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Today is the day

justmakingthebest's picture

2:30 pm EST. 

Since we got put on the standard docket I am about 98% certain that all that will happen is a pleading in the contempt hearing. 

Super stoked that I am leaving work early for this. Especailly since I am trying to wrap up as much as possible for year-end for both of the companies I manage. Yep. Super thrilled. 

I will update y'all after the hearing. 


On another note- SS20 got sent home from work this morning. He got in trouble again. I can NOT deal with him losing his job. I need him to have that schedule and consistancy. I just can't deal with this today. 


tog redux's picture

Well, at least the judge didn't make you fly there for what will likely just be a preliminary hearing.

justmakingthebest's picture

Just heard from our attorney that they are going to be pushing to basically do nothing but request another hearing after Christmas and have SS testify. 

I don't understand and we are going to tell our attorney that SS has no bearing in her contempt.

  • SHE isn't communicating in a timely manner, we have to essentially threaten her with "We will take your non-response as consent" for anything.
  • SHE is the one who showed SS communications between DH and SS and when SS texted his father cussing and telling him that he was never a real father SS stated his mom showed him the email and he even sent DH a screen shot. 
  • SHE is the one refusing to give medical information
  • SHE is the one refusing to turn over her Financials information for Child Support calculations
  • SHE is the one who is blocking DH from school information

WHY would be bring SS into the court room in her, yet another attempt to further alienate him from his father. 

thinkthrice's picture

wants biodad to give up here especially when it comes to getting money back from the holiest of holy Mother Teresa GUBM.

ESMOD's picture

Unfortunately, at his age... the judge may give some credence to his feelings and experiences.. BM can claim that she is not pushing SS to have contact he doesn't want.. how can she MAKE him???

This judge isn't going to find her in comtempt.. he isn't going to make her pay.  He just isn't.  Your lawyer is just raking in fees.. your husband is losing ground with his kid because the legal fight is making BM double down on her alienation and lack of communication.. literally.. It appears that the court fight is making things WORSE.  SS likely thinks DH is attacking his mom by constant court appearances... I'm positive that is how he sees it.. he sees your husband making his life worse.. and the more the legal fight rages. .. the less interested he is in playing along.

tog redux's picture

This is why I hate Family Court. You go in with a straighforward petition on a certain issue, and it snowballs into something else entirely unrelated.