7 years
7 years and i think i checked out from my stepkids. Ive been raising them for 7 years now and i honestly cant help but to tap out now. They are not bad kids they just dont listen to me. My wife interferes often i cant discipline them take things away or have any means of correcting them. Idk what to do anymore. My wife always tells me i need to take their feelings into consideration. But i have feelings also and i honestly get the worse thrown at me because i chose not to have children. I chose to be with someone who already had kids. I knew what it was. Im at my ends. Its a holiday and were not even together.
- Aj3683's blog
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Do tap out, and let your wife
Do tap out, and let your wife do all the parenting. You can be like an uncle - have fun with them if you still like them, but turn all parenting over to her. On here we call that "disengaging".
Is your marriage too damaged to salvage?
They are bad kids if they won’t listen or have manners and
basic respect...
This. OP, you have just heard
This. OP, you have just heard your wife say "they are good kids" so much that you just repeat it like a recorder.
A common excuse divorced parents say to excuse crappy
Skid behaviour is “they’re not bad kids, they just had a bio parent with mental issues, pas, narcissism etc” or bern brainwashed by a bio parent to spew bullcrap and behave appallingly because one bio parent told them to.. that makes skid not a good kid.
stop sugarcoating things for what they really are. It takes a while when you are a stepparent to see through those crappy excuses.
now i tell my husband to stop with the excuses of crappy skid behaviour. Excuses are a copout for shitty parenting and weak parenting and that is what I continue to tell my husband!!
It's possible to be totally
It's possible to be totally disengaged from stepkids and still have your relationship. I only see stepkids once or twice a month. It's glorious.
Day one 1 I told my SO that I
Day one 1 I told my SO that I would be a parent as long as I was an equal parent but the day I didn't have equal say / control they became HIS kids. Now yes we compromise but when it comes to major stuff we agree.
If she doesn't allow this then you have every right to let her be the sole parent in the home.