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Spolied brat? Mentally ill child? Product of bad divorce Child? Devil Child? HELP new SM

frustratedSM96's picture

I'm beyond frustrated with my SS. He's going into 6th grade but acts like a 6 year old. The kids sees a psychologist AND a psychiatrist for years. SS has been diagnosed with ADHD, Oppositional defiant disorder, and a few other "mood disorders" that change monthly and take medications for these issues.  Both SD and SM go to these appointments.   Both BD and BM use these diagnoses to baby SS and make excuses for his behavior and let him get away with murder. To begin with he is super disrespectful. Will cry,yell,swear and hit you if he does not get his way like a 4 year old having a temper tantrum.  If you ask him to do something like go take a shower and he does not want to he will just ignore you and not do it. We have two dogs that he is always bothering. Screaming in their face, jumping on their backs, taking away their bones. We tell him to stop and he won't and says hes "just playing". When the dogs jump on him to get their bones he gets pissed and kicks them. Its just a matter of time before he gets bit. Stealing from us. If we have something he wants it will disappear and end up over to BM's house. Thankfully he can only steal stuff small enough to fit in his pocket and money is never left out. He's a HUGE liar. Now he knows BD hates BM and vs versa. SS will come over and have huge stories of how BM dragged him out of bed at 6am down the stairs for no good reason. We know this is not true as BM treats him like a king. SS could make a comment about how awful BM's new hair cut is to us and if BD says something like "its not what I would have picked out" SS will run back and tell BM he called her ugly. So it sounds like SS is playing both of them. Things are always getting broke in the house as he NEVER walks. He's constantly running yelling through the house, jumping on the furniture in and out of the house tracking in mud as he goes.

I've been with my husband 5 years and living with him one. I've seen him discipline him once 4 years ago. With all the above behavior my husband just ignores or tells SS don't do it again which he always does. There is never any punishment not even a timeout. Now I don't know much about this mental conditions SS has but one would think there still would need to be some kind of rules and limits to what SS can do? Its a VERY nasty post divorce situation as BM told BD if he divorced her she would make his life hell. That was 8 years ago and she's been true to her word. SS is very aware how much his parents hate each other so this maybe half his problem too. Either way any advice? Anyone?

SteppedOut's picture

Sounds like dad isn't willing to change... and it also sounds like ss behavior has gotten worse instead of better. My guess is, until the parents change the way they parent, ss will continue getting worse. 

The only thing you can do is change the way you feel about the above behavior and be ok living in that environment. Personally, I can not live in chaos.

You didn't want to move in because of ss, but your husband made it a requirement to continue the relationship. At that time you decided living with ss behavior was "worth" continuing the relationship. You will have to decide if it is still worth it. 

Areyou's picture

Disengage. Protect your finances because eventually it will be used for SSs court trials,  jail bailouts, and there is the risk of SS stealing fr you. You have little say or influence in this type of situation. You can only protect yourself.

notasm3's picture

Not all psych problems can be fixed no matter how diligent the parents are or how many psychiatrists and psychologists are involved.

I know two intact families where the parents are practically saints where one of each family's three children just was "born wrong".  Hundreds of thousands of dollars (literally) were spent on rehab, psych stays, etc.  The child of one of the families ended up dead and the child from the other family ended up in prison.  Just "wrong-uns".   All the other children from the famiies turned out to be productive decent human beings.

It's sort of like with cancer - not everything can be cured.

Runawayfiance's picture

I suggest you take your energy and build yourself rather than focus on him. 

caitlinj's picture

He sounds mentally ill, OD disorder, and probably sociopathic but does it matter? He won't change. Get out of there fast and don't look back. He's abusing you and your poor pet. There are plenty of men and women who do not have kids that act like this. He will only get worse as he gets older.

frustratedSM96's picture

Its very frustrating to say the least. Its a daily struggle to get him to do just the basic things without a meltdown. I have NO CLUE how the kid functions in school. He has no true friends as he has the social mentality of a 8 yr old so has a hard time relating to kids his own age plus he's so self centered and nasty. 

nappisan's picture

Hi , im in a similar situation with my SS12 who just went into year 7 high school.  Im sure he is undiognosed conduct disorder.  he is very sneaky and sly ,, lies ALL the time about even the smallest things , steals anything and everything ,has completely no respect for women and will call them sl*ts and B*tches if he doesnt like them, vandelises my belongings always with sharp objects like knives , screwdrivers etc, he cant hold any friendship because he is nasty and lies to classmates, he was suspended for fighting in the first week of high school and the list goes on but same as you ... DH does nothing ,,, he will have 'talks' with his demon child , only for the kid to continue to be malicious and vindictive.  I had to start the disengagment process 2 weeks ago and it has helped my stress levels but still doesnt change the fact that this kid comes in and out of MY house every other week and now I am the one who has to hide away or leave and go do something else,,, which doesnt sit easy with me ,,, I love my house and want to be able to retreat to it whenever i want.  From my current experience , dont hide away in your own home from the beginning,, i wish i had made dear daddy take his kid out for the entire day and parent them! sure as hell im not going to and his BM certainly doesnt do shit except dump the kid off when she wants to go out drinking.  Ive been with DH for 7yrs+ now and saw all the red flags in the beginning with the kid , DH and BM but blindly continued on for love thinking we could be a team and parent together but now i look back at everything and realise i was the one parenting his kid throughout the earlier years.     and now i see he never actually engaged with my son17 over the years at all, i did all the parenting and disicpline for my own ,, its probally why they have a good relationship and my son has respect and is extremely humble when it comes to his step father. Good luck with the demon boy, hold your ground and if your gut is telling you its not right , its not !    

frustratedSM96's picture

SS is now 12 going on 13 and worse than ever! Having step kid  "diagnosed" with some mental disorder does not make things better but worse at least in my situation. The kid has been in "therapy" since he was 5 and all its done is allowed Bio hag to make shity excuses for the brats behavior. He has a "mood disorder" and ADHD so he can't help it. Total crap! YEARS of Therapy has been worthless. He still has crying tempter tantrums like a 4 year old when he does not get his way or has to do something he does not want to. Its embarrassing and disgusting to watch. He still needs "daddy" to do everything with him. Be it putting him to bed to sitting with him when he does his HW. This kid can't even walk in the kitchen to find a snack for himself. Daddy dearest has to walk with SS12 into the kitchen and "help" pick out something for SS to eat. Now SS has NO problem doing this on his own when daddy is not home BUT as soon as Daddy walks in the door SS's mentality drops down to a 6 yr old.

Anonyn49's picture

Soon he will be bigger than you and possibly your spouse. If he is hitting and acting out now, wait until he is a teenager with the hormones to match.

I would get this in front of a counselor for yourself and your husband pronto. If he won't go, go by yourself to help you learn to deal with this, potentially by living elsewhere. ODD is no joke.

frustratedSM96's picture

its been TOTALLY worthless. All its done is "allowed" Bio hag to make bullshit excuses for the brat since now hes been diagnosed with a mental disorder. Don't have a clue why these so called professionals have not done anything but make things worse. Both DH and I have been to a therapist many times and everytime the therapist sides with me but DH has such strong daddy guilt he just can't stand up to SS or Bio hag.