New, need urgent advice
I'm new here, but have been combing the forums for advice for a while. It's a long one, but please help.
I'm 30 this year, my partner D, is going to be 47. He has a son who just turned 11. Been together for 3 years, known his son 2.5. We have been through a lot in that short time, including a miscarriage around that start of year 2. We've been living together for 1.5 years. The house is tiny and there's not much space, but we got somewhere with a room for his son. I even decorated it with Star wars stuff for him as me and SS are both fans.
SS has always been a problem. He is an odd child. I have a feeling he may be on the spectrum, as well as D. Not sure. He has very strange behaviours that can be irksome. This would be okay, if it weren't for the extra crap. Self centered, entitled, stuck in the know it all faze, clingy, rude, selfish, never listens, refuses to learn from mistakes or dicipline, and ontop of this... he scares me. Sometimes he will stand there and stare at me, the look in his eyes is creepy. He seems to totally lack empathy, but tries to fake it... poorly.
BM didn't take kindly to discovering me. She punched D and screamed at him in front of SS saying some rather un-child friendly things. D left her because she was abusive verbally, and had become physically abusive, she changed after SS was born, and didn't want anything to do with D romantically or sexually.
Without knowing 100% we believe she has told SS some horrible things about me too. SS comes out with awful things about me regularly, and just before x-mas he stole an octopus D's mom crocheted for me, and when D went to get it back found a horrible drawing of me made by SS.
I have "ruined his life" and he doesn't want me to join in on any activities, his reasons always different and as stupid as "she wears makeup". He refuses to stay here, so his room has become a storage room. He has been violent towards D, throws toddler style tantrums, walks off if he doesn't get his own way then accuses D of putting me first. Anything I suggest is challenged, down to simple activities, like what TV show to watch. Whenever I say something factual, I am told that I am wrong.
Over time this has become increasingly difficult to deal with. D has tried dicipline, of all styles, nothing works, he's had numerous converstaions with SS about me, but SS refuses to budge on his behaviour towards me. D and me are great together, we've really helped eachother heal, as I have mental health problems (due to trauma as a child/teenager, and an abusive relationship that almost killed me). I also have physicall illnesses, and struggle with daily life. When it's just us, things are wonderful. Recently D has been acting differently towards me around SS, and this just adds to my stress. For example he had a go at me when I said I didn't like the 13th Doctor Who infront of SS, because SS loves him. It's like... I'm not allowed an opinion that may upset SS.
So coronavirus. This is why I have finally shown my face here. I live in the UK. Today it was annoucned that schools would be closing until further notice next week. D has been working from home for 2days, and I don't have a job. BM however may still be working, so SS will have to come here during her work hours. At the moment, we have SS on wed' from 5:30-7pm, D has him at his mothers house (who is over 70 and will have to be careful now) on Thursdays until 8pm, and then Saturdays, times dependent on SS's whim. (Which I really don't agree with, and have asked for set times, but get told NO, by BM). I already dread these visits. It's only a few hours a week, but with SS's behaviour it has driven me to wanting to leave, or go hide. As I said, the house is small. All I have is my bedroom, where I've had to stash my PS4 as SS would mess with it. If he's going to be here more with this coronavirus, I'm terrified I will lose my shit.
I don't want him here, I'm horrified by the idea. I know for sure, 100% that SS will not get on with work his school sends, will beg D to play video games with him. Will demand attention non-stop, and get in the way of Ds work. He is clingy as hell, and if I even open my mouth to say something to D, all you get is "DAD! DAD! DAD!".
I am so worried. I actually WANT the UK to go on lockdown, so we can't have him here.
I know people often say to women like me "leave him" or "disengage" or call us monsters, I can't stand this child and I am convinced if me and D break up, SS will be the sole cause.
I don't care about these opinions. I want real advice, and reassurance. I am not letting a child ruin the first great relationship I have had since my abuser. Me and D are head over heels for eachother, and even with our 17 year age gap we are a perfect fit. Nobody will ruin that happiness for me, nor him. D deserves it too. He's a fantastic person, a great partner, and tries so hard to be a good dad.
How do I stop myself going crazy? How do I get through this, when my source of relief (popping down to T K Maxx) isn't an option? How do I keep my relationship happy and healthy through this time?
Can you go stay with MIL?
Can you go stay with your MIL? Use your underlying medical issues as an excuse, you and MIL can quarantine together as nether of you should be around a child who could be carrying the virus. That way DH can deal with SS and you won't have to worry about it.
This is an excellent idea
I would take the advice of talking to your DH frankly about how you feel, go stay at MILs, and have him address SS about how he's behaving toward you. It may come out more if you're not around and DH can work out what the &$%^ is going on with him/BM.
Wish I could
I would actually love to spend more time with MIL. She crochets and makes textile art and I'd love her to teach me more stuff. Unfotunately, one of my MH issues has left me with crippling abandonment issues, and I cannot stay more than one night away from D. It triggers rage and violence in me. Its something I've been in therapy for, but not totally there with it yet.
I'm a little annoyed to hear that MIL is picking up SS from school tomorrow as usual. BM should be doing it really, but then BM hates MIL with a passion.
Thanks for your reply x
Those deathly eyes that glare
Those deathly eyes that glare at you, dark and empty I bet. Crazy BM. Sounds like a recipe to crazy town. Enforce your boundaries when he's there and make his father deal with him. Do not allow any guilt, "you don't like my son " " what can I do I have to work " and any other "reasons " you have to parent him work. If you weren't there what would he do for child care? Make him do that. Make him figure it out with BM. Not your place to fill in for them. You will get thrown Under the bus for this stance but if your perfect man refuses to protect you and stand up for you, is he really that perfect?
yeah totally
Dead, empty eyes, that just stare, and he has massive buck teeth sit on his lower lip, and it becomes very uncomfortable very quickly. I have no idea what he's thinking, or feeling, and I'm usually pretty good at reading kids (BIG family, lots of cousins and nieces and nephews). He usually does it if I'm left alone with him while D goes to the toilet or kitchen. That is on the ocassions SS doesn't try follow him to the bloody bathroom. Or when I'm at breaking point and tell him off for something (Like this evening, he was told by his dad that he was too busy cooking dinner, as SS won't eat anything I make, to sit and watch telly with him, so I very calmly reitterated this to SS)
D is great, and he tries very hard to keep us both happy, not always possible unfortunately. I am willing to make compromises, SS isn't. But as I've said in a different reply, I'm worried D is getting fed up of the conflict. I don't know. I wanted advice before saying anything, as I am so anxious about this whole thing.
Thanks x
Google "eyes of a sociopath "
Google "eyes of a sociopath ". Formal diagnosis can be had until 18 but there are plenty of stories about children acting like this, creepy auras , making adults around them feel uncomfortable. On these forums too.
I am obsessed with serial
I am obsessed with serial killer stuff, and as a result have wondered this about SS. Awful I know, but I wouldn't be surprised with a mom like BM.
I hope he's not. I really do. For his own sake, D's sake and my own.
We had a conversation last night, D said he spoke to SS about having to behave and not distract him while he works. He said SS needs to get on with me during this time, like it or not. SS's response? "Why should I? I don't want her there. Can't she go stay with her family?"
D was not happy. We've tried to figure out boundaries and action plans, but until we see what SS is like, it's gonna be hard to figure this out.
He's admitted that he is dreading it. He doesn't want conflict, and is worried about how it will affect us.
I guess he's got the same worries as me.
Thanks for the advice everyone.
When BM hit your SO, did he
When BM hit your SO, did he press charges?
If not, why not?
He didn't want to cause
He didn't want to cause unecessary drama with BM, or risk losing access to SS.
I would have pressed charges, she did it in front of SS.
This was nearly 3 years ago now. He was still afraid of her back then.
Social distancing would
Social distancing would dictate that the CP maintain care and control of the SKid. Rather than transitioning the Skid between multiple homes and potentially spreading any bugs that are present in any of those homes and that the Skid may have.
Oh yeah, I am totally aware
Oh yeah, I am totally aware of that, but BM has now made plans that he will be with her partner until 11am, and then D has to pick SS up and we have him until 2:30. EVERY GODDAMN DAY.
It's not right. He shouldn't be back and forth like this. BM works at a college as an assistant. Colleges are closing... so why exactly is she still working?
After today, I'm not going out because of the virus, but SS could bring it into the house.
Who GAF what plans BM has
Who GAF what plans BM has made? Your SO needs to grow some balls and man up. He does not have to pick the kid up at all.... ever based on BM's plans.
Time for this ball-less wonder to call BM and tell her until the whole virus thing has passed that she is responsible for the kid. Period.
I know what it's like to feel
I know what it's like to feel that you finally met the right man. It feels safe, wonderful, and life fulfilling. You think you can "handle" skids because you've accomplished much in your education and career, own your own home, pay your bills, have friends, etc. However, speaking from experience, the SS problems only get worse, especially in the teenage years. My DH and I can no longer talk and are headed for divorce after 14 years together. I've lost who I am, all happiness, and willingness to move forward, or even live most days. The problems fester because there is no real solution. Unfortunately, while it feels good to talk to DH about these issues, eventually he will want you to "accept" and "stop b*tching." That's when the gaslighting will start and you'll question your every thought, feeling and behavior.
I truly hope this isn't your path, but it is for many. You can only live in your room so long before the resentment builds to an ever-present level. You'll keep searching for solutions while trying to "make" DH understand. In my case, and hopefully not yours, he never did.
There is no solution is there
There is no solution is there?
I'm dreading the teenage years.
I was with someone for a while who had a kid the same age as SS, and never had a problem. He was the problem unfortunately. Thought it would be okay, done it before, no issues. I was wrong.
I've done nothing but try, even my family has tried to welcome SS with open arms, but he just complains about everything. He threw a hissy fit because my 7 year old nephew went into town with us in D's car. It's like he's looking for things to get annoyed about.
I find the behaviour very bizarre.
Sorry you're having to divorce. I hope you're alright x
The nuclear option is always
The nuclear option is always a solution. End this codependent hell of a relationship and there is no Skid or BM to deal with.
You do need to leave the
You do need to leave the parenting to your DH. This child is not your responsibility. Enjoy quality time with your DH when ss is not there.
in the meantime in order to deal with stress I have found yoga and some guided mediation to be extremely helpful. As well as journaling. I have some great apps that I use and am happy to recommend to you.
hugs to you my friend.
I'm really not interested in
I'm really not interested in parenting SS.
It's not my responsibility, and D can't expect me to take care of a child who has no respect for me.
Thanks for the recommendations, I was considering yoga. My friend is a yoga instructor. Obviously with the virus, can't go to a class or anything, but I will give her a ring and ask for some advice.
I have my video games and artwork, which are great for helping stress too.
I can handle stress, I just can't handle disrespect.