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Fed Up with my Concerns Being Dismissed

HelpWanted's picture


Winterglow's picture

He doesn't love her nearly as much as he thinks he does or he'd take a good look at the situation for himself and get her the help she needs. What will it take? Does she have to actually attempt suicide for him to take notice? It's time he left his comfort zone and started showing some real concern. 

Have you considered mentioning your concerns to someone who is a mandated reporter? I'd do it sooner rather than later...

hereiam's picture

Denial and not wanting to do the hard work of parenting, which is a lot more than just "loving her".

He will one day regret his lazy attitude, but it will be too late.

superlado's picture

But maybe you can report to the school counselor in the fall ? 
I'm not an advocate for talking to BMs and I could see this backfiring but when a child 's life is at stake ) I feel something needs to be done.   Can you somehow talk to BM about this ? Sorry that her dad sucks and isn't taking this seriously.  
maybe therapy for you since your mental health is suffering. 

HelpWanted's picture

He is just not taking it as seriously as me. I told him i dont care if im overreacting. She was in therapy but he took her out bc he said it wasn't helping and she hated it so much. Hes also upset with me for not attending the post therapy session with just him and me and the therapist because I just cant deal with this anymore. He told me I should've been there. And I disagreed and tried to explain that im barely holding on. Cant get through to him.

Ki2619's picture

That is awful. I'm so sorry you're being dismissed. It is a very big deal. Unfortunately this would also be how my husband would react. I've reminded him ignoring it doesn't make it go away. 

HelpWanted's picture

Maybe its a dad thing? To dissociate and just not address problems? He said he can handle mental stress better than me and I told him that's because I don't ignore the stress.