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Update deposition

Cookieboom's picture

Update on the BM being deposed.  BF’s lawyer said she was smirking the whole time and thinks she is on top.  She brought me up (Of course) and said she is “panicked beyond belief” that I exist and she feels that she cannot walk the streets safely because of me. 

BF’s lawyer:

When did you meet her? I didn’t

When did she call/text/email/reach out social media? She didn’t

When did she threaten you? She didn’t

Then why are you afraid to walk the streets?

Hello!!!! We’re in a pandemic and she insists on hanging around sick people!!

You know she’s a nurse, right? “Yes!!! But she still insists on hanging around sick people!!!”

We got police report back (for arrest) in it, she stated that she received information that I am stealing drugs from patients.  She stated that she showed BF the evidence and he “beat her up.”  When asked by the cops to see the “evidence”, she said she couldn’t find it. 

At this depo, she brought up this “evidence” and lawyer asked why she hasn’t brought it to them or the courts, and she said she didn’t think it was relevant to the case.  HUH???? She was court ordered to bring this “evidence” to the attorney. 

Now, a few years back there was a nurse who was stealing drugs from patients at my hospital (I work at a large city hospital) I have never done drugs in my life much less steal from my patients.  This nurse’s name was Cristin, I’m Cristy…I was told by the hospital attorney that if she tries to pawn this “Cristin” off as me she can be charged with perjury. 

I will keep y’all posted!!!!

tog redux's picture

She crazy!

How dare you hang around sick people in the hospital and get paid for it even! The nerve!

ndc's picture

Wow, Cristin and Cristy.  Those names are almost identical.  But . . . is BM aware that people have last names?  That might clear things up for her.

This woman is unbelievable.  I'm sure she provided a lot of on-the-clock entertainment for your BF's attorney.

MissK03's picture

That people have last names LOLL right?!! OP did you change your last name to hide your identity of all these charges??! Crazy!

BM brought me up in court as the "live in gf" and I try to (and SO) get the skids to do as we believe is right. Couldn't be further from the truth. 

It was funny because her husband had a job in the court system so when they had their first court date he went with her. He was making a scene like he was buddy buddy with everyone and the GAL we were using. It didn't work out in BMs favor.

Let her bring you up. She's only making herself look stupid. 

CastleJJ's picture

Wow, you can't make this stuff up. Just be happy, her stupidity will likely make your court case very easy. 

Cookieboom's picture

There is no way she has evidence on me and she knows this.  I was never contacted by the police (A freind who is retired from that department advised me that if I was never contacted, they do not believe her but had to put her statements in the report).  She also told officials at DS's school that she is afraid of BF and that I am a addicted to drugs that I have stolen from my patients.  

She will either bring doctored evidence or claim she can't find it....I'll let y'all know!!!

Cookieboom's picture

I am thinking of that! Although she is smart enough to NOT name me, she keeps writing/saying, "My ex husband's GF"

My BF already advised his attorney that I will be suing her for slander if she continues to bring me up constantly....

Thumper's picture

Good Grief.

Hang in there. Is moving an option?




Cookieboom's picture

I live in the city, she/and BF live in a small town about five miles away.  I live in a secured community and I where I work is all under camera footage and card access.  I don't go to BF's anymore, and if I do he picks me up (I turned in my lease so she does not know what the new lease is).  I also do not go to her town for any reason.  

I am househunting but took a break since housing is so high right now.  BF will be moving once his lease is up since he rented a house when she ran off with her married BF.  When she was off with her married BF we were talking about getting a place together but after she came back I decided against it.  

It came out in court that she and her married BF were sitting at the kitchen table with DS present joking about BF's wife, badmouthing her, calling her nasty names and making her a mockery.  My BF was angry when he heard this (He detests cheating...apparently he saw phone records between her and married BF before the divorce but never confronted her)  I told BF, "Don't worry.  Someday he'll eventually leave his wife for BM.  When she is his wife's age he'll find another mistress and they will be at the mistress's kitchen table making fun of her!!!"