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We left

Rachel29577's picture

So I removed myself and my boys from my boyfriends house. BF is being childish and angry about it. Everyone I speak to agrees that I did the right thing. Until he can legally stop BM from making false allegations against us I will not move forward in our relationship. I wonder if I even want to move forward since he seems like he cares more about himself than me. Think it's best to let this be someone else's hell. 


tog redux's picture

Good for you. The fact that he's angry speaks volumes - he's a selfish parent and a selfish partner. Find a man who can parent and who cares about your needs.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Good for you.  You've made the right decision as a parent.  Those kind of allegations, even if proven untrue, can have long term effects on the accused mental health.  Your children deserve to live out their childhoods without that kind of stress.

shamds's picture

chicken shit selfish fathers and partner’s do not deserve to be in a relationship. Frankly speaking if false allegations were made and basically and there was a risk that child services were possibly gonna take my kids, i’d be outta there too or my partner needed to ban his kids coming over. 

Especially with such a high conflict vindictive bio mum who can easily coerce her kids to lie and claim your kids or their father abused them. This isn’t your mess to handle

Thumper's picture

GREAT job MOM. Protecting your kids IS your obligation. BM's like this are crazy and will stop at nothing to get what they want. Doesnt matter who's lives they ruin.

Please do not look back...ok?


Rachel29577's picture

I'm looking towards bettering myself, paying more attention to me now that he and his 2 kids are out of the picture I'll have more time to do so. No looking back! Thanks for the support! xo

NoThanks's picture

You ABSOLUTELY did the right thing. For him to say, "If you leave, she wins" shows he's not concerned for you or yours. Why should your kids have to pay the cost for his battle with his crazy ex? Your job is to protect your children and that's exactly what you're doing by leaving.

I dated a guy, who was a shitty Disneyland dad and had a daughter who was a full-blown narcissist. She was coddled and encouraged in her narcissistic drama, lies, attention-seeking behaviors, etc. At one point she accused my almost-adult son of bullying her which was completely fabricated. But she didn't care who she hurt as long as it resulted in attention from her dad. I was worried the accusations would eventually escalate and my son would end up in legal trouble. So I ran the idea of in-home cameras across one of my friends and I'll never forget her response: "If you have to install cameras in your home to protect your children from her lies, is that the kind of life you want to live? Is this man worth it?" It wasnt. And I left. Never looked back. You and your kids are free Sis. Enjoy it. 

SteppedOut's picture

Agree on the cameras. I know several people on this site have installed them, but if you need them in your home to ensure the wellbeing/safety of yourself and/or your pass. 

Rachel29577's picture

See that's what I'm thinking. Even if he gets legal control on the BM his son who is just like her (loud, overbearing, bossy, plays victim) will get older and start creating some sort of trouble. She's manipulating him the best she can and I had to get my boys out before people start believing their lies. 

Rachel29577's picture

I was worried about the allegations escalating too. She won't stop until she gets what she wants and that's primary custody.  The judge didn't give it to her for a reason. How are you doing since you left? Thanks for the support!

NoThanks's picture

In a lot of ways, I regained peace in my life. Not having to be worried about false accusations from SD, not having to deal with her constant drama, lies, attention-seeking and filth (she was next-level unsanitary), not dealing with him coddling her and flipping out when someone objected to her behavior, it's all been liberating. Unfortunately, dealing with the situation was traumatizing and I still struggle with the resentment and disgust I developed. Its a work in progress but I'm just glad I started the healing provess by finally leaving his sorry ass.