This is just stupid
Today was the first day of in-person school. My husband was at work, and drove past the bus stop. He saw the school bus pulling up, but did not see the kids. So he called the kids and told them to get their butts out there. After they hung up, the kids start arguing with one another about whether they're really late. I hear this, and step in.
Me: If you guys need a ride to school, I can take you.
SD14 (dialing the phone): That's ok. My mom said if we miss the bus, to call her and she'll come get us.
Her mom starts work at 8:00am. This was at 8:15. So rather than take a ride from the person right in front of them, they're going to get her to leave work, drive out to our house, run them to school, then return to work. And she would rather do that, than allow me to take them. Stupid.
Bonus: Their mother then chews out their dad for having to come get them. Again.
This happens all the time. The Skids treat her like a taxi service, like she's just sitting by the phone, waiting for them to call. That would tick me off, too. But she never says no or tells them to stop, and more than once they've made comments about her telling them to do it. She comes and gets them and carts them around, then bitches at my husband about it. STOP DOING IT! She creates the problem, feeds it, then uses it as a reason to pick fights. It's stupid!
I know, a relatively minor problem. But annoying as all get out!
- Irene H.'s blog
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They declined your offer so I
They declined your offer so I would say this is not your problem. If they think they're above taking the bus then thier parents need to either drive them or quit complaining.
I have a feeling that you are going to end up taking them to school over the next few weeks. Make sure they are just late enough that it's embarrassing for them to go in. They'll learn to take the bus.
I'll add this too, when SS17
I'll add this too, when SS17 missed the bus he wouldn't ask me. I made him walk. School is close so no big deal. Not my fault he would wait till the very last second. OH WELL.
It's about control and
It's about control and something to complain about. As BM does here. Any attention whether positive or negative. It's still attention.
Before Covid (and starting this week because they start in school 4 days) I was the one getting skids up for school 3 days a week alone because SO leaves work between 4/5am. So myself, 3 skids and two dogs had to be up dressed, dogs let out and feed by 7am. Skids rarely miss school (maybe 2 each a year) but, I'm not "allowed" to call the skids out of school.
SO has his phone off while working (he could lose his job if his phone is on) So if I have to make the decision whether to let them stay home BM insist they call her and she calls them out. I called before and she bitched. Ridiculous.
Skids have been with us full time 2 1/2 years. She hasn't had them for a school night since May 2018.
SO said to her well.... she is the one home with skids. She didn't like that LOL.
Same here! Our very first blowout was because I wrote a note for school. Skid told me her mom says it was ok (she hadn't), and hubs said go ahead and do it when I called him. She went tilt! That was the first time we got the ""Not-the-mom" screamfest.