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Court went great!!

justmakingthebest's picture

She was found guilty. Told that if SS doesn't get on the plane next weekend she would spend 30 DAYS IN JAIL!!!

Omg, you guys. This was the best hearing!!!

SS was told that he had 0 choice in visiting his father until he was 18. That if he refused it would be his fault that his mother went to jail, so make it easy on her and get on the plane.

I still am in shock.


tog redux's picture

OMG! YAY!  I can't decide if I hope he visits, or if I hope he doesn't visit and she gets thrown in jail.

I'm glad this went so well for you. 

advice.only2's picture

That's awesome, but are they really going to force him to travel with the whole pandemic state of emergency stuff going on?

Felicity0224's picture

This is the best news! Seriously, under so much stress worrying about this virus' effect on our business, but reading this just made my whole day!  

susanm's picture

That is so incredibly awesome.  Congratulations!!!!  And here is a cheery thought.  The LAST place in the world anyone would want to be going right now is a jail.  They are petri dishes at the best of times and the public health issue of Covid is a serious concern now.  So the specter of doing 30 days is worse than ever.  Really happy for you!

Thumper's picture

Congratulations. Its a win for all the Families with bm's just like yours.

ENJOY the joy of todays ruling.!!

(would love to be a fly on the wall at bm's) Wink

lieutenant_dad's picture

Okay, stop teasing us! What did she say/do in response? Did the judge just tell her to STFU? DETAILS! 

* noms on popcorn*

justmakingthebest's picture

She didn't talk at all. 

SS got on the stand and said that he was scared of DH. Our lawyer asked him some questions and showed pictures a d SS then said, yeah, he does have fun with his dad and enjoys his time with us.

The GAL then asked a couple of questions and then went on record saying that he believes that BM is the reason that SS never got on the plane. The judge agreed.

It was awesome!!! I was shaking the whole time and almost cried when the ruling happened!

lieutenant_dad's picture

Did SS hug DH or anything? I'm curious how his brain is right now seeing that BM lost. 

justmakingthebest's picture

Yes! He hugged us both and said he was looking forward to seeing us next week!!

It seemed like he was relieved- he said the BS his mom wanted him to say, it didn't work, now its over!

tog redux's picture

Wow, SS said he does enjoy his time with you?? That's awesome.

I tell you, he's just like my SS. Loves his dad, but too weak to stand up to BM.  Don't be surprised if he gets to your house and doesn't want to go back to BM's.  Also, make him put his phone away or she will text him the entire time.  He will be so happy to be back, my SS always was when BM kept him away.

Stepping Along's picture

I only joined a few months back, but I have read back through your previous blogs and was following along. I am here in Aus, so a few hours ahead of you but knew your case was being heard on Friday - patiently hoping for a positive update and then this came!!

So happy for you and your DH and SS!!!!!!!

ndc's picture

I hope your spring break visit works out and SS fits right back into the groove at your house.  Fingers crossed.

Oh, and I also hope BM gets hit with a big bill to pay to your DH for all the cancelled flights and other expenses.  Hell, I hope she gets hit with court fees.  What else is under consideration?  More visitation?  Anything about the ridiculous health stuff?

thinkthrice's picture

also rule CS will be stopped during her 4 years of alienation retroactively.

maybe this will put a scare into all these PASing HCGUBMs.  You should go national with this story.   Get the word out!

Aunt Agatha's picture

So thrilled to hear the good news!  Here's hoping for a great visit with SS now that BM has had the smack down!

Willow2010's picture

I am so glad for all of you!!  Hope they make her pay with Interest!  Keep us posted.  

bananaseedo's picture

Been so waiting for this wonderful update.  Great news!  I hope she gets hit hard on the wallet...but given COVID I imagine they'll 'cut her a break' of course.