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I can't stand being around my step son

Cathyclark1986's picture


I have 3 kids of my own, my husband have two boys. One of them i cant stand being in the same room with. It hurts me that my feeling's is this way towards a child. It hurts even more because i feel like my husband is stuck in the middle.  Let me share a couple reasons why I cannot stand being around my husband son: He have called is mother in the past telling her to come woop my ass because i told me him couldn't go outside. He have broken into my room and took his cell phone back. He tells my kids he dont like me.  He lies for no reason. That's just a couple of things. At first i thought this was a cry for attition. I shared with my husband my thoughts. I told him he should spend one on one time with him. THATS NOT HELPING.  After he called his mother and told her to come whoop my ass, i have lost all respect for him and his mother. I told my husband i did not want him to come back. Somehow it got back to my husband family NOWWWWW i feel they don't like me. His mother have stated im stressing her son out. It hurt my feelings when i found out. What do i do???


Merry's picture

What does your husband do about this? Did he intervene when his son wanted your ass whooped? Your husband should have intervened, protected you, and punished the son for behaving badly. If your DH doesn't insist that his kids treat you with respect, the kids won't do it themselves.

And your DH is NOT stuck in the middle unless he puts himself there. There is no reasonable middle ground between badly behaved child and wife. There just isn't.


Wicked stepmo.'s picture

I would disengage from that kid and let him be his parents problem. I would keep referring him to his father for all his wants and needs.

SO and I had a talk last night because I am taking DS somewhere over break. He says how YSD would love to do that. I said Oh well, why would I take a kid who is verbally abusive and beligerent to me, tells me I am not there mother and to leave them the hell alone.

Crickets from SO. 


Stepdrama2020's picture

would I ever do anything for this skid. Also your DH should be on him like a frog on a log for saying that to BM.

Frankly its his ass that needs whooping. Disclaimer I have never hit a child ever. But this kid prob would get a monk to scream. Seriously he sounds like a pain.