Help! Talk me down..
Guys! Help me resist the urge to send stickers and body glitter to BM house. I've had her address for well over a year. Back when she still thought it was okay to tell her ex what to do she told him that he had to take her dogs out while she went on vacation. While he was inside I dropped a pin at my location and kept her address. I didn't know when I would need it but I knew I would. The drama only got worse. Right now she's constantly threatening us with abuse allegations and claiming that we don't take care of the kids. Right now the only reason she's being nice(not complaining) is because she's broke and I'm pretty sure she's going to ask for a favor. Recently I bought the kids a bunch of clothes. They took them back to their moms and 99.9999% certain that she will get rid of them or keep them for herself. She's not working again because of covid and I've just really been in the mood to mess up her day.
Ignore her
Ignore her as much as possible. I know, I know, you can't. These BMs bring out the worst in us. I regret all the time and brainspace I gave our awful BM. Good luck, Wicked.
Ahh yes the sending something
Ahh yes the sending something to them to eff with them. I admit I so badly wanted to send Meth Mouth a box of dog poo when Spawn turned 18, but I realized a few things:
1. Meth Mouth would know it was us or me, and report us.
2. I had all the things she wanted in life and that was revenge enough for me.
I was extremely close last
I was extremely close last week to texting BM when I watched on our security cameras of her walking into our house while we weren't home. (I haven't had any communication since the blow out in feb 2108 which lead to court) I controlled myself and waited to talk to my SO on his break to see what he knew. (I blogged about it here while waiting)
I understand the urge.. trust me. I knew if I texted her it would have turned into a big mess.
As advice.only said.. most of the HCBM are jealous of what we have and I think that's what motivates them to act the way they do. They want to get rises out of all involved..they like it.
Stay strong and wait for the karma train to hit them.
I'd have taken the recording
I'd have taken the recording straight to the police and nailed her for trespassing. Shrimp had absolutely no right to be there. Even if she managed to wriggle out of the accusation, being held by tht police would have had a sobering effect and she'd never have attempted a stunt like that again.
The thing narcissists and
The thing narcissists and other high-drama people love most is attention. And drama. She will likely take perverse pleasure in "having a stalker." Don't play in.
I never actually thought
I never actually thought about that! Thank you! She claims to have a order of protection/restraining order against me because I stood on her driveway once waiting for the kids.
If she actually had a PO
If she actually had a PO against you, you would know it. Call the county court to find out. When you confirm that she is full of shit, rub her nose in it. Figuratively of course.
always seems to backfire. Just watch your back and put up the guards - it will all come back around to her.
Ignore BM and from now on
Ignore BM and from now on anything you not SK stays at your house also a big fat no to any favors
When I was in college my roommate was gifted some
milk bubble bath. It gave her a raging horrible yeast infection. The doctor said, "ya. Of course. What did you think milk bubble bath would do?" It was from an anonymous gifter at xmas too. We always thought "What a good idea! Send some milk bubble bath at xmas time anonymously to the really horrible women."
Really? Wow...never heard of
Really? Wow...never heard of that...interesting....
I won't talk you down. Hell I will drive the get away car LOL. Taking the high road with a bitchy BM is never satisfying unless you are Mother Teresa.