BioHo witHOlding pHOtos
Just as I suspected. The professional photos are ready. BioHo sent DH a link to our photos and the ones with the SSs and the newlyweds.
There are no photos of the entire group OR of SD25 and fiance OR of SD28 and family. BioHo had Supreme Cuntrol over who receives links to any photos we can order. So DH called 'Ho to ask where the rest of the pictures are. 'Ho said she would sent him a link to the group photo (praying 'Ho, her mother, Pinhead, and Spawn can be cropped out), but no others.
- 'Ho expects SD25 and her fiance to apologize to her. WHEN they do, she will send them links to the photos.
- 'Ho expects SD28 and BD to apologizie to her. WHEN they do, she will send them links...
- 'Ho expects SS21 to apologize to her. WHEN he does, blah blah blah...
I don't want to rock the boat, but am considering contacting the photographer to ask is I can get links. DH paid for half of the fee, but it was in cash, so we haven't got a leg to stand on.
Why can't that twunt be abducted by aliens Gaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh.....
Well, EFF. Just got off the phone with the photographer. 'Ho owns the rights to ALL of the pictures. IOW, if DH had cheesed her off? We wouldn't be able to get our photos either. She's within her rights to withhold the pictures from every single one of us. Had another person co-signed the contract, 'Ho could not withhold. I am so angry, I feel like fire in a block of ice. Even DH is avoiding me and I'm not mad at him at all. *diablo*
- Aniki-Moderator's blog
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HO'ly Crap
she is a toxic dump filled with sludge and HOrrible other things.
Seriously HOlding photos ransom??? Classless!
All of that and more. *diablo
All of that and more. *diablo*
Ask the photographer. Offer
Ask the photographer. Offer to pay for both SDs and SS packages, even upfront. Say the link doesn't work, BioHo forgot to send them, etc. Be your sweet self and I'm sure the photographer will be happy to send. I'll even contribute to the photo fund just to help stick it to 'Ho. Would totally be worth the few hundred bucks.
I just KNEW 'Ho would pull
I just KNEW 'Ho would pull something like this. She's so freaking vile.
Why can't the bride call the
Why can't the bride call the photographer directly and get the link herself and send it to you all? She is really a POS ain't she...
Because 'Ho is the one who
Because 'Ho is the one who scheduled the photo shoot and why she has Supreme Cuntrol over who gets access. SS21 and wife were not even invited for pics until SS21 called 'Ho and pretty much begged her to let them be part of the photos, telling her he was sorry for how things were between them.
I agree I would contact the
I agree I would contact the photographer directly and cut the twunt out of the equation.
It's bloody irritating to
It's bloody irritating to have to do it. *dash1*
Just Cannot
Fathom this depth of utter and compelte selfishness and HO'rribleness. Im glad that I cannot.
I echo the others suggestions. Although there might be some kind of contract, it doesnt hurt to ask the photographer. Did you get their name? Should be in the links that you got. Money always helps.
I cannot either, CLove.
I cannot either, CLove. Ridiculous and, not surprising, another new low for 'Ho.
Yes, I have the name. Before I reveal the "owner" of the photographs, I want to ask about the contract because it could be a breach of sorts.
Bio Ho never stops.
I agree with above go through the photographer.
'Ho is enough of a twunt, she
'Ho is enough of a twunt, she will haunt everyone when she cacks.
HOw typical
Ho just continues to shine, doesn't she?
Like a fresh, glistening
Like a fresh, glistening piece of amoeba-infested fecal matter!
contact the photograppher,
contact the photograppher, order them and give them framed as Christmas gifts
Lovely idea!
Lovely idea!
Ani you know I don't hold
Ani you know I don't hold with violence but Ho should be b-slapped back to her dad's testicles and come back out as toxic waste.
WarMachine, you are spot on!
WarMachine, you are spot on!
Your nicer then I. I'd be
Your nicer then I. I'd be threatening to sue Ho for the fee unless she forwarded all the proofs. Good luck with the photographer.
I don't know that I'm all
I don't know that I'm all that nice. But I have to play be legal rules. Dammit.
You knew....
You knew she wouldn't go quietly, right?
Of course not! Satan will
Of course not! Satan will drag his vulgar handmaiden, kicking and screaming, back to the underworld. No surprise if things spontaneously combust along the way.
Argh. Of course.
Argh. Of course.
I'd just get them from the married couple. They will probably have a full set and you can select from that... so frustrating.
Nah ..Satan will withhold
Nah ..Satan will withhold until everyone falls at her feet with an apology she seems appropriate. Go around her to the photographer for sure. We all knew she would keep up her bs after the fact what a ho
Check my update at the bottom
Check my update at the bottom of the blog. We can only get those pictures if 'Ho allows us to have them. And that ain't happenin' without sorries all the way around. How DH and I managed to NOT tick her off is a miracle.
If only!
If only!
'Ho's got talent! She is
'Ho's got talent! She is such a master alienator that she's managed to alienate her children against herself. Her children who aren't even your DH's bios prefer you and your DH to her. That's very telling.
Practically screams volumes,
Practically screams volumes, doesn't it?
I’d apologize alright
Now, I'm not one for disrespecting one's mother (I am a southern lady after all
) but I'd apologize, get the link, then unleash a profanity lace string of insults letting the Ho know exactly what I thought of her! Then I'd block her from my life! What a piece of crap human! Who does that to their children especially when you know one of their lives are about to be endangered for the next year!
Yep. This would be me 100%.
Yep. This would be me 100%. She would get her her words...until I got my pics. Then she would get nothing, ever again.
A "mom" that withholds wedding pics. Sheesh.
I think the kids are so upset
I think the kids are so upset with her right now, that it's better for them to say nothing.
It's BioHo. I should not have expected her to be nice in the slightest.
SD28 and I were texting yesterday and she mentioned how much better life will be without that toxicity. But you folks know me: Constant Vigilence! I will always expect a reconciliation at some point in time.
My mother was a southern lady
My mother was a southern lady.
That would be lovely, would it not? But I doubt it will happen. All of the skids inherited 'Ho's temper. While they have learned to control it (quite admirably), their reactions have become NON-reactions. Would not surprise me if they preferred to pay for their own pics rather than speak to 'Ho at this time, much less make a false apology.
Another thing that sucks is that this was a special occasion and unique situation. Who knows if we will all ever be together again? Certainly not in that place or on the beach. No way to recapture the grandskids at that age or the magic of everyone's sponteneity.
Psssst... piece of crap human is too nice for 'Ho!
I bet she's planning to wear
I bet she's planning to wear white to the wedding. SD BM did that to her and ran around all day hollering about the glitter in her tits which traumatized my kids.
Ewww. I wonder if they are sisters?
Oh what.. glitter in her tits
Oh what.. glitter in her tits.. such class.. man! you guys must've been cringing! No wonder your poor kids were traumatized.. eeks!
To SD25's wedding? SS21 got
To SD25's wedding? SS21 got married the day after the photo shoot. 'Ho wore beige.
Although I'm uncertain how things will play out since 'Ho is basically planning SD25's wedding. Willing to bet a week's pay they will "reconcile".
Good grief! She is beyond
Good grief! She is beyond description! Such a controlling, manipulating, selfish, waste-of-space of a 'human'. She makes me wannna puke! Gads!
IG, you didn't list enough
IG, you didn't list enough negative adjectives...
If I were the skids I'd band
If I were the skids I'd band together and tell her to hand over every last photo or she'll be banned from every future family event. Ho has proven herself to be a loose cannon that can't be trusted around her own family. Personally I'd be happy to wear the loss of the wedding photos if that was the price to get rid of Ho for good.
If only that would work! The
If only that would work! The skids have all been on the outs with 'Ho at one time or another and she's been banned from family activities. Her response? She just keeps on keepin' on. Oh, she'll beeyotch mightily about it, but she won't budge. It's her way or nothing.
I actually feel really sorry
I actually feel really sorry for the photographer in all this. Look at the loss s/he must have taken over not being able to sell the prints to anyone. S/he is just collateral damage here ...
So do I, Winterglow. We
So do I, Winterglow. We wanted pictures of all the skids and their SOs/children. We also hoped to get the group photo (sans 'Ho, her mother, Pinhead, and Spawn). PLUS, we're buying all of the photos we were "allowed" to have. That's a lot of $$$.
Fake apology 101
"We REGRET that you were upset when xyz happened."
(Not a real apology; what gov't and businesses do when in a legal bind)
"We were upset to hear that
"We were upset to hear that you did not enjoy the x,y,z"
(not an apology at all. BM used to send them all the time as her apology. As in now I'm angry to hear that you didn't like x,y,z like you were supposed to. So now YOU better apologise for saying that you didn't like it)
'Ho let SS21's pre-photo semi
'Ho let SS21's pre-photo semi-apology slide. However, she expects groveling and sucking up (per SD28).
That's sad
It sad about the photos but will 'Ho eventually get tired of holding them hostage? Especially as SD25 needs her for the wedding.
Oh, no, she will not. 'Ho
Oh, no, she will not. 'Ho tried holding some of DH's things hostage (IOW, took them from the house without his knowledge when she packed her crap), and it didn't work. He simply bought new when he could afford it. I'm willing to bet that SD25 is the first to cave.
Im so sorry!
Thats really sad for the skids.
I was crossing my fingers and toes for the pics.
Same here, hon.
Same here, hon.