and now it's spread to both nieces being FB and IG friends with GBM. Several times a day, they all say love-dovey comments to one another. I lost my shit to H and told him this is exactly why women can't fucking stand their steps or even extended families within the in-law side. I told H that I'm so fucking sick and tired of BM never going away and people worshipping her and having love affairs with her when she cheated on H and blew the whole family up and traumatized my SKs from having crazy fights with H and trying to take the SKs away from H when they were only 2 and 4 years old. H is even frustrated that his own nieces would be so love-dovey with BM and GBM after BM blew her family apart all because she was a cheating skank. I just don't get it. It drives me insane that after 25 years I'm still coming a distant second to a narcissistic personality disordered cheating skank and I'm still not really recognized as the wife. Since I have an exit plan, I don't give a shit about what I say so I have banned the nieces from my home. I thought H would go nuts and side with them but it turns out that H doesn't want the nieces in our house either.
It floors me.. I am divorced and wouldn't dream of having that type of contract with an exes family... I find it bizarre. I think true love is letting someone go and being with someone else if that happens! I wouldn't want to try and ruin his relationships it makes no sense..
I'm glad you DH has your back this... I just found out today that the BM went to my husband's cousin to get her hair done! I'm at the point where I will always have an exit plan..
It was H's nieces who sought
It was H's nieces who sought out BM. It floors me because H and BM have been divorced for over 28 years. I just don't get it.
No prizes for guessing that both nieces' marriages fell apart from betrayal. Younger niece, who is the one who started the process of seeking out BM and GBM, got married on Thanksgiving and got left on Christmas Day due to her cheating. Now she wonders why she's alone and can't find a loyal man. I'm coming very close to just telling her that she wouldn't know loyalty if she fell over it, so why would she attract a loyal man. Anyway, both nieces are dead to me now. I told H and he didn't dare say a word to me. I'm so fed up with being the 2nd wife.
I get it
Like we don't deserve respect and proper bounties. It's tough and I try to not let it get to me. I think it wouldn't bother me as much if the woman had her kid or was somewhat normal... she isn't... but I'm with you. I hate being the 2nd one too.. I envy ppl that have normal exes.. hopefully my ex husband realizes how lucky he was that i. I. Never dream of being like that