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We should go on trip

grace8205's picture

That's the text that skid25 sent to DH. 

Skid25 - We should go on a trip.

DH - where to?

Skid25 - London

DH - That would be cool, but very expensive.

Skid25 - Or instead we can go to Nashville, Los Angeles, New York 

Skid25- not all of those but one of those. 

At that  point DH changed the subject. They just start to speak again after Skid25 called DH the worse things ever and disowned as a father. Even gave DH "throwing money at him" over the years. Now Skid25 is trying to get a vacation out of DH. Well it's not happening. 

if Skid25 wants to go to London or anywhere he should save his money and go.

Sorry skid can't bail you out, can't pay for your vacations because no one wants to upset you by throwing money at you lol. 


Exjuliemccoy's picture

OSD used to do stuff like this. Despite being an an adult, she always had her hand out, and even coached the gskids and step-gskids to do the same. Not that she ever reciprocated because, you know, narcissist.

She's the one who asked if she could use our home to host a birthday party for her turning-eight year old. "A little pool party for a few of her little friends" is how she put it...then sent out invites for SEVENTY-FOUR ADULTS...when her H was unemployed (Dog forbid she work). She didn't tell me until a few days before the party, and to my shame, we picked up the tab.The same SD who urged me to throw a big bash when DH had a milestone birthday. She wanted either a Carribean cruise for the whole family (read: her blended family of eight), or at least a Casino night with catered dining at a rented hall. All on our dime, of course. I had a much smaller party at home, and she didn't show, call, or even send a card. Because she's trash.

thinkthrice's picture

Skiddult25: we should go on a trip!
fixed it!

justmakingthebest's picture

This is where I would say- Yes! We should. Let me get some rough numbers together. Do you want to take a friend?

SS: Oh, yes, that would be awesome!

Me: OK, so flights to London are running about $1,000. Plus hotel, food, transportation, sight seeing activities, additional expenses... Your portion should come in around $4,000. Let me know when you get that saved up and we will look at booking it! 

Wait 5 minutes- Me: Actually, I think that DH and I should just plan it for this summer. I think London in the summer sounds beautiful. So, you need your part by end of next month if you want to come with us. Flights only get more expensive the longer you wait, after all! 


thinkthrice's picture

but I wouldn't even give him the chance as we all know he'd end up sponging off of DH regardless.

grace8205's picture

A few years back we went to Nashville. DH had a conference there all paid by the company he works for, I just had to pay for my flight. DH mentioned we should bring skid who was an adult at the time. I got the numbers together and told him it would be $4k just for flights and for the extra hotel room we were booked into this included a flight for my kid. He didn't like that too much but I told him if we are taking skid then my kid should come to. I also asked what would skid do all day while he was in the conference? Because he is not hanging out with me, since he isn't even nice to me and I wasn't buying all his lunches and admission to different sights. 

DH never brought it up again and we went just the 2 of us. 

Over the years DH has made up his mind not to go away with skid since he is ungrateful and moody, he realizes that it would not work out. Also I don't agree with our money being spent on an adult that should buy his own vacation. 


Booboobear's picture

Darn it!  I though we were going on a trip:(      Back in the 90's on an old stepparenting site, We all traveled/met in edmonton.  It was amazing to meet everyone after being on that site for years!!!   spokane would be a good place to meet. 

Winterglow's picture

Skid25 - We should go on a trip.

DH - Great idea! Where are you taking us?