A long overdue ASS update
Hi everyone -
trying to think where I last left off - ASS survived his internship and living in the city, but not before getting his car broken into a couple of times AND harrassed by the local criminals...
He headed back to CentralStateUniversity for his senior year. A few weeks in, he texted DH to tell him that Major Automotive Company had made him an offer for a job post-graduation. With a hefty $83,000 a year salary.
Bets on ASS's answer? He told DH that he wasn't sure he wanted to "work for corporate America." DH told him that he would be, well, an ASS, to turn down that kind of money for his very first job out of college. ASS told DH that he would "think about it."
He did take the job. Which makes me very happy. He will make more than enough to support himself, there is ZERO chance that he will move back in with us, and I won't have to listen to DH "worry" about whether or not ASS is okay
Tough love works, ladies and gents
- WalkOnBy's blog
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Wow what an A$$ for even
Wow what an A$$ for even considering turning that down!
That is Awesome!
So long ASS
Luck you. Hopefully, that will be me in a few years.
I LOVE reading some good news
That is Awesome!!!! Congratulation to him and to you two. I'm hopeful my SS28 will make it like this
Hopefully he won't
be an ASS on the job and get his ASS fired.
Smart Ass---for taking the
Smart Ass---for taking the job.
Congrats to you wob.
That's wonderful news! Thank
That's wonderful news! Thank goodness Ass is well and truly launched.
Can you update us on KarateKid, BabyVoice, and the Things? What's up with Medusa these days? Has she finally paid all her back cs? Isn't being a grandma the best?
Inquiring minds want to know!
So, KarateKid is a sophomore
So, KarateKid is a sophomore in college and he is doing great! BabyVoice is a senior in high school looking at going to school near MedusaTown. This concerns DH a little bit, but I am not concerned about it. Speaking of Medusa, she is now over 7K in arrears. Aside from the time last year she reached out to ASS, she has remained in her hole
The Things are great - Thing2 is still in Japan, he will graduate in the spring, and he wants to stay there and work, so we shall see. Thing1 is still loving life in Chicago, he's met a new girl, and he changed jobs - same gig, different consulting firm.
Speaking of being a grandma, DD28 is due with another girl on Christmas Day! Yep, we are getting a baby for Christmas!!
How are things with you, Exjulie???
Peaceful, calm, and good. I
Peaceful, calm, and good. I went NC with skids and in-laws, and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. My DH is responsible for his relationships with his people, meaning we never see them. It was hard to be cut off from the gskids, but narc OSD was coaching them to hit us up for stuff so it's probably for the best.
Are you still in contact with Tuff Noogies?
Yes, I am....she is still
Yes, I am....she is still having issues with Kaos, who is now with them full time. She is doing as best she can
Fifty Bucks Ol' Medussa
hasn't paid a DIME.
she is over 7K in arrears.
she is over 7K in arrears. We got notice last month that the state was placing her in "enforcement status" and we got kinda excited there for a minute. She made a $400 payment and that apparently took her out of "enforcement status."
And, so it goes!!
wow if she were
an NCP dad she'd be in the hoosegow.
I can't believe we got through all the BS and turmoil of the skids moving in full time. Glad to see an update from you.
SSstb20 is still getting his $20 allowance every week. I told DSO that in a year, he can start buying his beer besides his cigarettes.
SS26 is still with the 46yo Sugar Momma and working for a few months at a time.
SD18 didn't go to the local Jr College for dental asst but works full time and puts her insurance money in the joint acct like clockwork. DSO bought her a good used Subaru. I test drove it (I've driven only subarus for 30 years) and fully supported him buying it and made sure he could pay the payment. I told DSO that she has time to still go to a college. My DD quit for a few years and I did too. At least she is heading in the right direction for a productive life.
Amazing the 1 skids that stuck out living with us is the only one to work and understands how shit works in this world.
We just bought a new Harley that we can now start traveling and enjoying life again. We may marry at retirement age for insurance purposes but whats the rush at our ages anyway.
Right? Remember when all
Right? Remember when all this bullshit started for both of us? I swear, I didn't think we would make it, but we did!!!
One year from now, my house will consist of DH and me and that's it! I can't wait.
Glad to hear an update from you :-)