Full-time step mother getting ready to run
Time has really flown by & for the last 9 years and 6 years of marriage to DH I’ve been going back & forward on if I should leave or stay?
Ive posted a couple of times throughout the years on here but I’m not wondering if my husband is using SD against me as a form of punishment? He has kept SD fulltime since she was a toddler. About a year ago after Doug a DNA test we learned that SD is not his biological daughter. I thought that maybe getting the results of the test would either A help me to like her more because I thought maybe she was my husbands bio child or B send her back to her Mothers but nothing has happened. My husband hasn’t confronted the Mother and we haven’t spoken to her in over a year after our last attempt at a restraining order after she threatened me on social media and posted several lies.
SD is 15 and is the spitting image of her Mother. She talks looks and lies exactly like her crazy Moma. Over the weekend my job threw a going away party for a beloved coworker who is leaving. I had no say so in my husband bringing SD. I’m embarrassed by her but he drags her out to every single function we have. I feel smothered by her. I just had spent 8 hours with her that day because I wanted him to relax at the house by himself and get some rest. No one else from work brought any kids to this event...most didn’t even bring a spouse. SD is every bit of the mini wife and likes to make me think she is sleeping with my husband. How could I have a relationship with someone like that? SD is almost 16 but is very clingy and not independent like a normally bubbly teen girl would be.
Her cell phone has been taken several times. Several times she has been caught sexting men. Posting explicit pictures of herself dancing like a stripper sticking her tongue in a sexual way. She also posted on Instagram that she was a month pregnant. The last time I confronted my husband about this because he would never monitor her social media she said it was just a joke. She would also text her Mother and her sister who herself doesn’t have a father in her life at all negativity about myself and my husband. Her mother also referred to me as a whore. My husband never married BM and for the longest time have scratched my head as to why he’d sleep with such a nasty looking crazy woman....but since her daughter is the same way I kind of get it. They stepdaughter and BM are slutty and hang onto every word my husband says like a groupie.
some people have said I only have a couple more years of tolerating this misery but SD is not the typical teen who wants to get out and lead a productive life. She only wants to be a servant & cling to my husband.
My husband and I get along perfectly when SD is not around which isn’t often because she lives with us all the time. Her mother is deadbeat and doesn’t pay child support. She only makes negatively influences the girl. She doesn’t go out with friends she is at my house all the time. She even makes jokes like she’ll run the electricity bill up or she’ll live in our backyard.
Min the past I’ve tried pointing out her behaviors in hopes that my husband would correct them and we could live as a family in a peaceful hone. But he would get defensive and start and arguement but say he wasn’t being defensive. At night he makes us sit at the same table for dinner yet she and I don’t speak. Last night I stayed in our room and it was just the two of them and they talked for a longtime.
My husband never initiates intimacy with me but says he wants kids. He has built a nursery at our home & bought a baby stroller. But even when I purchased a mosey baby kit when the male goes in the cup & the women inserts it during ovulation he didn’t want to do that. Have the time when I’d initiate intimacy there would be an excuse by him being tired ...sick...cramps in his belly. This sometimes makes me feel less of a woman and I think if I left him he’d be okay with just her (SD) . My late mother in law before she died said she knew I felt like I made a mistake and that my husband was making a monster out of SD and that she felt sorry for me because I wouldn’t have much in life if anything st all but she asked me not to leave my husband.
i thought I was doing everything right by saving myself until marriage for my husband and waiting to have children until marriage. I’m now almost 39 and my clock is ticking. There are so many things that SD and her mother has done to me over the years . My husband has dismissed everything SD has done under the rug from over feeding my dog so that he pooped in the house stabbing holes in my furniture. He says you have to give people second chances. I’m afraid that if she mills me in my sleep he’d probably just chalk it up to her having a bad day. I’m just now starting to realize also how much better off we’d be financially with husbands baggage. He & I both work hard but have a lot of bills right now. If I were to leave I’m not sure what I’d do right now because of finances. Also we’ve always been that couple that was so happy. I just hate that the reality is that I’m miserable and feel like happiness is passing me by. Thank you for reading this. ♥️
There is so much in this post
There is so much in this post but one thing stands out. I have to ask. How does she make you think she is sleeping with your husband? Do you think that is a possibility? Does she know he isn't her bio dad? This may be tmi but i was once in a relationship where the man could not or would not be intimate. I started to wonder who or what he actually was attracted to. In the end, it didn't matter. I just knew it wasn't me.
Aside from that, it sounds like he isn't giving you what you need in the relationship in many ways. If you want a family of your own, it sounds like it's not going to be with this guy.
Like above,I would also be
Like above,I would also be asking myself the question: is there physical attraction between those two? I mean if you have any level of experience in these things you can tell.
I mean it's basically just some teen in your house that no one is related to. That acts like a mini wife. Red flag after red flag after red flag and also my SO isn't great in some areas but at least knows who their lover is.
You know what I would do? Get a hidden camera and set it up. They sell hidden cameras that are in clocks chargers all kinds of things. Set it up in an area you know they hang out a lot. And if you ever do catch them on film having sex, report his ass to the police and get his ass arrested for being a pedophile. Would serve him right for doing you like that anyway, if that's what it is.
The LAST thing you need is to
The LAST thing you need is to bring another child into this situation. You will be stuck with him (and SD) for the rest of your days that way.
Move out. Move on.
Who is the nursery for???
I am really concerned that its not for you..... As said by many above, there are alot of red flags here. I know you want a child, but i dont think this man or this situation is the right one for you to bring one into it.
SD being 15 or 18 i dont think its going to matter to you DH.... this isnt ending in 3 years by the sound of it.
i know its been 9 years of your life but cut your losses before its 19 years or 29 years.
Im sorry. xx
We haven’t told SD at all that she isn’t my husbands bio daughter and we’ve known the truth for a year now. He says he doesn’t want to ruin her life and will wait until she is 18. Both she & her Mother lie about everything so you never really know when & if the truth is told.
I feel like she wants me to believe they’re sleeping around because they act like a couple in the couch. She’ll whisper to him what cha doing? Her entire world evolves around him...she laughs at his jokes that most times are not funny at all. He isn’t a peeve like that but it seems like she has some type of spell over him.
Cameras: As far as the cameras thing yes a friend girl of mine suggested I set up some camera so I will do that. She told me she thinks that it’s the solid proof I need to get out because during the holidays he got very verbally abusive & dropped a few f bombs to me.
Wow guys thank you all for your time and response. I really wish there was a stepparent club here where I live. I’ve found that if people haven’t walked
in our shoes as stepparents they don’t know what it’s like and the weird thing is that I did grow up with a stepdad and everything worked out. Both he & my BIO Dad got along so well when my Dad would pick me up during visits...I’d come in the living room & they’d both be watching football.
I sometimes wish I’d visit a psychic so they could read to me what’s going to happen here. I know that life is short & wish that this wasn’t my reality.
Thanks y’all
Sorry you are going through that
it sounds like you have a mini-wife and your "H" is feeding into it big-time. He gets all the adulation from her, and you are just the side-chick - bill paying sidechick, if you arent being intimate.
I definitely think that you need some cameras in there. Sd is "claiming" YOUR H as hers. It sounds like that is going both ways.
I would get the "H" out of there. I know it will be hard at first, but dont let your life slip away from you. You mentioned that he was verbally abusive. And that he is "prefectly fine". There is better out there than "perfectly fine".
Get out of there and find that Better. You will feel such a rush of release from all that anxiety and disfunction.
Oh - and there is a name for what you are experiencing -
Emotional Incest
You'er 39 look at all the red
You're 39 look at all the red flags, look at all the f@ckery that has been going on around you, in your home and get the h@ll out of this unhealthy marriage. Your H doesn't want anymore children and he doesn't care nor respect you as his wife. Don't spend anymore precious years on him and SD and live the life you so rightfully deserve.
Get some therapy and ask yourself why you have tolerated such poor treatment? You deserve better!
For all that his holy and
For all that his holy and more importantly, for all that is intelligent DO NOT SPAWN WITH THIS POS! You see every day how shallow and polluted his gene pools. Do not curse your own children to a lifetime of being doomed as your SD has been doomed.
Time to go. Saving yourself for marriage is great. My XW chose abstinance during our dating and engagement. Neither of us were virgins but she chose to do a reset before we married. I honored those wishes. Like you have experienced with your DH, my XW had issues with intimacy. In her case that issue was within the bounds of the marriage. Intimacy was not an issue for her with every swinging Johnson she could service in the broader community.
Taking a marital do over when a spouse is a toxic POS and not a viable equity life partner for you is no failure. At least not on your part.
Take care of you.