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OT- Having such a good time alone

ITB2012's picture

Since the pandemic started DH and I have been working from home and DS has been here most of the time. This week DH is off on a fishing trip and DS has been here but stayed at his dad's last night and probably will tonight. OMG, I haven't been alone in MONTHS. And DH doesn't need alone time like I do so he's looked to me to be his sidekick and entertainment, and literally pouted when I said I needed some time alone to do my own thing. Plus he's a piler and Mr. 90% has started several projects and not finished that last 10% of a bunch.

While I do not like to clean up other people's stuff because them I'm just the maid, I did tidy up and consolidated his piles out of the way. The house got cleaned. And things are staying clean and tidy. 

Maybe if I'd been alone all these months, I'd be dying for socializing with someone. I get that. But, after being with someone so intensely who is generally a tense person this is a nice break. I wonder if DH started his therapy back up if it would help or be worse--would he come to me right after with grievances after getting spun up.  (He went once and then the pandemic hit but he hasn't gone to the effort to do virtual sessions.)


halo1998's picture

only DH NEVER LEAVES.  He works from home everyday even before pandemic 2020.  Now I work from home everyday.  Ugh..I love the man but 24x7 365 is driving me batty.  He is on constant talk ears are starting to bleed.

Just 20 minutes ago I'm heads down working on something for work and get DH yammering about something.  Seriously....I'm working.  Then he wants me to get up and walk across the room to see some lakehouse he found that he likes.

NO...DH if you want me to look at it..put down the damn doritos, get your arse off the couch and come over to me.  

If looks could have killed...lightening would have rained down on DH like Thor and his hammer.


I would pay someone to get DH out of the house....and if I hear one more frarking time

I'm tired from him....I swear I'm going hit him the head with  my frying pan.

He sleeps till 9:00 every FREAKING DAY...since he doesn't start work 10 a.m.  I'm up by 6:30 and start work by 7 a.m.



24 years as a SM's picture

DAH retired in March 2019, per COVID19, he would go out on rides with a bunch of his retired buddies and I would have the house to myself. Now the jackass is home ALL day, EVERY day!! I worked from home, so there is nothing more thrilling than to be on a business call and have DAH yelling at the TV, or saying in a loud voice, "There's nothing on this f*cking TV worth watching" or yelling "I am hungry, what are you making for lunch or dinner?" 

30 years of DAH being a long haul trucker, being gone 3 to 4 days a week, to being home ALL THE TIME is driving me crazy.

DAH wants to go out tomorrow night to celebrate with friends for their 31th wedding anniversary. I told him that I don't want to go and now he's pouting. F*CK YOU A$$HOLE, tomorrows MY birthday and I am going to do what I want. DAH always forgets my birthday, you would think the A$$hole would remember after 30+ years and his birthday is 15 days after mine. Sorry, for the rant.