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BM in the house

Chmmy's picture

It's a beautiful day.  I want to go outside.  Ive been waitng for the little skids to leave so I don't even have to look at them. They were supposed to leave last night and I was sooooo looking forward to it  Im hiding in my room and now BM is in my house.  I'm certainly not going down there now.  Just leave so I can go outside and sit in the sun.  FML.  She comes inside to pick up the kids which is fine but DH isn't here and she is downstairs picking up SS13 and SS11 and talking to SD21.


Chmmy's picture

Even if she waited out front, I wouldn't be able to go outside due to not wanting to see her face as well as eveyone else in this house.  I'm waiting for one more skid to go to work and then I have the house to myself  Doesn't happen very often since covid took the kids out of school and the kids stopped going to bms for a while.  The little skids still go but the older skids do not

Kes's picture

Oh noooooo!  I'd have had to go around with my smudge stick and exorcise the place!  NPD BM got her horrible big feet inside my house maybe twice in 18 yrs, and that was when I wasn't looking. 

Thumper's picture

You are well within your rights to  tell her IF she comes inside you will call the police.

This is one of those things that you do NOT need dh to do, it's your home. YOU tell her.

Unless it's ok with you of course.


Chmmy's picture

SD is 21. She was chatting with Sd before she took the little skids. Im ok with her coming in the house to grab the kids. She is polite enough. She stayed too long as I was waiting for her to leave so I could sit outside. Just mostly crabby bcuz she didn't pick them up last night

Cover1W's picture

Why in the world does she come INTO your house? You should not be hiding. No way would I be ok with this. Your SO is ok with her entering your space and home like it belongs to her?

Chmmy's picture

She rings the bell and the kids let her in which is normally ok when she drops off she sends the kids in to say Mom wants to talk to you. Usually means $$

Katelyn89's picture

It would be a cold day in hell that BM walk her fat ass through our doors. When BM comes to pick up skids she was told to park at the end of the drive way and the kids can walk to and from car. Although she is not welcome into our home, if I am outside and she pulls in, a couresty wave never hurts either. It's more like a "look what you could have had if you were such a mental case" kinda wave and smile. Kill em with kindness I always say. 

Sandybeaches's picture

Am I missing something here?  Visitation with a 21 year that needs their mother to pick them up? Doesn't she drive and why can't she take other 2 kids back and forth?  

BM should never been in your house or hanging around out front where you think you can not go outside.  You need a sit down with DH and tell him this madness needs to stop.  BM is to never be in your house and the kids need to be ready when she gets there go outside and get in the car and be gone in 5 mins.  I don't get that at all but I really am at a loss for 21 year old visitation.  

Chmmy's picture

BM was picking up the 13 year old and 11 year old and saying hi to the 21 year old.  Normally I would say hi to BM but that particular day I didn't want to see anyone, I was in a mood and waiting impatiently for the little skids to leave and SDs 21 and 17 to go to work and have the house to myself.  BM stepping in to say hello to her oldest daughter isn't what bothered me but the existence of anyone in my house that day. lol

--figureditout--'s picture

I think it's kind of refreshing to hear about a polite BM, even if she does come inside.

SD24's mother is afraid of me. She threatened me while I was sitting outside the Judge's chambers. Guess she thought I would cry or something. Nope. I announced that I didn't appreciate being threatened in a courthouse in a voice just loud enough for the deputies inside to hear. She got shoved into a wall by one of them and I got hustled into another office and asked what was said. They asked if I was scared, and I said, "What's she going to do? Eat me? Sit on me?" DH and I got escorted down the stairs and out the side door, all the way to the car. She got her a$$ handed to her by the Judge.

When SD graduated from high school, it was me that contacted her stepdad and told him that if he and his wife wanted to do anything for her, since it had been 13 years of nothing, they should come for her ceremony. I did this only after talking with SD and DH. SD was already 18 at this time when BM tried to pull the 'I need to see where my widdle baby sweeps' card. That was immediately shut down.

Now, if SS28's mother showed up, I'd knock her a$$ out and break her hip. She is an old cow of a different drug addled color.