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BM called cops on us again!!!

Mommajay's picture

I'm just complaining so if you don't care leave now. My SS12 mom has been dating a registered sex offender pedophile for a year. We just found out a week or so ago. We have sole custody bc she lost it due to drugs, etc. The child sees her every other weekend for overnight. This boyfriend was always there. My husband is livid. Anyway.,.. she texts to talk to her son. My husband told her he would call tmro.   He wanted to speak with his child first. Then the next night, my husband and I are in the middle of an hour conversation with my SS. Getting him to open up about feelings about what mom has done to him. He refuses to say anything to her about how he feels. We encourage him to say "mom I was upset bc I found out about your boyfriend". Or "mom I was upset bc you called the cops on dad for asking about a Mother's Day visit" or "mom I was upset bc my whole life changed after what you did". His therapist encouraged him a year ago to start this stem with her. He refuses. He doesn't want to upset her in any way. We explained that this isn't healthy for him but we won't force him. Well in the middle of this conversation, the cops ring my bell at 10 at night while my two young ones are sleeping. She called 911 to say she believes her sons life is in danger!!!!!   The cops knew it was ridiculous but still they came into my home and asked us questions. So I lost my shit on the kid and my husband. I told the child you need to call your mom right now and tell her to stop calling the cops on your dad. She thinks his life is in danger with us?! All three of her kids were born on drugs! She drove drunk with them! She had a pedophile hanging with her kids. He just cries when he has to address anything real with her. So he called and whispered "the cops were here" and she was like "I wanted to talk to you buddy!" And then they carried on a normal conversation like nothing is wrong. This kid is so loyal to her. He doesn't give a shit that his mom is harassing the two people who actually care for him. It's outrageous. I told my husband, if he wants to kiss her ass after the way she treats us, he can live with her. We aren't asking him to yell at her; just address it! Ask her a question. The child has no problem giving my husband an attitude. Or asking my husband questions. Or getting mad at him. But mom is a fucking saint. 


Starryeyed's picture

Your dh should be addressing this with B&M or have your lawyer file harasssment charges. It is not a child’s responsibility to call BM out. He is a child and that’s still his mom even if she is apiece of shit. 

tog redux's picture

Yes, I agree - don't put this on him. I guarantee that BM is filling his head with nonsense about how DH stole him away from her and how he's abusive and scary, and Mommy loves him the best of all and will do everything she can to get him away from that scary monster - DH.  But deep down, SS fears that if he stands up to her, he will lose her for good. He may in fact know she's the problem, but asking him to stand up for DH to her is too much to ask.

Next time - tell the police to inform BM that SS is fine and will call her the next day, as stated. This is just another way for BM to alienate SS.

This is a high conflict BM, and SS isn't either the problem or the solution.

Monkeysee's picture

I agree with everyone else, your DH needs to be the one addressing this with his ex. His mum being a POS isn’t your SS’s fault, and no matter what she’s still his mum. He’ll talk with her when he’s ready, but as far as addressing the cops being called, expecting your SS to address it with his mother is inappropriate & completely unfair. The kid is only 12 years old, and, again, it’s not his fault that she’s a POS. If you want to blame anyone for that, you should blame your DH for knocking her up in the first place.

still learning's picture

The adults, meaning DH and BM need to deal with this issue not ss12. He is a child and should not be put in the middle of this high drama. You two are coaching him about how to talk to his mother and telling him "you need to call your mom right now and tell her to stop calling the cops on your dad." Nope, dad should have called. No family court would condone this kind of behavior towards a child and making him the go between. Also DH was withholding communication with ss from BM. If ss and BM talk on the phone every night then that is in the court order or is the status quo and needs to continue or your DH is the one in violation. 

Yes BM did some terrible things in the past, hence DH has custody. Technically, all that custody means is that DH gets to make the legal decisions for ss. It also gives DH the responsibility to facilitate a positive relationship between ss and his mother. If DH cannot or is unwilling to do this then custody can be reversed.  Custody is not some power trip that allows one parent to remove the other parent from the childs life. Even 'unfit' parents have some rights to visitation and commucation with their children.  

The boyfriend issue;  "We encourage him to say "mom I was upset bc I found out about your boyfriend".  I highly doubt the kid had any idea of the boyfriends past until you two brought it up to him.  Again, this is an issue for the adults to deal with not for SS to confront his mother about.  If DH is truly worried about this guy then he needs to address the issue through the police and courts. 

OP, I would encourage you to stay completely out of this. DH needs to parent his own son and he needs to deal with his ex. She may be all those things you said but the fact is that you DH chose to make a child with her so it's his responsibilty to deal with her.  

Mommajay's picture

Like I said, he obviously tries to address this with her. She won't pick up or respond to his texts at all. For two years now. The child found out the details about the boyfriend from his friend sending him the article about the guys arrest. And yes, he was horrified that we knew and didn't tell him directly. Instead we had just asked him if he was alone with him or felt u comfortable about the guy. And no mom doesn't have court order to speak with her child every day. Just Monday's and Thursday's. That was not her day. In fact the first time she asked to speak with him, the child didn't want to talk to her yet. And he was told that. We had him in therapy and then we did family therapy. The therapist was very concerned that he couldn't share one feeling with mom. A year was spent working on stem sentences and conversation starters for him to use. We didn't force him but when we say how devasted he was about the sex offender, we once again encouraged him to use his skills to speak with her. The copa asked him to call mom at that moment as a courtesy to say he is safe. He would not say anything when she picked up. We said as he was in the phone with her, " please tell her you're okay and no need for cops". He ignores that too and spoke about video games. Sorry but if he can't say I'm okay mom. Or it upsets me that the cops are here, he is severely damaged and needs therapy again. He lost his shit when we suggested another therapist and said he won't get in the car. 

Mommajay's picture

Omg obviously my husband has tried to address everything with her. And it is going through our lawyer. Courts are closed. He knows about the boyfriend bc we had to ask him if he was ever alone with the guy or touched Innappropriately. A friend of his sent him the article about the guys arrest.  He read it for himself. We had to address it. Bm will not speak to my husband at all or answer any texts. The Therapist was teaching him how to address his feelings with mom. We were encouraging him to do this as he's very upset after reading about the guy and how his friends know about it. The order says that she gets to speak with him on phone mondays and Thursday. That day was not her day to speak with him. The cops asked us as a courtesy to ask the child to call mom. The cops was right there when we did. We didn't demand he call him. The cop asked him along with us to say to the mom that he was okay and safe. He refused to say that to her. Instead he talked about video games. We told the child we are going to find him a new therapist and he lost his shit on us today and said it's not necessary. It clearly is. He has created a fantasy world. The cops said every time she calls they have to come. They will document that he is safe every time and we can possibly pursue a harrassment case against her. In the meantime there is no problem for this kid to say mom I'm fine and safe here. No need for cops. You have to hear the way he complains to his father about the littlest things. But not a word to his mother. 

Mommajay's picture

Pushing prodding pressure... his therapist told us to strongly encourage him to share one feeling with mom. Two years ago. We don't push. But after this huge event that has embarrassed him with his friends and such, we thought it was time to strongly encourage him as suggested by a professional. I literally told him that we can't force him to. I left out the cop request bc if I wrote every detail this would be a mile long. The cop asked him to call he tell her he's safe. The child didn't respond to the cop. The cops asked again. No response. Then me and his father said you need to call your mom and I added to tell her no need for cops. This child should know nothing. But instead bc of bm there's drama galore that is in everyone face. The child wants to be with mom. He doesn't like our rules. That's why he can go as soon as possible. 

Survivingstephell's picture

If this guy is a registered sex offender then why  can't you call the cops on him when SS is over there?  Give them all a taste of a cop visit. If SS comes at you expressing his feelings shut him down.  There are logical consequences for acting the way he does.   If BM is HC, she might lose her mind on the cops. I say , play a little tougher,  give her some rope and see if she hangs herself. What more can you lose?  

Mommajay's picture

She can't have him around any more. There's another baby daddy who found out and he got it in writing. Also our SS hasn't been up to his moms since March bc of quarantine. We expect him to go there soon enough. The cops actually suggested we call for a welfare check next time the kid goes there. To check to see if this guy is there and to see if she has alcohol in home which she isn't supposed to have but we highly diubr it bc she is obviously drunk when speaking to him on FaceTime. But yes. Good idea. 

tog redux's picture

This is a parental alienation situation, even though he sees BM infrequently. My SS was the same way, he couldn't stand up to BM at all, even though he complained about her to us.

When he was 15, he stopped coming over to our home at all and stopped speaking to DH. DH didn't fight it because we'd already spent ungodly amounts of money in court and it was harmful to SS to keep dragging him into court where he lied for BM.

Your SS will probably do something similar without you suggesting it, when he hits 14 or 15.

SS came back into our lives at 18.5 but he's a hot mess and the damage is done.

Thumper's picture

Unfortunately it is not uncommon for kids to refuse to 'dime out' a awful parent. WE (you, me and others) know it, we see how unstable they are and yet, the kid remains silent


People who call cps or the police with lies are trailer trash...jmo.

I cant say I don't blame you for being very p-od. It happens. Dont be hard on yourself. ok?

 I also say, maybe you should call a welfare check to make 100percent sure the perp is not at bm's house next 'visit'.

Like you , I would not want my bio's around this mess either.

(((HUGS)))))) I am so sorry. What your going thru it is very very stressful.




Mommajay's picture

Thank you for getting it. We don't even want him to hate her or disrespect her. We just want him to advocate for himself and share how he feels. And yes it would be nice if he told her not to call the cops on us all on his own. My husband plans on calling for welfare check at her next visit but I'm scared she is going to retaliate. 

tog redux's picture

I'm confused though, honestly - how can you guys call the police for a welfare check and then be angry that she does it in return? I know that you feel your reason is justified (and it may be), but she won't see it that way, at all. She will see it as DH harassing her, and so yes - she will retaliate.

If you truly believe the BF is over there, then don't let SS go over there.

Mommajay's picture

I'm against it. But the cop told my husband to do it. And the child has to go there bc it's court ordered visitation. The cop said to call so they can make sure she is following the new order to keep sex offender away. I'm not sure what he is going to do yet. 

Thumper's picture

You are welcome,,,I do get it.

IF your concerned about retaliation, discuss that with police too.

The concern that remains IS, is about the perp.  Which by the way has been there before. SHE creates the problem not you. Women like this usually twist everything around (mental health problem)--and project it back to YOUS cause this problem, its not meeeeeeeeeee,,it's THEMMMMM, I am worried about MYYYYYY son at his DADS house so I call the police on THEMMMM..

Keep kid focused, kid concern, perp concerned, revolving door of low life dudes in her house.


Survivingstephell's picture

If you are worried about retaliation, bone up on your trespassing laws, what it takes to get a protection order and any other legal answers you might need. The better armed you are going into this the better. In the ART of War you need to know your opponent's weaknesses and how to keep yourself protected. Years ago there was a man on here (Draco) who did a series on the book and how it applies to step life. If you step back, take a hard look at BM's behaviors and you will find/see her patterns. Use those against her.  I had a nightmare BM to deal once upon a time. Once she learned I was not to be F'd with she changed her behaviors.  Stand up for yourself and your bios.  No matter what DH thinks.  My DH was scared then relieved someone finally gave BM her 2x4 upside the head. She didn't like the cops showing up at her house and the neighbors saw.  IDGAF. 

Mommajay's picture

Did you really hit her? Lol 

I haven't spoken to her in over ten years. I chose to not involve myself to keep sane. I have thought about writing her a stern note and maybe even writing her a letter mom to mom and take the kindness angle. But I feel those will just backfire. My gut is saying to stay out of it. We did file a restraining order but it was dropped. They instead moved the meet location to a police station. Not sure what her weakness is bc she has no shame and didn't care when the kids were taken from her. She cares about money but has never had to pay a lawyer bc she gets them for free. 

Survivingstephell's picture

No did not hit her. *mosking*

You are the breadwinner. That means you hold all the cards. You are a mom. In most states you hold the most cards. I get you have loved this man and have quite the love story but he is not upholding his half of the marriage with you.  Go back and revisit why you didn't work out all those times before. Are those behavior still happening?  Can DH step up ?  He made a child with a very bad choice.  She probably resents the hell out of you.  You got two choice the way I see it. Stand up for yourself and use legal means to protect you and bios or lay the law down with DH and force him to step and be a husband and father.   I know your frustration in a lot of ways. I had to do both.   I also read in your blogs your a teacher. Could this mess jeopardize your career?  Don't hand your future over to this crazy woman. 

Mommajay's picture

I hear you. It's a difficult decision to leave your kids father. I'm sure you know. My husband has been great and has been responsive to my needs through this even though some of it has been a struggle. It was a big change for all of us. But he can't control her. He has tried the restraining order. It got thrown out. He has come along way in taking over full responsibility of this kid. I do think about divorce. I weigh the pros and cons. I still have more in the con list for now. Things are great until boom they are bad. Did you leave your children's father?

Mommajay's picture

Update for anyone still reading this: my stepson just came to talk to me. He has said more to me tonight than he has ever said in the past two years we've had him. He said he's sorry for his moms actions. Of course I told him that he doesn't need to apologize for mom and it's not his fault. I told him that if it's truly uncomfortable to tell her you get upset when she calls the cops on dad for no reason, then he doesn't have to say anything. But he said that he wants to tell her that his dad is doing a good job and no need to worry. I told him he doesn't have to but it would be nice if he shared one feeling with her. He said it really upset him that his friends know about the sex offender. He's embarrassed. He said he thinks he will start by saying that. This was the most he has voiced in forever. I still despise living like this but after speaking with him I feel more compassion towards him instead of hatred. Even if he doesn't say shit to her, it was monumental that he even said that much.