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Alert the Media: Stepdaughter, You are NOT Entitled to a Nose Job!

steptoateengirl's picture

After many years of blended stepfamily bliss, things fell apart when SD turned 16 and had needs that I, as a reasonably stable person with realistic rules about boundaries, would not support. The BMW, the cell phone, the credit cards -- I put limits on all, and when abused, I started taking things away from her. Well, this caused World War III between me and my stepdaughter, who thought I was being mean and cruel. Unfortunately, at the time, her father, my husband since she was 1, sided with her. He told me and her in no uncertain terms that it was "wrong" of me to "punish" an "adult." I stood my ground and it caused a rift that has lasted four years. Even so, we continue to pay for things that in our life are somewhat essential to her now - car, insurance, tuition and gas. Spending money? Her own problem, in our view.

My husband is now unemployed due to a psychiatric condition and I am the primary breadwinner. That said, our now 20 year old daughter had the gall to take Dad alone to see a plastic surgeon to see renderings of what her nose would look like if she fixed it. (It actually is a bad nose and if you are a plastic surgery person, you would fix it. I wouldn't because I would never change my face, but that's me.) After a few days contemplation, he told her that he would not pay for it, and if she really wanted it, she could go get an interest free student loan (which she will be eligible for but won't need since we are paying for tuition). She threw and absolute fit. He ACTUALLY stood his ground and I am so proud of him. He was calm, rational, loving but firm. WOW. He explained to her how important it was for her to start to achieve financial independence. Judging from his side of the convo, she was a complete brat. Accusing him of having an "off day," sending him mean texts, telling him he is being unfair, etc, etc. I cannot call her because I don't want to get in the middle (and probably confirm her underlynig belief that I am the obstacle to her princessdom), but here is what I would say to her:

1. You are NOT entitled to a nose job.
2. If you want a nose job so badly, GET A JOB.
3. Stop running up Dad's credit card and thinking that he won't notice you were just supposed to use it for gas, and stop LYING about it. We see the bills. How stupid do you think we are?
4. You owe your father (and me for that matter) respect, humility, grace, and thanks for paying for what we do pay for,not to mention the countless hours he spent building legos, playing Princess, dress up, and watching Fantasia about 1000 times.
5. Just because you are in this family does not mean you are entitled to our financial success. I work for my spoils, and you father worked hard for many years to achieve what we have. You try it.
6. If you want a nose job so badly, go get a loan, or better yet, GET A JOB.
7. If you want us to "love you" then start by loving others and being nice instead of entitled.
8. If money is that important to you, date someone other than an unemployed college graduate who still lives at home, or better yet, DONT THINK MONEY IS THAT IMPORTANT. IT ISN'T.
10. Oh yeah, get of the couch and GET A JOB!

Jeans222's picture

How is she still on your health insurance at 20?
certainly she does not expect anyone to pay out of pocket for her nose job?
cuz that would make her psychotic !

Stepmom2Ched's picture

If a 20 year old is a full time college student, they can remain on health insurance until at least 22-23.

My almost 22 y.o. daughter qualifies for her father's health insurance because of this.

~*~Cheer up! It could be worse.
I cheered up, & it got worse!

steptoateengirl's picture

Yup. Setting limits is key early. Setting boundaries with the husband too. I made that mistake and did not stand my ground til way later. That was a mistake, but thank GOD husband is now on the program!

Jeans222's picture

I am finding this to be the case with me too... setting boundries with husband as to what he will and will not do with adult daughter as he does not seem to notice when she is jacking him around. He also does not see her shorts as too short... as they do cover half of her huge butt... geeez.

Yes we need boundries with everyone in our lives, even husbands

Jeans222's picture

What I meant was this...

if she is your step daughter... and her father is your husband but he is unemployed due to a psyche condition...
how is it SHE is on YOUR insurance?
If her father is unemployed, he does not have his own insurance.

so is she on YOUR insurance? if so, drop her.
With our insurance to keep an adult child on insurance you have to apply to keep them on... do not apply to put her on...
and if she has a bad attitude, just call and have her taken off it.

If she is on her mothers insurance (bio moms) there is nothing you can do but tell her to save her money because even on insurance, a nose job won't be free.

Stepmom2Ched's picture

Oh, stepchildren can be on someone's insurance if you are their main source of income (I know that sounds weird, but that's the gist of what I wanna say)... for instance, my hubby could have put my daughter on his insurance, because she is going to college full time and she lives with him and me...he's the main source of income for our house. (Plus we claim her on our tax forms since she isn't working.)

The reason he didn't put her on the insurance is because her own father has the same exact insurance. (both are retired military.)

Clear as mud, eh?! Wink

~*~Cheer up! It could be worse.
I cheered up, & it got worse!~*~

Most Evil's picture

SO GLAD your DH stood up for himself and you!! I think it is great he encouraged her to be independent, now THAT is the lesson we hope she gets from this. Smile
"What luck for rulers that men do not think."
Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

steptoateengirl's picture

on the whole insurance question, we pay for car insurance not health insurance. cosmetic surgery would not be covered anyway. health insurance her mom pays for. I can't just drop her. my husband made a lot of money over the years and we an afford what we can largely due to him. we have agreed that we would pay for essentials - car, car insurance, tuition - through her graduation and i am fine with that. i am NOT fine with her expecting a nose job or making her dad feel bad because he told her to do it on her own without our help.

Jsmom's picture

You are way more giving than I would be with a spoiled SK. I won't even pay for Car insurance for my own kid why pay for a step. Get a job. As for tuition we agreed to help with that as long as they live at home. We'll see as long as they are not a pain in the but for me. Nose job is above and beyond. If she wants it, she can either get a job or ask mom.

steptoateengirl's picture

hahaha. yup, the beak, as they call it in the family, "THE NOSE" is from his side of the family. But frankly, his sister has THE NOSE and is a totally succesful, happy, woman who runs her own company and dates the producer of a major television show. Obviously, THE NOSE did not keep her from being who she is. Plus, she thinks plastic surgery is for dumb barbies. I love that you are laughing. I am too and shaking my head in incredulity.

steptoateengirl's picture

Breaking News! She got a student loan! Wow. It was not easy, but after three months, she called her dad again and asked for us to pay the $9,000 for the nose job. Both husband and I held our ground, and said, no, not even considering it unless you exhaust your other resources. Get a student loan. Then she wanted to know if we would pay off the student loan, as she did not want to be "saddled with debt." Both husband and I are in our 40's and just finished paying off our loans. We have a mortgage, which is "debt" as well as the monthly operating capital we need to make our family work. After three hours of phone calls (from which she took that we do not show her enough love), she finally applied for a student loan. I called her after about 10 days to talk about how we are going to have to get through these discussions in the future without her emotional breakdown or sense of entitlement, but all she tends to see is that we are not loving her enough or understanding how important the nose job is to her. My response? If it is that important, save your money, get a student loan or develop a plan that that involves something other than thinking we are "mean" by not forking out nearly ten thousand dollars.

Once success, one baby step at a time.

We will see what happens next when we have to deal with a car, a marriage or a house . . . .

Rumplestiltskin's picture

I mean, is her nose "bad" as in she can't breathe out of it? If it's just kind of big, how bad can it be? Can she sell the BMW, get a cheaper car, and use that toward the nose job? In any case, with jer father not working it's hardly something that you should even consider paying for. It's one thing if he has money to burn and wants to gift it to her, but she has a lot of nerve. Plus it would be really stupid of her to take out a loan unless she truly can't breathe. She needs to save her money if it is cosmetic and means that much to her.

Rumplestiltskin's picture


Phoezzy's picture

Wow i really feel for you. It seems she has a Disney Dad. 

Your SD has definitely benefited from things she wouldn't have if she was ours! 

Totally agree she needs to get some financial independence. I cant believe she actually has the balls to expect you guys to fund her cosmetic surgery.

She sounds a total brat. Dig your feet in and keep the answer as a no!

PinkSharpie's picture

6. If you want a nose job so badly, go get a loan, or better yet, GET A JOB.


THIS! This right here! 

I wanted many things when I was that age. I had to wait until I was much older and had the finances. She will miraculously survive. We all did.