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Am I crazy or what?

Poohbear's picture

I have been doing this for over 6 yrs. I disengaged once before and ended up moving away back to hometown to be near my biokids 24 and  20. My DH and I remained in daily communication and visited about every week or so. (We were an hr and 1/2 away from each other). We went to couples counseling and all was working out. After about 6 months apart, we started looking for a house near where I moved to, sold the house in our previous town and he and my 2 SS moved in together again. For the first few months all was an adjustment but DH seemed to be trying. The SS 16 and 14 were overindulged and spoiled with constantly buying them things, they play hockey back in their previous town and discipline had been thrown out the door. Like I said my DH was trying first few months we were back together. I could see leaks in the facade with comments from SS like "You don't act like that when Ms -- is home" or them doing things against the rules like eating in the living room or their bedrooms, yelling at XBOX all the time.  Due to DH allowing behavior.  Then it went to kids only getting yelled at without consequence or punishment for bad behavior and catered to with their wants.  Long story short back to exact same thing as when I had moved out before.  Now I'm disengaged again, DH doesn't tell me anything they are doing and my home is not my home for peace.  There was a major blowup with SS16 about 2 months ago and he refused to go to his room to separate him from us and it grew into a horrible whole weekend long annoyance.  So I made a family counseling appt mainly so the counselor could see how our dynamic isn't working and offer some up front resolutions. We have had one counseling session where DH ran the thing and SSs voiced how they should be allowed to go back to their previous town to be with their friends every other week when hockey isn't in season and how they were told they wouldn't have to move and how bad this town is in their eyes with harder schools, kids they don't want to be friends with and there isn't as much to do here. There was no discussions about the session between all of us afterwards and business as usual.  My DH actually seems quite satisfied with me not speaking much and minding my own business.  Amazon visits often for the SSs and they go out to eat when I work and do their own things.  Meantime my kids are made to feel like outsiders when they visit, unwelcome with DH bad attitude.  Same goes for any of my other family members. I'm thinking with SSs being age they are and DH don't seem to have issues with them, I think its not worth trying to work it out.  Am I the crazy one?  

Winterglow's picture

I will tell you that you are the crazy one if you think, even for a minute, that you can fix this chaos.

However, as you appear to be aware of the situation not being salvagable, no, you are not crazy.

SteppedOut's picture

You tried, again. It is not working for the SAME reasons. Your SO gave you just enough to get you back .But, he really doesn't want change - well. He wants YOU to change. 

Are you willing to change to appease him and his teens? Can you learn to accept everything that you previously could not? 

hereiam's picture

This is not working. You tried, moved out, tried again. It's not working.

Based on this and your other post, they are all jerks, your husband included.

Poohbear's picture

Thank you so much for input. I'm of the mindset I am the one with the issues with this crazy crap going on. Some people love to stay in chaos and it's not chaos to them if they are ok with it. I'm definitely thinking of some alternatives to dealing with this much longer

Findthemiddle's picture

You're not crazy - you just want something that these people cannot offer you.  Square peg - round hole.

Poohbear's picture

Exactly! My father once told my DH that I was spoiled.  I thought it meant a bad thing that I just couldn't be pleased. My father is deceased now and raised me to not need a man in my life. I'm very self-sufficient and independent. Looking back I think he meant that I can do all the traditional things myself, that my DH needed to be someone on a higher level and give me the respect I need and deserve. I get nothing while the catered to little ungreatfull brats get it all. Thanks for the support!

Poohbear's picture

So we had our 2nd counseling session this week and within first few minutes, the 16 yr old SS asked the therapist when they (him and his brother) could have one on one with the counselor w/out DH and I.  We welcomed the initiative and stepped out for them to get off their chest what was bothering them.  After 45 mins, the counselor came out to us asking for us to have a one on one with the counselor to address some things disclosed in his office. He said "sooner than later". Having vacation plans next week and him being booked up, we made arrangements to come back next day.  It really made me concerned. I feel SS16 has making of a school or parent shooter.  We went back and was given a piece of paper where the kids wrote down questions that were weighing on them.  They were all at why Dad didn't weigh their wants with moving away from their life and how I need to apologize for not talking to them first before I made decision to leave their Dad and them for all this bs a year and 1/2 ago. They blame me for all their short-comings and frankly I'm so just worn slap out. 

JRI's picture

I think I'd give up and get my own place wherever you choose.   Leave DH and his sons to work out their own lives.  Who needs all this drama.

Stepdrama2020's picture

I read this and thought lady time to put out this candle.

Shitty DH with entitled shitty DS's.

I take it the therapist just woved the widdle kids poor COD? Did this therapist have any light bulb moments ? 

Leave, your kids will visit and find a good therapist need be. You can do better.

Poohbear's picture

I am indeed throwing in the towel.  I can't bear anymore. I keep trying to stick it out and trying to see a glimer of hope but it is fleeting.  At 50 years old, my years for happiness are getting less and less. I just want to have a peaceful environment and hang out with my people that get me.  3 weeks is the date and I've seen a lawyer to help with the exit. Good luck to everyone and hope I don't have a reason to be on this site again.  Your advice and input has helped so very much!

Missingme's picture

Wish you the best! Before getting into another relationship, I hope you'll get counseling to prevent more. I would anyway.

Rags's picture

Please drop in for a visit from time to time to share your new life adventure, key recovery learnings, and the challenges that your transition presents for you in dealing with the X, his kids, etc..

Enjoy your new life and take care of you.