I should get an award for my performances
Bf has a 7 year old that he is sharing custody with and I am very resentful to have to help or engage.
I used to be like a babysitter since he worked at nights i was an instant mother to her which i was never asked it was expected. I fed ger bathed her ebtertained her got her ready for school....even ironed her school unforns
The mother is a bitch and makes it very hard for him since I came along and I have also tried reaching out to her like an adult and she refused.. So then she stop letting her sleep over since the little girl really liked being around new I guess .. The little girl never wanted to leave.
So I have disebgaged when she comes over I stay in my room or go outside and scroll my phone looking at absolutely nothing...
Basically I want my own child I already have a 16 and a 19 year old but had them very young and now I'm older I want to do it again with more knowledge and patience. He is a good father and I want to experience that for once since I had shitty fathers both times..
But I will beverage get pregnant cause we do not have sex and when we do he does not ejaculate. I used to break myself down like something was wrong with me but he has the problem. I'm no where being fat or ugly I do not walk around like a monster .
His explanation is he is older or his leg or he is tired..he is 44.. Anyway I know this isn't a sex forum..so back to the point.
I don't want to take care of this woman's child. He gave her one and she is only 7 but we are talking about getting a dog. Yaaaayy me. This ugly fat bitch gets the kid that I have to pretend to want to be apart of.
She has a mother and a father so let them entertain her. I keep seeing her as the mothers child. I have sit back and watch her downy his calls don't answer the door when he gives to pick her up and I can't do or say anything. Its no guarantee I will be here for the long run but they will
She is the princess and I'm just the help well not anymore.. I hide.. I'm hiding right now since she will be here ALL DAY today..he took the day off to spend with her. What a lucky woman she has a father to do this with her child..
So yes I'm jealous and knowing my motherly needs will never be filulfilledsince of our lack of sex and his lack in performance I resent having or watch this parenting unit and the little girl as being a representation of what I will never have.
She was out of town for Christmas so they are opening gifts.. I was not going to sit there while she did it. When I go inside I have to pretend like I care when she shows me or if show does not say anything just to look good in front of him I will have to say omg what did you get ...either way I have to engage since I have to pass them on the way to my room.
You should exit the
You should exit the relationship is what you should do. No awards, no acting trophies, just exit and find someone that can perform and give you what you want.
I agree . but I probably won't anytime soon. We have been together 3 years but you are right. I feel horrible... Also if I can add he has no bond with my children just hi and bye coming in and leaving..no other conversations.. so why should I throw myself into the little girl when she is clearly happy with the amount of attention and interaction I already give her. The things I would like to do with her I'm prevented. Simply combing her hair ....which needs to be done..which i used to do..then he would lie abd said he paid someone to avoid anything..but now she knows about me and the little girl apparently speaks highly of me she does not want ne to be invooves with anything..so naturally me being at one time her caregiver to being banned I guess made these feelings surfaced...I had a whole routine with her. Simple things like her mom didn't gave her bubbles son I would buy bubble baths all the time.. We did the Lebron clap with powder ..and yhen the mother all of a sudden says to the father she isnt allowed to use powder anymore i guess she tried it with her mom and said i do it so that was banned....so i just backed all the way up and said thats her child gis child and ill be in my roon... Idk I'm just bitter.and jealous..with me being pushed away and then no possibility of me getting pregnant again..since he refuses to acknowledge his issue....He is a good man and I do not want to loose him. Its not that I don't like the little girl its just I can't get over that she is a representation of what him and her have together So its like I have to suck it up or like you said just leave...
Forgive my typos
Screen is cracked*boredom*
The man has a 25yr old and a
The man has a 25yr old and a 7yr old. I'm not surprised he doesn't want more.
If you are so unhappy with both the little girl and her father , time to move on.
This isn't the right
This isn't the right relationship for you. Get out before you're even more resentful.
He has sex with you but does not ejaculate?? There is something really something wrong with your DH. I can't fathom how he does that. Really time to think about running. And finding someone normal. If he does not want kids he should of told you in the beginning, instead of playing bate and switch.
There no excuse for that. He knew from the beginning he was done with having kids, But screw up your life because it's was easy for him. He a loser
Yes and he's all for another kid but his situation just is not cooperating I mean of didn't ignore it or brush it off when I sensitivity try to address it ..it would be different.. He would see a baby now and then and point it out to new ...like seriously??
I told him in the beginning I wanted more and now look.. Whomp whomp ..instead I have to be a sp to his little one... Not fair..but what do I do give up my motherly instinct for my children or leave him and start dating again... I'm already 34 ..my clock is about up anyway so I guess it is what it is.....sigh
This relationship sounds
This relationship sounds completely wrong for you, and you seem unhappy and resentful.
Your wants are reasonable, but you aren't going to get them with this guy. I hope you let him go so you can find someone who is a better fit.
Not ejaculating is not
Not ejaculating is not uncommon in middle aged men. Usually it has a heart health or nerve health cause. But, that is not the root cause of your issues with this man.
I concur with those who advise that you move on. And do not wait. Not happening soon is exactly the wrong schedule for your departure from this relationship.
IMHO of course.
I'm thinking it would be a very bad idea to have a child with this guy. Your own bio kids are getting older and you might be a grandparent anyway. You'll be an awesome gma. Yes, get a dog, cat, or two of each. But really think carefully about having a baby.
You are right
Grandkids; maybe take this thought on board
So sooner or later you're gonna have grandkids, I have 2 and it's wonderful ! You get to small the nice stuff and hand them over !!! Switch this over a minute, yes I get you feel resentful of what the girl represents BUT when you get grandkids your dynamic changes you've got an extended family that you suddenly become the head of and its exhausting sometimes helping out and the worries so, may be give yourself the time between now and when the grandkids come along to have ME time let him parent his child and be nice etc but don't be responsible, instead take the time to.work.on you and your happiness, trust.me when his kid hits 13 you won't be jealous of anything you'll be glad you can walk away grinning while she is a s*** hahaha take care of yourself and if he has a problem down there he needs the doctor