Get out your skates. Hell has frozen over!
I was having a really bad day. This happened.....( long but hopefully worthwhile story)
Let's hop on the way back machine. My ex and I had been divorced for several years and had reached a point of civility when exchanging custody. He wouldnt pay child support, and this will be a catalyst for what's to come, but I never allowed it to interfere with the kids spending time with their dad. When my ex told me he was remarrying, I was genuinely happy for him. His fiance was the sister of his best friend and I knew her quite well. She had children with her ex and always seemed to be a good mom. I had no doubts she would take great care of my boys when they were in her home. As a result, I went out of my way to show my boys I was okay with her presence in their lives. I figured they would be more comfortable with her if I was comfortable with her. I invited her and my ex to my home for get togethers. I invited her to school functions and made her feel respected and welcome as a co-parent. I spoke to her like she was an old friend. Fast forward 2 years.
My youngest turned 13. I went to pick my boys up from their weekend with their dad. My 13 year old comes over and announces that he has decided to move in with his dad and his wife. My "friend" comes up and tells my son to get in their car and proceeds to tell me how this is a good thing and she is hopeful I will be supportive of the change. I have never been a violent person but it took every ounce of strength I possessed and that my ex possessed to keep me from ripping every cheaply dyed hair on her head out. I collapsed on the ground with my 16 year old trying to comfort his mother in a state of anguish no mother should have to experience and no child should have to ever witness. To add insult to injury, I would not see or here from my son for 10 excruciating days. I called the police but they wouldnt help because a child can choose which parent he wants to live with at the age of 13. Then, my phone rang.
My 13 year old called and asked if he could come home. I felt completely betrayed by him but you dont give up on your kids even when they excel at stupid. Needless to say, of course, I let him come home. I was furious when he told me what really happened.
It seems my sons stepmother had determined it was just a matter of time before I went after my ex for the $18K in back support he owed. However, if they took over custody, the courts would be less likely to make my ex pay and apply the amount I would have to pay toward his balance. As a result, they set to work trying to convince my son to move in with them. My oldest wasnt so gullible and didnt fall for their little co-op in disaster. After 10 days, my son realized living with my ex, his stepmother, and her children was not going to be the paradise they promised. I never spoke negatively about their father and the difficulties that led to our divorce. I always felt it wasnt my place to influence my children's view of their father. Since our divorce, they had never spent more than 3 days at a time with him. After 10 days, he saw the cracks in the Disneyland dad facade. Group that with the rules imposed by their stepmother and the behaviour of her kids, the grass wasnt greener on their side of the fence. My life revolved around the needs and activities of my sons. Their dad and his wife did not do the same.
So, as you can imagine, my willingness to continue making their stepmother a welcome and invited member of my sons parenting team rose all the way to ZERO! I made it clear to her that I did not want to be around her. She was not to attend school functions and would not be able to participate in any conversations about my children. I couldn't deny their dad but including her was a privilege and she had lost it. Furthermore, fair or not, I held her at a higher standard than my ex. She was a mother too and she should know how extremely hurtful it would be to have anyone manipulate her children into leaving her home for their own selfish reasoning.
Unbelievably, this crazy woman expected to be just as involved and friendly as she had been. When that didnt happen willingly, she involved herself anyway. She would show up uninvited. She would try to email and call or text me. Not only would she attend school functions against my wishes, she would insist upon trying to sit with me like we had before. I would end up leaving and missing out on my children's activities just to avoid a confrontation that would only serve to hurt my sons. It finally came to a head when she attended a school function and insisted upon trying to speak with me. When I got up to leave, she followed me out. Knowing my children were out of hearing and seeing range of us, I exploded. I made it quite clear to her that if she ever spoke to me again or ever robbed me of being able to attend my sons activities because she was there, I would not only get a restraining order, but that I would need bail money when I personally served her with it. I told my sons father that if he ever allowed her anywhere around me again, I would be taking him to court and use everything I had on all this to see that, not only would his wife never be allowed around my kids again, but that he would only have supervised visits himself!
Present day, 10 years later.
This crazy woman, now divorced from my ex, who had attempted to take my son, not out of concern for my child's well being or fear for his safety, but for her own selfish desires, just sent me a friend request on Facebook!!!!
Anyone wish to join me in a nice leisurely skate through the frozen tundra that hell has become?
This sounds like something whackadoodle would do
Ignore, of course. If she's truly contrite, it's for her own peace of mind, not yours. Otherwise, she's just stiring the pot for some reason. I miss the days of landlines when you could get a small bit of satisfaction by slamming a phone in someone's ear! I think Facebook may have been invented by the devil.
I reported her to the Facebook police. They disabled her entire page.
While I agree with the fact that
it was wrong her trying to get your children to live with her, both how she is the one that talked to you about it not your ex and the reasoning was selfish, I think your reaction after the fact was a bit extreme and unrealistic. You can't just make a step mom not attend a school event because you don't want her to or get her arrested or any of those things if she is not posing a physical threat to you or the children. I understand your anger and being upset, but you are acting as though just because you are a mom you have more power than you actually do...
What I DO have a right to do is not allow people who do not have my child's best interests in mind around me or them. Anyone who would attempt to remove child from my home as an effort to avoid paying child support and limit any financial impact upon her life style DOES NOT have my child's best interests in mind. Shes lucky banning her was all I did.
You seem to give your ex a
You seem to give your ex a pass here. He obviously agreed with her plan, or at the very least, didn't stop it. I hope you went after him for the CS.
Yes I can understand not wanting her around
because of that, but legally you cannot do that, especially when it was their dad's time... you can't dictate who your children are around really when you are divorced, especially when the person you are trying to ban them from is not posing a physical threat to their wellbeing, no judge or cop or anyone can or will do that just because you simply don't like the woman. Just like the fb page was probably just blocked from your page, she didn't get kicked off because she tried to friend you
Plus, I'm assuming she still
Plus, I'm assuming she still saw them when they went to their father's?
It was a very good friend who is a judge in family court who told me to Express to her, in writing, my desire to keep her away from any event in which I would be attending. If she did not comply, I could get a court order barring her from any location in which I would be. As the primary custodial parent, I did not have to allow her to be around ME and that her actions and written communications would be more than enough to warrant a PO. I, also spoke to my children's school officials and they supported me as well. I have not and did not give their father a free pass. In fact, my efforts to mediate his lack of responsibilities ended. I no longer made any effort to include him, nor to keep him an informed and involved parent. If he wanted to know about teacher conferences, sports dates, of anything else not medically related he had to make the effort to get the information for himself, just like I did.
As a legal professional, let me clarify something. A noncustodial parent, his/her spouse, or any of his family cannot interfere in the custodial rights of the other parent. Any attempt to do so without the consent of the court is not only a violation of the custody order, it can warrant drastic measure like arrest.
I did 99.9% more than any other exwife to make the new wife an integral and respected part of my sons parenting team. I did not have to do that. No one would have expected it. I did it for my children. I did it because I had their best interests at heart. However, it was not something this woman was entitled to. It was a privilege. Furthermore, her presence during my custody of my children as dictated by law was a privilege. Iwas legally within my right to dictate who was around my children during that time. I could NOT dictate how or with whom my children were around during their fathers custody. So, it was my right to keep her away when it was my custodial time! With all the evidence I had proving she initiated this little ploy and subsequent admissions of her actions, there is not a judge anywhere who wouldnt agree with my actions. She knew it!
OP, you have to realize - you
OP, you have to realize - you are on a stepparent board, and what you are saying sounds exactly like what many a high conflict BM has done to some of us for absolutely no reason. So while you may think you had good reason to do it, your actions come off as very bitter and controlling and beyond what needed to be done. To us, it appears to be a big display of your power as MOM and many of us, having lived that for years, find it offensive, and frankly, see right through it.
Why are you posting this on a board full of stepmothers? I'm not saying that what she did was right, but I also don't have her side of the story or know if what you are saying is even true. And even if it is, all of this was totally overboard, given that she was still seeing your kid at his father's, I assume.
You might want to find a bio mother board to post this on. You'll get more praise there.
Plus I have never
heard of a mom being able to get a step parent arrested for attending a public school event when the person is not posing a threat to anyone there. If that were the case there would be mom's getting step moms arrested left and right for that.
I've also never heard of a
I've also never heard of a state where 13-year-olds get to decide if they are changing homes without even going to court. You'd think that if she is a legal professional, she'd have taken that to Family Court and had her judge friend deny the change of custody due to parental alienation.
Yes! Exactly
To me just sounds like a HCBM that is irritated at what step mom tried to pull off and now thinks she is entitled to running 100% of her children's lives and if step mom doesn't comply she is going to get her arrested and she can because she's mom .... does not quite work that way.
Not saying what step mom tried to do was right, but again it was also the ex DH who was a part of this too, not just step mom.
Also, I agree, I don't know why she thought posting on this board was a good idea
Stepmother board
First of all, I posted it here because it involved stepparenting. Second of all, If this woman had not done what she did, i would have continued doing everything in my power to include this STEPPARENT in my sons parenting team. Not all BMs are against STEPPARENTS. Some of us make an effort and are not using our children to punish or control our exes. Some BMs have evolved enough to put aside our feelings and put our children first. However, having a BM do so, is a privilege and should be appreciated. Many BMs do everything they can to torment their ex and anyone he brings along. Furthermore, I am also a STEPPARENT too. If a STEPPARENT has been gifted with a BP who is going everything they can to make the STEPPARENT a respected part of their child's life, perhaps it's in the STEPPARENTS best interests not to take it for granted and appreciate it.
I did take it to the courts. I sought legal advice and that advice was to address the issue with my ex and his wife in writing. If she failed to comply, file a complaint of interference of custody.
After all this, I spent every minute of my children's visits with their dad worried my child would not return. I had done the right thing. I had gone above and beyond to make the 3 of us a team. I didnt interfere with their fathers custody after this. I didnt try to alienate my children from their dad or his wife. I was a good mom and never once used my children as weapons or as a means to exert my authority. I personally believe that parents and STEPPARENTS can be a successful parenting team when everyone involved puts their personal interests and jealousies aside and place the children's best interests first. Whether you are a BIOLOGICAL parent or STEPPARENT, if you use your children to punish their ex, you are NOT doing what's best for the children. Likewise, if a bioparent is fortunate enough to have a STEPPARENT who is loving and caring to your child and wants to be involved because they do care, the bioparent should appreciate that person and include them. It's never a bad thing to have someone truly love your child. A bioparents fears of losing their place or control should NEVER be placed before their child. It's not easy but when everyone involved works together and is supportive of the rights, roles and responsibilities of all three co-parents, it can be a positive and rewarding experience.
the stepmom was not interfering with custody ... whatever lawyer told you that you could file an interference of custody to stop the stepmom from attending public events you do not want her at that she is attending with her husband was off her rocker. It is a public event, she does not need your permission nor your extension of priveleges to attend.
This looks just like one of
This looks just like one of the email manifestos that DH used to get from the HCBM in our lives.
Waaaiiiiitttt.... tell me why
Waaaiiiiitttt.... tell me why a stepparent should be thankful and appreciative of a bio who acts in their own child's best interest? This isn't a privilege to the stepparent. This is basic human decency and being a good parent....
Because the SMs are in the
Because the SMs are in the child's life as a privilege granted by the bio mom - and they'd better earn her trust and appreciate the "gift" she gives them if she trusts them, or there will be hell to pay.
How about mom and stepmom stay in their own lanes and not pretend to be besties?
So, what do we have to do to
So, what do we have to do to have that "privilege" revoked? Asking for a friend of course.
Well, if you don't want to
Well, if you don't want to stoop to alienating your skid, maybe the OP can outline other things that would have made her revoke her gift of trust.
While I understand and can
While I understand and can empathize, I can assure you that your ex was not blameless in this matter. As for banning her and making the co-parenting more difficult, that was retaliation that, while for a little while would be understandable, needed to end.
It was 10 days. 10 days is a long visit. Nothing went to court. Nothing actually happened. It was a life lesson for everyone.
As for her trying to be a friend now, obviously she just wants to trash your ex with you and that is no good for anyone.
Exactly. And the melodramatic
Exactly. And the melodramatic fall to the ground weeping when he said he wanted to live with his father told me everything I needed to know. Seems as if her children living with their father would be the end of the world ...
Yes this! Lol and the leaving
Yes this! Lol and the leaving her children's events because SM came... what a way to put the kids best interests first.
Opinions are not fact
I appreciate your opinion but nothing about this was retaliation. I would have been equally as upset if he had been gone for one day. Someone I gave my ultimate trust to had violated that trust for her own gain. By doing so, she proved to me that she did not have my sons best interests and that, in turn, revoked any privileges I gave her. Even after all this, I did not speak I'll of her to my children. I did not make any attempt to dictate my children's activities while in their fathers custody. She knew her presence around me made me uncomfortable and upset. Any decent person would have, AGAIN, put my children's best interest at heart and stayed away do that their mother did not miss out just so she could assert her dominance. I didnt go to any event they took my children to while my boys were in their fathers custody and I would have been within my parental rights to do so. Despite popular belief, stepparents have no legal right to stepchildren. In fact, noncustodial parents have lost their rights for allowing their spouse to interfere with the custodial rights of the other parent.
No - they have no legal right
No - they have no legal right to stepchildren. But mothers also don't own their kids and have the legal right to assert THEIR dominance by "revoking privileges" (eye roll) of her being able to attend events at the kid's school. You clearly have zero respect for the rights of the non-custodial parent to invite who HE wants to HIS children's events.
You certainly do have quite the victim mentality.
No one on this board thinks
No one on this board thinks that step parents have rights to the kids. We all KNOW that fact very well.
Now as for the best interest of the kids- sorry you feel that your exH was not the "best" parent for the job, but he is still a parent and in all honesty deserved a shot if that is what the kids wanted. Sure it was coercion that it happened that way for you but your falling to the ground nonsense was nothing but a guilt trip on your son as well. Also, I am sure that you had plenty of little snips towards your exH and their SM after they got back. I am sure you are not as perfect as you think you are either.
PLUS- It is not healthy for the kids to be the center of the world. That is not how things work in real life. They need to see balance and examples of healthy relationships where kids do have to take the back seat and allow the marriage of the parents/step parents to thrive.
This is the wrong board to go down this path of "I birthed them so I am the BeSt!"
School events are open to the
School events are open to the public. You can't ban someone from them because you don't like him or her. I'm not sure where your "friend" earned their law degree, but nothing you've written indicates a protective order would be issued. Nothing. We have a hard enough time getting those written for people who have actually been assaulted and abused.
I love the huge attempt to show us how "reasonable" you were at first just to turn into a super control freak, petty Betty over a literal blip on the radar.
This woman is no longer even in your kids' lives. And a social media friend request got under your skin so much that you sought out a stepparent support group to unleash all of your bitterness? Weird. Have you tried therapy? Holding on to all of that anger for 10 freaking years can't be healthy. Your kid must be 20 by now. It might be time to move on.
If BM every said she didn't
If BM ever said she didn't want me to attend school events I would laugh and sit down at them. Granted, she missed/misses half the them over the almost 5 years I've been around for..
I am confused about the profile picture and her kids ages.. kids should be in their mid/late 20s now.
I'm not a victim my children were
I'm sorry so many biomoms dont appreciate the love and care a stepparent shows their child. Their kids are fortunate to have one more person in their child's life who loves them. It's a tremendous gift. So, as harsh as it sounds, making you a part of the parenting team is a privilege. As much as it may sound vindictive, a bioparent does have the right to not allow anyone in their childs life who does not have the kids best interests in mind around her child. In fact, it's their responsibility to do so. As a STEPPARENT myself, I knew my partners children would expect me to earn their respect and trust and was not entitled to it simply because I was their fathers choice. Often enough, biofathers fail to establish the team effort and, in doing so, serve only to drive a frustrated wedge between the biomom and stepmom. Biomom needs him to ensure her that the stepmom is going to be a worthy coparent. Stepmom needs the father to be supportive of her place in his childs life and meditate that importance to the BM. When he doesnt do so, it plants a seed of turmoil that punishes the child.
As for giving my ex a free pass, I did not. He learned quickly just how much I did to make him an informed parent and how much I had done to facilitate his relationship with our kids. For the first time, i did not advocate his actions. I couldn't legal interfere with his custody but i was not responsible for his actions and how my children viewed them. To this day, i dont speak badly about him in front of my kids. However, I stopped any efforts to make him seem the ideal father. His relationship with his kids was layed at his feet. He lost all trust I had for him. He realized just how much his and his wife's plan to avoid child support would irrevocably effect his relationship with his kids. I was civil but distant. I did nothing to influence my kids opinion of him. Two years ago, he actually came to me and apologized for what they had done. He came to see just how much I had nurtured his relationship with our kids and just how much he had failed to appreciate it. He had no one to blame but himself.
So, nothing I did was out of vindictiveness or control. Stepparents are often overlooked and unappreciated. Bioparents often use their kids to punish each other. In the end, it's the kids who suffer. So, as much as I wish it were different, it is also not wrong when a biomom protects her child from anyone who does not do the right thing and put her kids needs first. If a friend of my ex or a family member had done what my kids stepparent had done, every mom and stepmom here would be in agreement with me.
I am not bashing all stepparents. I am discussing one. This STEPPARENT is the reason why so many wonderful bonus moms and dads are underappreciated. I've obviously failed miserably to show just how much I am on your side. It's not okay for one persons actions to dictate how all stepparents are judged. Likewise, it's not okay for a stepparent to ever violate their position by putting their interests before their stepchild. A BM cannot bestow a greater gift upon a stepmom than her trust in you as a coparent to her child.
Most court orders
have a statute that you are not allowed to talk badly about the other parent to or in front of the children or you are violating the court order, so it is not necessarily a kindness, but also part of MOST court orders
You aren't going to convince
You aren't going to convince many of us that you didn't overreact to this situation.
So, you view your willingness
So, you view your willingness to be a supportive co-parent as only a favor to your ex rather than doing right by your kids. You were more interested in "getting him back" than having theirs, you don't even realize it. It was clearly vindictive because he "violated your trust." It's nice that your ex apologized for his part. Did you?
Biomoms are not the authority on "best interests" of the child when there is an active father in the picture.
Dontcha know? Mothers give
Dontcha know? Mothers give stepmothers the "privilege" of being in the child's life and they can take it away if they want!
Apparently, the SM should be nothing but grateful if BM so happens to give us the privilege of being a part of BM's and SM's DH's children's lives ... what a GUBM thing to say
Stepparents are not entitled to respect simply because a bioparent has chosen them, either. You may have earned the one parents trust but you also have to earn the other parents trust too. As a STEPPARENT I have not always appreciated that myself. Once a very good friend pulled me aside and reminded me of that, i wasnt so quick to feel hurt when my stepchildren didnt give me the respect i felt i was entitled as my partners choice. As a result, i may not approve of everything he does, i have a wonderful loving relationship with my stepson.
See this is where you are wrong
SM does not need to earn your respect because you are BM. She is not a part of your family, she is not married to you, or in a relationship with you. Quite frankly, majority of SM's don't care what BM thinks of us and are not worried about having your respect. It is NOT about BM. It is about the children and while SM did not take your hints about wanting no contact, you chose to leave your children's events because you couldn't be a grown woman and ignore the SM, so keep talking about putting your children's needs, but you put yourself above them in the situation
What does the other bio
What does the other bio parent trusting you have to do with the children trusting you?
I couldn't possibly care less whether or not BM trusts me. She's a high conflict golden uterus type who lies, cheats, steals and has tried to destroy my husband's life. I haven't spoken more than 10 words total to her in the 10 years I've been with DH. What happens in my home has zero to do with BM. If she doesn't "trust" me, she can go pound sand.
No, the stepmother does not have to make sure the other bio parent trusts them.
In NO way am I required to
In NO way am I required to "earn the other parents trust".
Frankly, the BIO mother in my situation is untrustworthy and a living, breathing piece of fecal matter. The only one foolish enough to put any trust in her is her current cuckolded husband.
This is too dramatic for me.
This is too dramatic for me. I haven't even had my coffee yet.
~hands DPW a big mug of java~
~hands DPW a big mug of java~
Lol! Even the title was over
Lol! Even the title was over the top.
High road
I'm am not and did not take the high road. I'm far from perfect. I went above and beyond to co parent with my ex and his wife. I did that for no other reason than making the inclusion of their stepmother a good thing. I WANTED them to love and respect her. I loved and respected her care of my children. Had they not done what they did, we would all be sharing the successes of my kids. However, no loving mother is going to give anyone a second chance to violate her trust. Why would you?
I did not collapse to the ground to be over dramatic or in an effort to gain sympathy from my oldest son. I absolutely hated him seeing me like that. It wasnt his responsibility to comfort me. He shouldn't have ever been put in that position. Had my ex and his wife sat me down and discussed it with me rather than manipulate my son in an effort to escape responsibility, I may have not liked my sons choice to live with them, but, at least, i wouldnt have felt so violated. So, if my response to what they did was over the top in some people's view, so be it. If my attempts to make this woman feel welcome and included comes across as me thinking I'm superior as a mom, that's fine. If my life revolving around my children's needs makes me unbalanced or over involved, I make no apologies. I had a career, a large social circle, and successful personal life. I did everything I could to give my kids the best life I could. I'm sure there were times when I did more than I should in order to please my kids but as a single mom, I didnt have many opportunities to overindulge my sons and took advantage of the moments I could. If my telling this "blip" in my life is viewed as stepparent bashing, I do apologize. BMs do often abuse their mom card. Stepmoms dont get appreciated and one bad apple shouldn't proverbially spoil the bunch. If doing what I feel is right makes me a horrible BM, I can live with that. My children are in their 20s and I'm a grandmother now. They are successful, well rounded, and a value to this world. If my actions in anyway made me overprotective, overreaching, or overreacting, it worked.
I'm sorry if I made anyone feel I'm attacking stepparents or in any way expressing a view that BMs are superior. That was not my intent. However, I will never feel guilty for putting my children's needs first nor for refusing to allow anyone to violate the trust I give them when it comes to my kids. Any stepparent who is condemning a good and welcoming BM because of the actions of the BM in their life is no different than a BM faulting every stepmom because of the ill behaviour of one.
I'm not a victim nor a martyr. I'm just a loving mom who tried to do the right thing and had her trust violated. I dont harbor any ill will or anger ten years later. However, I dont have to allow people who've proven to be toxic in my life to continue to be. That's not mental illness. Its self preservation.
Today, I work in a field in which i work with blended families by helping them be successful parenting teams. I dont have all the answers. No one does. We are all guilty of reacting rather than advocating sometimes. We are human. We are also capable positive change.
There is a big difference in
There is a big difference in letting someone in your circle, and refusing to be in the same vicinity as them. If you missed school events because SM was there supporting her stepchildren, that's on you. That's your problem. Personally, I don't let the actions of others influence my life so heavily.
"Today, I work in a field in
"Today, I work in a field in which i work with blended families by helping them be successful parenting teams. I dont have all the answers. No one does. We are all guilty of reacting rather than advocating sometimes. We are human. We are also capable positive change."
BE that positive change of which you write and let go of the acrimony from your past. You may benefit from therapy to help rid yourself of the anger you cling to from the negative in your past .
No, SM is NOT capable of
No, SM is NOT capable of positive change, that's been made clear.
As a SM, I was and still is
As a SM, I was and still is here to support my DH and his relationship with my SD's not to support their BM's. I didn't want to ever hear from or hang out with her and vice versa. I know you feel like you did her a favor in the beginning "when I didn't have to welcome her" but you didn't have to do that just like your DH doesn't have to befriend your exh. Honestly, she didn't owe you anything beyond cordial. Your real issue is or was or both, with your exh.
Neither do i.
I sincerely hope none of you ever have to know just how much trust is involved when someone you dont know is now in your childs life. In any other context you would be celebrated for not allowing a stranger to care for your child until they've earned your trust. However, make that stranger a stepparent and you are condemned for it.
I do not have any bios, but there are PLENTY of SM's on here who do and their husbands have remarried so their kids have a SM. So they definitely do know what it is like.
To rebring up what is in a court order, it states in majority of them that on the parent's time that the other parent believes the BM or BF will make the appropriate decisions in regards to the health, welfare, and safety of the child/children. Which sums it up it is not up to you on the other parent's time if you trust or do not trust someone, that it is up to the parent who's time it is. If you do not feel that the other parent can make such choices you should go back to court and prove that the other parent endangers your child/children by their choice of who they are around. You are divorced, your opinion, respect, etc. is irrelevant when it is not your time, so 10 years later, I think it is time to accept that.
Sorry I am being harsh, but I am just being realistic.
Plenty here know what it's
Plenty here know what it's like to have an unknown adult become part of their children's lives.
Stepparents are not automatically babysitters and caretakers of stepchildren simply because they married the bio parent. It remains the responsibility of the BIO parent to care for his/her children. Anything a stepparent does is a BONUS and not a requirement.
You should trust your exh,
You should trust your exh, their father, to have made a good choice in choosing a SP for your child. If you don't trust his judgment, you should have never had children with him. Your exh is an equal parent with equal rights to make those type decisions.
Exactly. I trust that my exH
Exactly. I trust that my exH picked a good and decent woman to be my kids stepmother (he did by the way!).
I also know that at the end of the day- HE is responsible for OUR children when they are in his care. Just like I am responsible for OUR children when they are in my care- regardless if my DH or my kids SM is home or not. The parents trust each other to be responsible for our kids.
If it came down to my kids wanting to live with my ex- while it would break my heart and I would go to court, I would not be throwing myself down on the ground and sobbing hysterically. I would follow our court order until told to do otherwise.
Wow, you "allowed" your
Wow, you "allowed" your ex-husband to get remarried and "allowed" his wife to be around "your" children. That's big of you.
Divorce means you no longer get to control who your ex introduces to your children. Many, many women have dealt with having their child have a stepparent.
Final thought
Neither side of a blended family may feel that they have to respect or earn the trust of the other parent. But, how much better off would our kids be if we loved them enough to do it anyway. That's what I tried to do. Maybe, if we did do that, sites like this would be one of praise and not frustration.
Oh boy. You are REALLY on the
Oh boy. You are REALLY on the wrong site for this nonsense.
Trying to "earn BM's trust" would be pretty much the same as offering myself up to a hungry lion. I don't love my SS at all, much less enough to let his narcissistic mother chew me up and spit me out.
You can find lots of sites where people "love" their "bonus kids" and "co-parent and have each other's back". This isn't one of them.
You didn't try to do that at
You didn't try to do that at all. You played nice and smiled in the beginning because you believe you held all the power. Your friendship and "trust" was as fake as my username. One tiny, teeny little glimpse of reality (you don't have all the power. Your children are not your possessions) ya done lost your damn mind and waged a petty war for an entire decade.
You've been a member for 24
You've been a member for 24 hours. Did you take time to read some of the horrors we members have suffered?
And holding hands and singing kumbaya does NOT make these vile situations better.
A fakebook request 10 years later. FB has a nifty feature called BLOCK. You can utilize that quickly and easily instead of jumping on the FB Admin rocket of complaint.
Curious as to why you posted this story on this board?
Curious as to why you posted this story on this board? Did you read around the site before posting? What kind of response did you expect to get? What was the point?
I was gong to suggest the blended forum
The main blog page isnt a good place to post anti-SM stories, whether or not the anti-feelings are justified.
A suggestion: perhaps go to the blended families forum and re-post? IDK.
I can appreciate that you tried to foster a "parenting team". I can also appreciate the feelings of violation that you experienced when your kiddo expressed his desire to not live with you. Im sure that now you have more experience and knowledge you would have known that kiddos cannot "decide" for themselves, because they are not mature enough to make those kids of decisions. They cannot know all the ramifications of all their actions, both on themselves and others, not at 13. Courts can order these things and you would have to have been provably abusive, a prostitute that has multiple arrests with a heroine addiction. The kid would have to be living in a van, for him to be taken away from you. But, as they say, hindsight.
So, I applaud your efforts in being a good mom, bio mom co-parenting team mate.
I kinda have to agree that while I know there are a great many women who are "masterminders" of things, I feel that in this situation your ex-DH was instrumental. He knows hes stuck with you forever because of children, so he has to have a fall-guy scapegoat to blame it all on. I see my DH do this, and it drives me crazy. They all seem to want to look like the good guy.
What leads me to this conclusion is:
1. He was behind in the childsupport. That was all him. Before the ex step mother was in the picture. Do I understand that correctly? So that was on HIM the being hehind. Did he ever catch up?
2. You stated "they were working on him for weeks". So it was BOTH of them.
BUT that is in the it is immaterial! Enjoy your peaceful happy life with your happy well-adjusted kiddos!
Never ending
I came on here thinking it was a safe place to offer advice and receive it. It's really a place to come to when you only want your feelings validated. You dont want to entertain any suggestion that you, as a STEPPARENT might not be automatically respected for no other reason than you are simply an exes choice. Any mention of you actually contributing anything positive to making the situation better is absurd. Even when the BM does make an effort to show you respect you cant see it as anything but a hidden agenda. A BM has every right to be concerned with who is involved in her childs life. You are left with trusting your expartner when it comes to who he exposes your child too. However, it In no way means you get a free pass from earning anyone's respect. Even when you get it you have no appreciation for it. When the situation goes awry, you blame everyone but yourself. No wonder blended families have such a hard time. No one is willing to give an inch or appreciate an inch that is given. Its I'm in charge hear me roar.
Wow. Talk about projection.
Wow. Talk about projection. You are the one who wants your feelings validated and to be seen as 100% right in what you did. You are the one saying "I'm in charge, hear me roar."
We are trying to give you feedback that perhaps you didn't handle that perfectly but you won't hear a word of it.
Oh, please.
Oh, please.
As I step parent, i was automatically DISrepected because the BM had programmed the skids that I married Daddy with the sole purpose of taking him away and denying them their dad.
I was automatically DISrespected because I cooked meals for everyone so DAD could be attentive to his children.
BM expected me to babysit when DAD was working because she wanted to go out and party. And BM turned it into ME being the Bad Guy and claimed I was keeping the skids away from their father, who wasn't even home.
I did a lot of positive things for the skids, including spending my money for things because DH's CS was so high, he couldn't afford a meal at McDonald's.
I have given and given and GIVEN.
And BM managed to poison Every Single Thing. It wasn't until 1.5 years ago that the skids started seeing the truth; their mother is a hateful, vindictive piece of crap who can't stand the fact that her exh moved onward and upward and is finally happy.
The only thing that will make her happy is if the skids hate me, hate and reject DH, and bow down to her toxic, narcissistic evil soul.
You have NO idea. Kumbaya is not universal.
Kumbaya is not universal.
Kumbaya is not universal.
You're 'roaring' in the wind.
I agree with many of the other posters who ask why you chose to come to this site fully knowing that you would not get support from the majority which is comprised of step parents. So there must be another reason.
First of all, your remarks about Step parents being 'worthy' are insulting and offensive. And as Tog suggested it sounds like you are projecting. Some of the statements you made do not make sense. Perhaps you misunderstood that there is no such thing as 'Facebook Police', and misinterpreted what is written about 'legal age'.
In my opinion, ther are a lot of things that just don't seem to add up. It looks like another case of 'stirring the pot.'
Pot stirrers should hafta
Pot stirrers should hafta lick the spoon..
I was clearly wrong and I'm not surprised!
I didnt realize that people would want respect and appreciation without any expectation of earning it from all involved. I most certainly had no delusions of having to earn my stepchildren respect. Once I did earn it, I was able to have a loving relationship with my bonus son. I wanted to show that I have experienced both sides and their are still BMs in this world who do try to make the whole dynamic better for EVERYONE involved. I didnt realize that any suggestion that it takes an effort by everyone would be so ridiculous. These people dont want to hear that there are things that they can do to make It better. How dare you be asked to sacrifice. They want validation, not responsibility. It's easy to find fault until you are in those same shoes. Once you have a clear perspective of both sides, making an effort isn't so hard. It is instant gratification that is absurd. If you are not willing to make consessions for the betterment of everyone involved, you will never work as a team. Someone mentioned earlier that there are 2 sides. Unfortunately everyone on here only cares about having their side validate but then wants to blame everyone else when it doesnt work. sad.
I clearly misunderstood the purpose of this site.
You keep missing the point though
BM and SM are NOT a team. They are not in a relationship, marriage, etc. SM is in a relationship with the father of your child. Even the BF and BM do not have to be a team, especially when one is high conflict, that is when parallel parenting happens. BM handles her time with the child in her home without intrusion from dad and dad handles his time with the child in his home with his wife SM or SO without intrusion from BM. SM and her DH are the team and if BM had remarried, she would be a team with her DH. There is not always a possibility of this idealistic "co parent" relationship and even if there is a possibility of it, doesn't mean BF or SM want it and they are not wrong for not wanting to try and be a "team" with BM. BM and BF are not together for a reason or probably many reasons, so thinking SM is selfish and not for the kid because she doesn't want or need BM's respect, "given privileges," etc. does not make her wrong.
SM doesn't have to make successions for the betterment of BM, SM never chose to be with or involved with BM. So that is just insane.
She doesn't want to get the
She doesn't want to get the point. She wants us to drink her koolaid.
And blatantly refuses to understand that many of us have made YUGE efforts to have a good relationship with the skids and a polite relationship with BM. To no avail.
* hold's Aniki's hand*
* hold's Aniki's hand* Kumbaya, my Lord, Kumbaya ...
Shall we invite our respective BMs to join us?
Darling tog, a 6 YARD pole
Darling tog, a 6 YARD pole wrapped in biohazard protection is not enough to keep BioHo cooties away.
You need to step the eff off
You need to step the eff off because I know of at least 10 posters who have sacrificed more for their "bonus kids" than you could ever imagine during your five seconds of stepmotherhood. Every single one of us entered this with good intentions, making sacrifices and "concessions" for the demanding, psycho hags with which our husbands accidentally/chose to breed. You aren't educating anyone and I don't think many could be fooled that you were the agreeable martyr sacrificed on the altar of coparenting at this point, either.
I wuv you, woman.
I wuv you, woman.
This is a place Where Stepparents Come To Vent.
This is a place many found out of DESPERATION.
You think we didn't TRY???
I started out dreaming this would be lovely. We would be an extended family. We would have fun, share good times, possibly be lucky enough to feel love.
Only to be thwarted at every turn. Be shat upon emotionally, verbally. Some of us physically.
It's a lovely dream. IF it happens.
Kumbaya. Is. NOT. Universal.
Her bio reads grown adult bio
Her bio reads 2 grown CHILLLLDREEEENNNNN" and 4 step kids?
Darn it, I cant believe i wasnt around for this one.
Like it or not
The truth of the matter is, as a BM and SM, I know that the real issue is that you resent the fact that someone from your SOs past is and always will be part of his life and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. When it comes to the children, BM will have some level of influence over BF decisions and he may not make the decision you think he should. That will, in turn, make you feel less respected. Lastly, you may be their fathers choice but in no way does that entitle you to be instaneously respected, trusted, or even acknowledged by his children, and like it or not, their mother. You did not get any of those things from their father simply by gracing him with your presence. You earned it and to expect anything less from the people in his life, especially his children, is just baffling and unrealistic. In the grand scheme of things you are inconsequential in the BM life. Yes, there are BM who are bitter and resentful. They do everything in their power to punish their ex and anyone in his life. However, if you are fortunate enough to have a BM who does make an effort to include you and facilitate a positive and loving relationship between you and her children, you better believe that's a privilege and one you should not take for granted. If you cant, it doesnt surprise me that you're having issues with BM or her children's treatment of you. Neither of them, owe you anything. Perhaps if you did see what a privilege it is to have these wonderful children in your life you wouldnt need a place to vent. Quite frankly, if you want a relationship where you will be the center of a mans world, you should not get involved with a man who has children. I have nothing more to say about it.
I have nothing more to say
You know nothing, Jon Snow.
I’m with you
Instead I drink and I know things
I am sorry you brought your
I am sorry you brought your children up that way. In my world, children are expected to acknowledge and respect all adults ... Trust, yes, is something that you earn but that applies to between adults too. Apparently, your kids are not taught those basics. How on EARTH do they manage at school if you expect their teachers to earn the right to be acknowledged and respected? Must be fun ...
I was brought up to respect ALL adults and bf and I are teaching SD to be that way also. Plus to not respect the other adult who pays for and helps maintain the home that the children are staying in? Absolutely crazy
It take me long for translate
It take me long for translate everyone comment. You have not understanding of hell of what I lived. Not sensitivity nor compassionate. All is YOU SAY.
Where from I come, you start clean ups for hint to people leave. I clean now.
"Lastly, you may be their
"Lastly, you may be their fathers choice but in no way does that entitle you to be instaneously respected, trusted, or even acknowledged by his children, and like it or not, their mother."
If my DH's children cannot even acknowledge me in my own home, then he will be doing his visitation with them elsewhere, All this respect, trust and acknowledgement you talk of is a TWO WAY street,
Because I wrongfully assumed we are adults
I came on here because I KNOW I dont have all the answers and thought I might benefit from the experience of someone who has gone through what I am going through. I am not CONVINCED I know everything. I am NOT always right. I actually want to make it better and if there's something I can do to achieve that, I'm willing to try. I'm not looking for validation. I want solution. I didnt offer this to bash anyone or because I harbor 10 years of anger. I havent thought about this woman in years. She came to me. I offered, one because I want stepmoms to know there are BM who actually appreciate the value you bring to our children, and two, when you all work as a team it can be good. I assumed all of you would care enough about your partners and, especially the innocent children involved enough to hear a different perspective and at least try to make it better. I didnt realize that what most of you really want is validation and misery. You have no interest in making anything better unless the solution involves doing it all your way. I feel very sorry for all of you and especially these children. Venom and vitriol will never ever get you what you want!
I hate that STEPPARENTs get a raw deal. Most of US come into these children's lives with love in our heart. A lot of BM and BF dont make it easy and the kids suffer for it. If everyone would step away from their own wants and solely focus on what's best for the kids, our children would be better off. It's not easy to be a STEPPARENT. You have to make concessions you wouldnt make if children were not in the picture. It takes a lot of love and patience to step into that role and very rarely do you get the accolades you deserve. However, it doesnt mean you are without blame and if you are unwilling to see where you might make changes for all involved, you cannot point the finger elsewhere. Despite the negativity I've encountered here, I still believe stepparents can be very valued members of a childs life and I appreciate all those who try. You choose a hard road and you truly want what's best for the children involved. To you I say thankyou. The rest I will pray for.
I think you want Circle of
I think you want Circle of Moms, it's on that grassy knoll over there.
Bless your heart for coming here and putting all of us in our place, you are the first and only poster to ever do that.
I think the thing here is
I think the thing here is that you won't own that you were wrong. That the manipulation that your exh and his wife pulled was the same thing you did when you feel on the ground sobbing and then punished the SM. Of course the SM was worried about you getting bitter and coming back at them for more CS. SOOOOO many BM's pull that crap. They see their ex happy and then go psycho!
It is ok to make a mistake. It is ok to grow from that mistake. However, you want to see yourself as the ONLY good parent for your bios and now your steps. Now, I am not saying that your step's mother isn't a POS- there is a big chance she is, but you are not this innocent angel that you are trying to portray.
I have a great relationship with my kids SM and exH- do I think that if they thought they could stop paying CS and talk my kids into living with them they would? OF COURSE!!!! Has my husband tried to talk my SS into coming to live with us?? OF COURSE!! He loves his son and would love to be closer to him and see him more than 6 weeks a year. There was once a weakness and SS didn't like BM's BF, he said he would run away if they moved in together- DH was on that like white on rice trying to tell him that he could always live with us. ANY NON CUSTODIAL PARENT would and will try this at some point.