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SD passed 3rd grade?!

Jcksjj's picture

SD took math classes for at risk kids after school all year until the covid stuff started. She'll be going into 4th grade next year and still cant do first grade math - like 7 +7. 

I guess BM failed to notice this issue when she took work off to do homeschooling. Oh well, not my kid.

Also, BMs fiance apparently moved out of the apartment - the one he had lived in for years before he was with her. Bet she wouldnt leave.


strugglingSM's picture

I think that many districts are passing everyone this year. I have two SSs in 8th grade who were both well below grade level before school was "closed". They have not done anything since school closed, but will both be moving on to high school next year. 

Jcksjj's picture

Yeah I kinda figured they were passing everyone since there were no assessments. But they didnt have her do the summer school version of the after school class she was doing and her teacher put on her report card something about how much her math had improved...uh okay then. Maybe she stopped caring since there was no state testing at the end of the year.

notarelative's picture

SD will be in the same math classes for at risk kids next year. If she is that bad at math retention is not going to help. She was sent to the next grade to keep her with the same age group. 

BM is not the only parent. Dad is free to do something on his time. There are lots of card and dice games for math fact learning. Dad can buy a deck of cards and order some ten sided dice on the internet. Goggle math fact games and pick one. Dad and his child can have some bonding time while they are playing.

Does SD have an IEP for math? If summer school is in the IEP they should offer something, even if it is online. But, since many IEPs are redone in the spring, if BM agreed, summer school may have been taken out. 


Jcksjj's picture

I was joking with the title.

Of course BM isnt the only parent. But she is the parent who has had her the last 3 months and took off work to do homeschooling with just her. And I'm sure DH just looked at the report card and saw the teachers comments that her math has improved and thought it was just fine. But she just got here earlier today and she was trying to add 8+8 for something and couldn't and I asked her a couple more and she still doesnt know basic facts up to 20 so...

They did all those games at the after school program she was going to, so obviously it needs to be looked into further if 3 hours a week of that for months didnt help.

No, she doesn't have an IEP. 

notarelative's picture

Did the teacher see this improvement before or after BM started homeschooling? If after, my guess is that it will disappear in the fall when BM is no longer with her to teach (aka give answers).

If SD is in at risk math again in the fall, and Dad has educational/ legal rights, he can ask the school to have her tested. He just needs to put it in writing. A note requesting testing legally starts the process. An oral request may not. 

Jcksjj's picture

Good question...I'm not sure actually. Either that or she didnt do math at home and forgot half of it.

Chmmy's picture

Everyone passed everything this year!!  In my eyes, SS11, SS13 and SD17 all failed.  THe 6th and 7th grader did no home school and everytime I tried to push it, "you hate my kids."  THey don't have to turn anything in.  The work they gave them was on the honor system lol.

SD17 was failing going in to the quarantine but she graduated and will get thousands of dollars and buy herself a car.  When SD21 failed senior year and had to go to summer school, we canceled her grad party and she didn't get her $$$$.  SD got lucky, she passed due to Covid.

If Oprah was the commencement speaker for the class of 2020....YOU GET A DIPLOMA.  YOU GET A DIPLOMA. YOU GET A DIPLOMA. YOU GET A DIPLOMA. YOU GET A DIPLOMA.

agitated's picture

My SD just graduated HS and can't do simple math either; no I am not exaggerating. She can't count money (makes my 15 year olds do it), cannot tell time nor do any basic math like 2+2 without using her fingers. It is very sad!