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Rebellious kids's picture

I've been with my Girlfriend for almost 3 years now. She comes from a very abusive exmarriage with 2 kids, 16-18. They don't have a father figure, he told them when they were younger that they weren't wanted. Therefore, Mom (my GF) never disciplines them and doesn't make either one do anything. The 18 year old has epilepsy (which I think uses as a crutch and I know its easy for me to say), but is perfectly able to do things in life, at least clean up after himself. All he does all day and everyday is smoke pot and play video games. His mom doesn't want to do nothing but nurture and enable him (which I understand to a point.)He doesn't clean up after himself, sings rap songs about suicide and starts getting really upset and uptight when I ask him to do the smallest thing. He doesn't have any respect for himself or his mom. I've spent my last dollar on him on several occasions but he doesn't appreciate anything I have ever done or his mom has ever done for him. I moved in with her over a year ago and although we have done some bad things (drugs), we have turned our lives around and started going to church, trying to lead by example. It seems the more we try, the harder it gets. It doesn't help that when things go wrong the kids run to Grandma and Grandpas house and get what they want, when they want. It doesn't help when I feel like when I am the only one that wanted to make things better. I'm at my wits end and I don't know what else to do. I can't continue to go on the way I'm going because it's interfering with our happiness. I love her with all my heart but am I selfish to think things will get better or am I just dreaming. She loves with all she knows and has a huge heart but I'm at a loss. I don't know what to do anymore. 

ESMOD's picture

OMG.. your GF has FAILED her children.  In what upside down universe does a parent decide to not be a parent when the other parent has rejected the children?  

The epilepsy?  my YSD22 has been dealing with that herself since she was 12.. it has no major impact on her life as her seizures are controlled by medicine... the last episode was a couple years ago when she got slack on taking her meds after her DR (incorrectly) told her that she probably was out of the woods on having them.  But otherwise no issues and few limitations other than she can't do things like join the military.  Can he drive? is his under control to that extent?  if so.. he needs to have  push's picture

She hasn't failed by any means. She gets undermined by her parents. Anytime she tries to discipline the kids, they run next door to grandmas. Or Grandma will send her a text asking why she done this, or why she done that. That in itself is a major problem. I'm currently looking for work, trying to find a place of my own. I think moving away from here would solve alot of issues but I can't make it happen soon enough. 

tog redux's picture

She's the parent - why is she allowing her mother to undermine her? And she doesn't parent because their father abandoned them?

Honestly - lots of people come on here blaming the stepkids and slowly begin to realize it's their partner who is to blame - your wife is not adequately parenting her kids, and is making excuses for why she can't/won't. 

Harry's picture

GM does not control yoit home, or should not control your home.  Your DW is rolling over. To her mother and her kids. 

But think about this. Your Daw is happy playing this game.  You are not happy.  She puts her kids first. That makes you ??  Second, third, fifty 

Rags's picture

You are doing the work to turn your life around.  If your GF won't purge her toxic gonad ghouls then stop sacrificing your own life for all of them. Including your GF.