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I don’t even know...

Bflin's picture

So on Friday night me and my SO had a few friends over. My oldest SD (9) was acting really weird when one of my friends showed up. We all had a couple beers(literally there was five of us with a 20 pack). The youngest SD (7) was outside riding her bike and a scooter (someone was always on the back of it). she was having a blast. The following morning the cops show up to do a wellness check because the 9 year old told their mom they were unsafe. SD (9) woke up around 630 and took pictures of my husband, one of my friends that spent the night and me. Sending them to her mom. My husband got ahold of phone and went through it. Her mom told her no one was allowed on her phone beside her and the mom. We are waiting to get served. I told my husband either one of two things is going to happen. When we go to pick up the girls we will tell the oldest she doesn't have to come she can stay with mom. (She told the youngest she doesn't like coming over because we have people over and it's boring) or two the phone is no longer welcome at our house. The cops told us we did nothing illegal. And I don't think she has anything to go on. I know she is trying to get the kids full time. But I'm scared for my husband and I feel bad for SD(7).

beebeel's picture

I wouldn't tell a 9 year that custody is her choice. I would tell her she isn't allowed to have a cell phone in my home anymore.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Yep. If she's going to use the phone to stir up trouble, no more phone. I would take away all electronics because you can message people on pretty much everything but a regular TV now. Don't reward her behavior by changing custody. She has to learn how to behave and learn that the adults are in control. 

shamds's picture

You were all drunk hard and partying till you all passed out and neglected the kids or is that the storyline she and bio mum passed to the cops??

whether bio mum bought that phone or not, she doesn’t dictate access of it in your home. The moment sd9 arrives it is confiscated and locked away and she will receive it when she is dropped of at bio mums place or when she is being picked up.

bored people do bored things... is her father grounding her or ensuring there are repercussions for her actions? I mean what happens if that friend gets a visit from the cops??

Bflin's picture

The oldest told mom that she was unsupervised and couldn't take a shower and mom asked why and she said that we had people over and we're in garage....

we are not allowing her to bring phone. If mom won't let SO have access. Since he is a parent and she is a minor.

My husband hasn't said a word to her and bout it. He's waiting to see if we are going to court or not over it. His kids never ever get in trouble. He always says how good they are. And I'm sitting here like this is why I haven't trusted her in over a year. 

Rags's picture

Get a small lock box and lock up the phones as soon as the Skids arrive for visitation. They dont get them back until they are dropped off at BMs.