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What the heck does BM want? Part 2

Jcksjj's picture

So SD was reporting what she ate to BM via email yesterday. Surprisingly, she had no complaints. At first the emails were over the top with I love yous (which DH said is not like BM at all in person). After getting no complaints, BM just stopped replying to SD altogether. Other than making one condescending comment about SD getting a glass of sprite. SD sent her a random message this morning that was just about PI day and she didn't reply to that at all today either. 

I guess BM didn't have any use for SD today. And that explains where SDs weird habit of flat out ignoring people off and on comes from. 


Rumplestiltskin's picture

Sounds like BM just feeds off drama and complaints about you guys. It's sad that she ignores SD when she tries to be positive. She's totally training her to complain and stir the pot. 

tog redux's picture

Yes, this. BM here put on a good show of being MOTY, but she often ignored SS too. Once at a soccer game, she was so busy parading her new BF past us that she didn't see SS just got hurt and was writhing on the field.

But one complaint about DH and she was like a dog with a bone. 

Sounds like your SD didn't realize her mom was looking for dirt on you guys. 

Jcksjj's picture

No, it definitely went over her head what BMs goal was. 

I wonder what the next pathetic attempt to cause drama will be, she's insane.

Ispofacto's picture

"She's totally training her to complain and stir the pot."


DH needs to shut that sh!t down, pronto.  Complaining about every little thing is Killjoy's default position, she learned it from observing Satan doing it, plus getting encouragement to complain constantly to Satan about us, plus getting her arse kissed by everyone for doing it.  Now she complains to everyone about everything, all day long.  It's a very bad habit, which makes her extremely unlikeable.



Jcksjj's picture

Shes been sticking her nose up at any gift or anything else we give her for years - I wonder if that's why.